An extensible DynamoDB client defined by a GraphQL schema.
An extensible DynamoDB client defined by a GraphQL schema.
Table of Contents
Even though you'll primarily use this as a build-time dependency, there are necessary runtime components, so install it as a normal dependency, not a development dependency.
npm install @ianwremmel/data
exposes two plugins for
. One plugin produces
a CloudFormation template that defines any of the tables you might need and the
other produces a set of type-definitions and typed functions for interacting
with the generated tables.
First, add the config to your graphql codegen config. There are a bunch of different ways to use this beyond the scope of these docs, but here's a simple example.
enumsAsTypes: true
Date: Date
JSONObject: Record<string, unknown>
strictScalars: true
dependenciesModuleId: ./dependencies
- typescript
- @ianwremmel/data/codegen/actions
actionsModuleId: ./__generated__/actions
dependenciesModuleId: ./dependencies
- @ianwremmel/data/codegen/cloudformation
Note the dependenciesModuleId
. This is any node-resolvable module that exports
the requisite injectable dependencies defined in
src/runtime/dependencies.ts. These dependencies
are primarily AWS v3 clients and observability wrappers. Take a look at the
example dependencies for more details.
You shouldn't need to use the runtime dependencies directly, but there's a set
of functions that were way easier to import than to try to include in codegen,
so you'll need @ianwremmel/data
to be available at runtime (or, if you're
using esbuild, build-time should be fine).
Error Handling
All Errors thrown or rethrown by this library (except AssertionError
which is
the default Node AssertionError
) or generated code are instance of
, which is a subclass of Error
. Rethrown errors always
have a cause
property that is the original error.
Potential Costs
In general, any AWS resources generated by this library will generate costs in the fractions of cents unless you hit scale. There are, however, a few sets of resources that will rack of costs faster initially (though, plateau, quickly as well).
- Each CDC directive will induce the creation of a KMS key, which costs $1/month. This cannot be avoided without disabling encryption entirely because there doesn't appear to be any way to grant EventBridge permission to use the AWS-managed default key.
Change Data Capture
Several schema directives (@enriches
and @triggers
at time of writing)
generate CloudFormation resources to support change data capture. In general,
this means:
- The decorated model's table has a DynamoDB Stream enabled
- Regardless of the number of directives per model or the number of models, exactly one lambda listens to the stream
- That Lambda function pushes each stream event to EventBridge
- Each directive has a corresponding EventBridge rule that push a filtered subset of events into an SQS queue
- Each SQS queue has a corresponding Lambda that handles the events
Why all the indirection? Filtering, multiple responders, and retries.
There's no Dead Letter Queue for a DynamoDB stream, so we want the stream handler to be as failsafe as possible. That means it has to do as little as possible. Ideally, we'd push directly into an SQS queue, but then we only get one handler per table when we want one handler per directive per Model.
EventBridge lets us 1. attach multiple handlers to the same DynamoDB stream event and 2. filter events those event so that we only push matching events into the queue for a given model's directive.
Finally, there's an SQS queue in front of each function so that we can push failures to its Dead Letter Queue and retry them manually when the underlying issue is fixed.
This library is heavily instrumented with OpenTelemetry and not X-Ray, though
it is assumed you've got X-Ray enabled. For the most part, assuming you have
OpenTelemetry working, you won't need to do anything to receive traces. You
will, however, need to provide captureException
as an injected dependency. If
you only care about OpenTelemetry, you can simply use captureException
directly from @code-like-a-carpenter/telemetry:
export {captureException} from '@code-like-a-carpenter/telemetry';
If, however, you'd also like to send exceptions to somewhere like Sentry, you'll
need to wrap captureException
import {captureException as clcCaptureException} from '@code-like-a-carpenter/telemetry';
export const captureException = (error: unknown, escaped = true) => {
This library no longer generates CloudWatch alarms. Instead, you'll want to post-process the output template to generate alarms that work well with your alerts.
You'll want to generate at least the following alarms:
- EventBridge invocation failures for every
- Messages in a Dead Letter Queue for every
with "DLQ" in the name - SQS Queue Age for any queue that's not a Dead Letter Queue
- SQS Queue Size for any queue that's not a Dead Letter Queue
- Lambda invocation errors
- Lambda memory usage
- Lambda duration
- Lambda coldstart duration
- Lambda Max Iterator Age for DynamoDB Stream listeners (i.e., any Lambda that starts with "TableDispatcher"
Note that coldstart duration and memory usage require the LambdaInsights Layer to be enabled, which can get quite expensive if you have invocations.
Here's an example of how you might create an alarm for a Dead Letter Queue that triggers any time there are messages in the queue.
const tpl = yml.load(readFileSync(fullInputPath, 'utf8'), {
}) as ServerlessApplicationModel;
import yml from 'js-yaml';
import {CLOUDFORMATION_SCHEMA} from 'js-yaml-cloudformation-schema';
.filter(([, resource]) => resource.Type === 'AWS::SQS::Queue')
([name]) => name.includes('DeadLetterQueue') || name.includes('DLQ')
.forEach(([name]) => {
Object.assign(tpl.Resources, makeDLQAlarm(name));
export function makeDLQAlarm(queueName: string) {
return {
[`${queueName}ThresholdAlarm`]: {
Properties: {
ActionsEnabled: true,
AlarmActions: [{Ref: 'PagerdutyAlarmTopic'}],
AlarmDescription: {
'Fn::Sub': [
// eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string
'Dead Letter present in ${DeadLetterQueueName}',
DeadLetterQueueName: {
'Fn::GetAtt': `${queueName}.QueueName`,
AlarmName: {
'Fn::Sub': [
// eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string
DeadLetterQueueName: {
'Fn::GetAtt': `${queueName}.QueueName`,
ComparisonOperator: 'GreaterThanThreshold',
DatapointsToAlarm: 1,
Dimensions: [
Name: 'QueueName',
Value: {'Fn::GetAtt': `${queueName}.QueueName`},
EvaluationPeriods: 1,
MetricName: 'ApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible',
Namespace: 'AWS/SQS',
OKActions: [{Ref: 'PagerdutyAlarmTopic'}],
Period: 60,
Statistic: 'Sum',
Threshold: 0,
TreatMissingData: 'notBreaching',
Type: 'AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm',
Known Issues
- There's a branch where I've started working on OpenSearch support, but thanks to the localstack issues described above and the time it takes to deploy an actual OpenSearch cluster, there's no practical way to test it.
PRs welcome, but please open an issue to discuss anything but the smallest changes first to make sure the change is in line with the project goals.
There are two ways to run the example tests: directly in AWS or locally with
localstack. You can use ./script/deploy-examples-to-aws
to deploy to the respective
environment. Once deployed, use TEST_MODE=aws|localstack npm test
to run the
When testing against AWS, you'll either need to load credentials into your
environment (e.g. TEST_MODE=aws aws-vault exec playground -- npm test
) or
configure a profile in ~/.aws/credentials
and ~/.aws/config
which will be
loaded automatically. By default, the profile name is webstorm_playground
, but
you can override this by setting the AWS_PROFILE
environment variable.
Setting up a profile will make things easier if you want to run tests from within your IDE.
MIT © Ian Remmel 2022 until at least now