The Swiss-Army knife for object manipulation
Àgbawo [ The Old One ]
Àgbawo is a Yorùbá name that means an Old-timer, a veteran at best. It is used to compliment or praise a person who has had long service or experience in a particular field. Àgbawo was written to pay respects to a JavaScript Icon, Douglas Crockford, who first specified and popularized the JSON format.
The Swiss-Army knife for working with JS Objects
- Cyclic-enabled
- Really Fast
- Heavily Tested
- Browser-compatible
- No Dependencies
- No Eval
npm i @ibnlanre/agbawo
// Browser
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@ibnlanre/agbawo@latest/Agbawo.min.js"></script>
// ES6 Import
import Agbawo from "@ibnlanre/agbawo"; //-> default | object
import { stringify, parse, clone } from "@ibnlanre/agbawo";
// NodeJS Require
const { clone } = require("@ibnlanre/agbawo");
const inspect = require("@ibnlanre/agbawo").inspect;
// Walkthrough
clone(object) //-> clone almost any JS type
memoize(func) //-> returns last result for similar arguments
hydrate(string) //-> converts a read-once string to an object
flatten(object) //-> flattens an array or object recursively
unflatten(object) //-> unflattens a flattened object
merge(object) //-> combines two or more objects
//-> JSON
stringify(object) //-> with cyclic object/symbol support
parse(stringify, replacer) //-> for use with stringify
forEach(object, callbackFn, thisArg) //-> similar to the Array.forEach
map(object, callbackFn, thisArg) //-> similar to Array.map
reduce(object, callbackFn, initialValue) //-> similar to Array.reduce
filter(object, callbackFn, deep?) //-> similar to Array.filter
reset(object, insert, exclude) //-> clears up object properties
del(object, paths) //-> delete listed nodes in an object
update(object, path, callbackFn, thisArg) //-> update a node functionally
has(object, path) //-> checks if an object has a specific key
get(object, path) //-> returns the value of an object key
set(object, path, value) //-> creates or set an object's values
walk(object, callbackFn, depth) //-> walks through each node of an object
moonWalk(object, callbackFn, depth) //-> walks in the opposite direction
inspect(object) //-> depth-indented tree for console logging
print(object, indent) //-> similar to NodeJS util.inspect
paths(object) //-> returns all the node paths in an object
spread(object, symbol?, depth?) //-> get object with all relative paths
sortKeys(object) //-> sort object based on the key values
wrap(object) //-> wrap an object with select methods for chaining
//-> UTIL: exposes other methods for use during manipulation
util.typeOf(value, what?) //-> returns the js type in lowercase
util.isObject(value) //-> checks in the value is actually a plain object
JSON Methods
const obj = { foo: { bar: null } };
obj.foo.bar = obj.foo;
const str = stringify(obj);
//-> {"legend":[["foo"]],"main":{"foo":{"bar":"~0"}}}
parse(str); //-> { foo: { bar: [Circular] } }
clone(undefined); //-> undefined
clone(true); //-> true
clone(0); //-> 0
clone("foo"); //-> 'foo'
clone(BigInt(10)); //-> 10n
clone(Symbol("foo")); //-> Symbol(foo)
clone(null); //-> null
Reference Types
Cyclic Objects
const obj = { foo: { bar: null } };
obj.foo.bar = obj.foo;
clone(obj); //=> { foo: { bar: [Circular] } }
let myFirstPromise = new Promise((resolve) =>
setTimeout(() => resolve("Success!"), 250)
).then((message) => console.log("Yay! " + message));
Promise { <pending> }
Yay! Success!
Function Statements
function unique(arr) {
if (!Array.isArray(arr)) {
throw new TypeError("array-unique expects an array.");
return arr.length;
unique.prototype.greet = () => "hello";
clone(unique)([1, 2, 3]); //-> 3
clone(unique).prototype.greet(); //-> hello
Function Expressions
let test = function () {
return 0;
clone(test); //-> [Function: test]
clone(test).toString(); //-> function(){ return 0 }
clone(test) === test; //-> false
Constructor Functions
var Person = function (name) {
this.name = name;
this.canTalk = true;
Person.prototype.greet = function () {
if (this.canTalk) {
console.log("Hi, I am " + this.name);
console.log("greet" in clone(Person).prototype); // true
console.log("greet" in Person); // false
Asynchronous Functions
clone(async (a, b) => a + b); //-> async (a, b) => a + b
Function Constructors
clone(new Function("a", "b", "return 'hello'"));
function anonymous(a,b
) {
return 'hello'
Generator Functions
clone(function* (b, c) {
yield 0;
}); //-> [GeneratorFunction]
Arrow functions
clone(() => {}).toString(); //-> () => { }
let sequence = [1, 1, [2, 5], 3, 5];
clone(sequence); //-> [1, 1, [2, 5], 3, 5]
Typed Arrays
clone(new Int8Array(2)); //-> Int8Array [ 0, 0 ]
clone(new Uint8Array(2)); //-> Uint8Array [ 0, 0 ]
clone(new Uint8ClampedArray(new ArrayBuffer(6), 1, 4));
//-> Uint8ClampedArray [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
clone(new Int16Array(2)); //-> Int16Array [ 0, 0 ]
clone(new Uint16Array(2)); //-> Uint16Array [ 0, 0 ]
clone(new Int32Array(2)); //-> Int32Array [ 0, 0 ]
clone(new Uint32Array(2)); //-> Uint32Array [ 0, 0 ]
clone(new Float32Array(2).BYTES_PER_ELEMENT); //-> 4
clone(new Float64Array(2).BYTES_PER_ELEMENT); //-> 8
clone(new BigInt64Array([21n, 31n])); //-> BigInt64Array [ 21n, 31n ]
var iterable = (function* () {
yield* [1n, 2n, 3n];
var biguint64 = new BigUint64Array(iterable);
clone(biguint64); //-> BigUint64Array[1n, 2n, 3n]
clone(new ArrayBuffer(8));
ArrayBuffer {
[Uint8Contents]: <00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>,
byteLength: 8
clone(Buffer.from("hello", "utf16le"));
//-> <Buffer 68 00 65 00 6c 00 6c 00 6f 00>
clone(new Date("1986-05-21T00:00:00.000Z"));
//-> 1986-05-21T00:00:00.000Z
const a = Symbol("a");
class Foobar {
constructor(_a) {
this[a] = { [_a]: null };
const foobar = new Foobar("aaa");
foobar[a]["aaa"] = foobar[a];
foobar; //-> Foobar { [Symbol(a)]: { aaa: [Circular] } }
stringify(a); //-> {"legend":[],"main":"_sm_Symbol(a)"}
parse(stringify(foobar)); //-> { [Symbol(a)]: { aaa: [Circular] } }
console.log(clone(a) === a); //-> true