## A React Component that enables you to view the details of an NFT served by the Alchemy APIs.
A React Component that enables you to view the details of an NFT served by the Alchemy APIs.
npm :
npm install @iblcomponents/nft-details
From the client application you should:
1 . Create the configurations and inputData objects needed by the component. See the code snippet below for an example.
2 . Wrap these in a componentProps object and send it as props to the NftDetails component.
3 . The detail fields (those set "true" in configurations) of the NFT should be rendered on the component.
// NftDetails Component : Displays the details of an NFT by accessing its metadata via the Alchemy APIs.
import { getAPI } from "@iblcomponents/nft-details";
const YourComponent = () =>
const NftDetails = getAPI("NftDetails").getComponent();
const configurations = {
"title": true,
"image": true,
"description": true,
"currentOwner": true,
"creator": true,
"contract": true,
"tokenId": true,
"tokenStandard": true,
"blockchain": true
const inputData = {
"contractAddress": "a contract address",
"owner": "wallet address of the NFT's current owner",
"tokenId": "the token of the NFT",
"tokenUri": "the token URI",
"transaction": "the address of the transaction"
const componentProps = {
saveOutputCallback: () => {}, // just an empty function, it is not used by the component
configurations : configurations,
inputData : inputData,
componentDataFromInit: {} // just an empty object, it is not used by the component
return <NftDetails { ...componentProps }/>
export default YourComponent