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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Creating entity repositories




Entity Repo

The library allows you to abstract the data source at the expense of repositories and use context as the single point of access to a set of entities.


The set of entities supports CRUD operations - create, read, update, delete. In addition, all classes are extensible and allow to add necessary additional functionality.

The library includes a repository for accessing REST api endpoints.

Several classes with different purposes are used for the work:

  • EntitySet - Set of methods for working with the entity repository
  • Entity - Entity class with all fields
  • Context - The main class in which the list of available entities
  • Repository - A repository that describes how entities are retrieved. Must be universal and not tied to entity type
  • RepositoryBuilder -The Repository builder




First, you need to create a set of entities. Each entity field must be labeled with the @RepoEntityField decorator.

You need to define the primary key of an entity, to pass it in the query string (In DELETE methods). You can define a primary key through the options.isPrimaryKey flag.

Nested entities are also supported. To define a nested entity, its type must be passed to the decorator - options.nestedType. The array is defined automatically based on the input data.

An example of creating a REST entity Account:

export class Book extends RepoEntityBase<Book> {
    @RepoEntityField({ isPrimaryKey: true })
    id: number

    name: string

export class Account extends RepoEntityBase<Account> {
    @RepoEntityField({ isPrimaryKey: true })
    id: string

    email: string

    @RepoEntityField({ nestedType: () => Book })
    books: Book[]


A repository is used to describe the way an entity is retrieved. The library includes a base repository for the REST API: RestApiRepository

It accepts the entity type, path, relative base url and axiosConfig for queries in the constructor.


Since individual authorization methods are used for each api, you need to create a RepositoryBuilder according to your application.

export class RestApiRepositoryBuilder extends RestApiRepositoryBuilderBase {
    constructor() {
        super('', {
            headers: {
                'Authorization': 'Bearer {{accessToken}}'


Context combines entities into a single list of fields. Each field represents a data access point and is not directly related to the rest of the code (Repositories, etc.).

export class EntityContext extends EntityContextBase {
    @RestRepoEntitySet(() => Account, '/account')
    public accounts: DefaultEntitySet<Account>

    @RestRepoEntitySet(() => Book, '/book')
    public books: DefaultEntitySet<Book>

Creating EntityRepo

EntityRepo combines all the above classes and binds them according to certain rules. In .use() the context and repository bindings are passed, which are used later.

const repo = EntityRepo.create()
    .use(EntityContext, new RestApiRepositoryBuilder())

You can then get the context from the repo and work with it as a data source.

const context = repo.getContext(EntityContext)
const account = new Account()
account.login = '[email protected]'
await context.accounts.add(account)
const accounts = await context.accounts.paginate(0, 10)


REST API with route params

For example, we need to support access points with routeParams (e.g. /account/{id}/book).

To do this, we need to create a new class, such as EntityQueryBuilder, which implements a proxy to EntitySet with additional features:

export type RouteParamsRequestConfig = AxiosRequestConfig & {
    routeParams?: Record<string, any>

export class EntityQueryBuilder<T, TGetParams extends {} = never, TRouteParams extends {} = never> {
    private routeParamsRecord: Record<string, any> = {}
    private filterData: string[] = []
    private orderByData: Record<string, any> = {}
    private getParamData: Record<string, any> = {}

        private readonly entitySet: EntitySet<any>,
    ) {

    public setAccountId(id: number): EntityQueryBuilder<T, TGetParams, TRouteParams> {
        return this.routeParam('accountId' as any, id)

    public queryParams(params: TGetParams): EntityQueryBuilder<T, TGetParams, TRouteParams> {
        this.getParamData = { ...this.getParamData, ...params }
        return this

    public routeParam<TKey extends keyof TRouteParams & string>(key: TKey, value: TRouteParams[TKey]): EntityQueryBuilder<T, TGetParams, TRouteParams> {
        this.routeParamsRecord[key] = value
        return this

    public routeParams(params: TRouteParams): EntityQueryBuilder<T, TGetParams, TRouteParams> {
        this.routeParamsRecord = _.assign(this.routeParamsRecord, params)
        return this

