ChatterBox is an angular component library planned to be utilized as chat or comment component needed for an angular application development.
ChatterBox is an angular component library planned to be utilized as chat or comment component needed for an angular application development.
Use Cases
One on one chat | Group Chat | Comment section
------ | ------ | ------
|One on one chat with a user or a chatbot - User will see his/her chat in the blue bubble| Group chat experience- User will see his/her chat in the blue background bubble. | Comment section component - User will see his/her comment in blue background bubble. |
| |
How to Use?
- Import
in yourapp.module.ts
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { ChatterBoxModule } from '@iam_vishalkhare/chatter-box';
declarations: [
imports: [
ChatterBoxModule //<-- add the module in imports
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
- Include
component where this component is expected in your application.
To brief the signatures of the components as below
| Name | Type | Optional? |Description |
| string
| No |A heading string to be displayed on the header of ChatterBox|
|Yes|A URL to the image that should be displayed on the header along with heading
|No|Array of all comment objects. Each object will be of type CommentPayload
. Definition of CommentPayload
is mentioned below.|
|No|Maximum length of input allowed in the textfield of ChatterBox.|
or string
|Yes|Any unique user Identifier of current/logged in user. This is used to show a user his/her own chats/comments in blue conversation bubble. All other chats/comments are shown in grey conversation bubbles.|
|Yes|Default - false
. Set True if an error needs to be shown in chatbox instead of chats. This can be used to show errors occurring while communicating with backend.|
|Yes|If there is an error, set your error message in this.|
|Yes|This text will be visible as placeholder in input field of ChatterBox. Not providing any placeholderText
will render no placeholder.|
)|Callback function|No|This function will be called when return is pressed on keyboard after typing a input. Use this to create a CommentPayload
object and push it to allComments
so that it renders on the chatbox, then do whatever you want with it. E.g. Sending the message/comment to backend etc.|
|Callback function|No|This function will be called on every keyup event of the text field.|
CommentPayload Interface
interface CommentPayload {
msgId: number;
userId?: number | string;
msg: string;
timestamp: string;
userName: string;
userImagePath?: string;
| Name | type | Optional | Description|
|No|Each message/comment should have a unique numeric value. |
or string
|Yes|Each message can have a unique userId which can be either a number or a string. This is used to identify current user show that user his/her chat/comment in blue conversation bubble.|
|No|Actual message to be displayed in conversation bubble.|
|No|Timestamp to be displayed in conversation bubble.|
|No|User name to be displayed in conversation bubble.|
|Yes|Path to user's image. If this is not provided then Image will contain first letter of User name. (See screenshots above)|
Sample implementation
- In
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { ChatterBoxModule } from '@iam_vishalkhare/chatter-box';
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
- In
or wherever the ChatterBox component is required.
<div style="height: 600px; width: 400px;">
Note that <vis-chatterBox>
component is enclosed in a <div>
with some height and width. This is to demonstrate that <vis-chatterBox>
will take the height and width of it's parent <div>
- In
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { CommentPayload } from '@iam_vishalkhare/chatter-box';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
heading = 'John Doe';
headerImage = '../assets/logo.png';
showErrorDiv: boolean;
errorMsg = 'This is an error';
inputMaxLength = 100;
placeholderText= 'Write a comment...!!!';
currentUserId = 8;
allComments: Array<CommentPayload> = [
{msgId: 4, userId: 9, msg: 'This is 2nd test comment', timestamp: '21st Sept 2019', userName: 'John Doe', userImagePath: '../assets/logo.png'},
{msgId: 3, userId: 8, msg: 'This is a test comment', timestamp: '21st Sept 2019', userName: 'Vishal Khare'},
{msgId: 5, msg: 'This is 3rd test comment', timestamp: '21st Sept 2019', userName: 'John Doe', userImagePath: '../assets/logo.png'},
{msgId: 4, userId: 9, msg: 'This is 2nd test comment', timestamp: '21st Sept 2019', userName: 'John Doe', userImagePath: '../assets/logo.png'},
sendMessage(msgPayload: string) {
// Constructing a desired object of type CommentPayload to be added to allComments
const payload = {
msgId: 6,
msg: msgPayload,
timestamp: '21st Sept 2019',
userName: 'Brown Fox'
onKeyUp(msgPayload: string) {
Result of sample implementation
Give this component a try. Reach out to me at [email protected] in case of any questions/suggestions. Thank You...!!!