Iceworks best practices eslint plugin.
Iceworks best practices eslint plugin.
Install esLint, @iceworks/eslint-plugin-best-practices
$ npm install --save-dev eslint @iceworks/eslint-plugin-best-practices
Recommend use @iceworks/spec
Then configure the rules you want to use under the rules section.
// .eslintrc.js
const { getESLintConfig } = require('@iceworks/spec');
// getESLintConfig(rule: 'rax'|'rax-ts'|'react'|'react-ts', customConfig?);
module.exports = getESLintConfig('rax', {
// custom config it will merge into main config
rules: {
'@iceworks/best-practices/rule-name': 'off',
Supported Rules
It is not recommended to use ice-scripts, the new version is ice.js.deps-no-resolutions
It is not recommended to use resolutions to lock the version.deps-no-router-library
It is not recommended to directly rely on routing libraries, such as react-router-dom, react-router.no-broad-semantic-versioning
Recommended the semantic versioning include everything greater than a particular version in the same major range.no-http-url
Recommended the http url switch to HTTPS.no-js-in-ts-project
It is not recommended to use js and ts files at the same time.no-lowercase-component-name
It is not recommended to name components in lower case.recommend-add-line-height-unit
Recommended to add unit for line-height which is more than 5.recommend-functional-component
It is not recommended to use class component.recommend-polyfill
Recommend API which not supported in iOS 9 to add polyfill file.recommend-update-rax
Rax version < 1.0 , recommend to update Rax.