    public filter<TKey extends keyof T & string>(field: string, operation: string, values: T[TKey] | T[TKey][]): EntityQueryBuilder<T, TGetParams, TRouteParams> {
        this.filterData.push(`${field} ${operation} ${Array.isArray(values) ? values.join(',') : values}`)
        return this

    public orderBy(field: string, direction: 'ASC' | 'DESC'): EntityQueryBuilder<T, TGetParams, TRouteParams> {
        this.orderByData[field] = direction
        return this

    async create(entity: T): Promise<void> {
        return this.entitySet.create(entity, this.createParams())

    async delete(entity: T): Promise<void> {
        return this.entitySet.delete(entity, this.createParams())

    async deleteByPk(pk: Identifier): Promise<void> {
        return this.entitySet.deleteByPk(pk, this.createParams())

    async getAll(): Promise<T[]> {
        return this.entitySet.getAll(this.createParams())

    async getOne(): Promise<T> {
        return this.entitySet.getOne(this.createParams())

    async paginate(page: number, limit: number, params?: RouteParamsRequestConfig): Promise<PaginatedData<T>> {
        return this.entitySet.paginate(page, limit, this.createParams(params))

    async getByPk(pk: Identifier): Promise<T> {
        return this.entitySet.getByPk(pk, this.createParams())

    async save(entity: T): Promise<void> {
        return, this.createParams())

    private createParams(initial?: RouteParamsRequestConfig): RouteParamsRequestConfig {
        const config: RouteParamsRequestConfig = initial || {}
        if (!config.params) {
            config.params = {}
        if (this.filterData) {
            const filter = _.cloneDeep(this.filterData)
            if (filter) {
                config.params = { ...config.params, filter }
        const keys = Object.keys(this.orderByData)
        for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
            const key = keys[i]
            config.params[`orderBy[${key}]`] = this.orderByData[key].toString().toUpperCase()
        if (Object.keys(this.getParamData).length > 0) {
            config.params = { ...config.params, ...this.getParamData }
        if (this.routeParamsRecord) {
            config.routeParams = this.routeParamsRecord
        return config

Next is EntitySet itself, which extends DefaultEntitySet. It adds the entitySet.query method, which gives access to the created builder.

export class EntitySet<T extends RepoEntityBase, TGetParams extends {} = never, TRouteParams extends {} = never> extends DefaultEntitySet<T, RouteParamsRequestConfig> {
    constructor(entityConstructor: RepoEntityStatic<T>, repository: IRepository<T>) {
        super(entityConstructor, repository)

    public query(): EntityQueryBuilder<T, TGetParams, TRouteParams> {
        return new EntityQueryBuilder<T, TGetParams, TRouteParams>(this)

Then Repository:

export class CustomRepository<T extends RepoEntityBase> extends RestApiRepository<T> {
        entityConstructor: RepoEntityStatic<T>,
        path: string,
        protected readonly authData: AuthData,
    ) {
        super(entityConstructor, path, {
            timeout: 20000,
            config => {
                config.baseURL = Environment.apiUrl()
                if (!authData.empty()) {
                    config.headers.Authorization = authData.bearerToken
                return config
            error => {
                return Promise.reject(error)

            response => {
                return response
            error => {
                return Promise.reject(error)

    protected getUrl(urlParams?: RouteParamsRequestConfig): string {
        let result = this.path
        if (urlParams?.routeParams) {
            const keys = Object.keys(urlParams.routeParams)
            for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
                const key = keys[i]
                result = result.replace(`{${key}}`, urlParams.routeParams[key])
        return result

The RestApiRepository.getUrl method is overridden in this class.


export class CustomRepositoryBuilder extends RestApiRepositoryBuilderBase {
        protected readonly authData: AuthData
    ) {

    build<T extends RepoEntityBase>(entityConstructor: RepoEntityStatic<T>, params: RestApiRepositoryBuilderParams): IRepository<T> {
        return new WnRepository(entityConstructor, params.endpointUrl!, this.authData)

And finally, the context:

export class EntityContext extends EntityContextBase {
    @RestRepoEntitySet(() => Account, '/account')
    public accounts: EntitySet<Account>

    @RestRepoEntitySet(() => Book, '/account/{id}/books')
    public books: EntitySet<Book>


const repo = EntityRepo.create()
    .use(EntityContext, new CustomRepositoryBuilder(AuthData.getFromLocalStorage()))
const context = repo.getContext(EntityContext)
const account = new Account()
account.login = '[email protected]'
await context.accounts.add(account)
const accounts = await context.books.query().setAccountId(1).getAll()

Repository in localstorage


Base class:

export abstract class SerializableStorageRepositoryBase<T extends RepoEntityBase> implements IRepository<T> {
    protected dataArray: T[] = []

    protected abstract saveAll(data: T[]): Promise<void>

    public abstract getAll(): Promise<T[]>

    async create(entity: T): Promise<T> {
        await this.saveAll(this.dataArray)
        return entity

    async delete(entity: T): Promise<void> {
        await this.deleteByPk(entity.getPkValue())

    async deleteByPk(pk: Identifier): Promise<void> {
        await this.update()
        const entityIndex = this.dataArray.findIndex(p => p.getPkValue() == pk)
        if (entityIndex > -1) {
            this.dataArray.splice(entityIndex, 1)
        await this.saveAll(this.dataArray)

    async getByPk(pk: Identifier): Promise<T> {
        await this.update()
        const index = this.dataArray.findIndex(p => p.getPkValue() == pk)
        return index > -1 ? this.dataArray[index] : null as any

    async getOne(): Promise<T> {
        await this.update()
        return this.dataArray[0]

    async paginate(page: number, limit: number): Promise<PaginatedData<T>> {
        await this.update()
        return new PaginatedData(this.dataArray.slice(page * limit, page * limit + limit), this.dataArray.length)

    async save(entity: T): Promise<T> {
        await this.update()
        const index = this.dataArray.findIndex(p => p.getPkValue() == entity.getPkValue())
        if (index == -1) {
            await this.saveAll(this.dataArray)
            return entity
        const savedEntity = this.dataArray[index]
        await this.saveAll(this.dataArray)
        return entity

    private async update(): Promise<void> {
        if (this.dataArray.length == 0) {
            this.dataArray = await this.getAll()


export class LocalStorageRepository<T extends RepoEntityBase> extends SerializableStorageRepositoryBase<T> {
    protected readonly key: string

        protected readonly entityConstructor: RepoEntityStatic<T>,
        key?: string,
    ) {
        this.key = key ||

    protected async saveAll(data: T[]): Promise<void> {
        const rawData: string[] = []
        for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            const entity = data[i]
            const raw = JSON.stringify(entity.getDataValues())
        localStorage.setItem(this.key, JSON.stringify(rawData))

    async getAll(): Promise<T[]> {
        const result: T[] = []
        const rawData = localStorage.getItem(this.key)
        if (rawData) {
            try {
                const values = JSON.parse(Base64.b64ToString(rawData)) as string[]
                for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
                    const value = JSON.parse(values[i])
                    const entity = new this.entityConstructor()
            } catch (err) {
        return result


type LocalStorageRepositoryBuilderParams = {
    key: string

export class LocalStorageRepositoryBuilder implements IRepositoryBuilder<LocalStorageRepositoryBuilderParams> {
    build<T extends RepoEntityBase>(entityConstructor: Constructor<T>, params: LocalStorageRepositoryBuilderParams): IRepository<T> {
        return new LocalStorageRepository(entityConstructor as any, params.key) as any


export class LocalStorageEntityContext extends EntityContextBase {

    @RepoEntitySet(() => Account, { key: 'accountsRepository' })
    public account: EntitySet<Account>


Usage is no different from the previous examples:

const repo = EntityRepo.create()
    .use(LocalStorageEntityContext, new LocalStorageRepositoryBuilder())
const context = repo.getContext(LocalStorageEntityContext)
const account = new Account() = 1
account.login = '[email protected]'
const accounts = await context.accounts.getAll()