This is used by the Hypercolor Digital team to automatically parse mounted routes into Swagger
Hypercolor Swagger Generator
Table of Contents
This is a simple add-on for swagger-UI-Express that allows for programmatic generation of API documentation.
npm i @hypercolor/swagger-generator
- Yarn
yarn add @hypercolor/swagger-generator
- npm / yarn
- Node.js
- Express.js
- swagger.js file in the root of your project (see swagger.js example template file below)
module.exports = {
openapi: "3.0.2",
info: {
title: '', //change_me
description: '', //change_me
version: "---"
servers: [],
tags: [],
paths: {},
components: {
securitySchemes: {
// custom token validation descriptions here
Compatible API Routing Architecture Overview
- In order for the programmatic parsing of API routes and their associated documentation, routes need to be mounted into a specific format. Please visit the example section for more information and code examples.
Example Files:
Router Construction
export class ExpressRouter {
constructor(private readonly options?: IRouterOptions) {
this.options = options || {};
private formattedRoutes: Array<ExpressRoute> = [];
public router: Router = Router();
public get routes(): Array<IMountedRoute> {
return this.formattedRoutes.map(formattedRoute => {
return {
path: formattedRoute.routePrefix,
verb: formattedRoute.verb,
controller: formattedRoute.controller
public static build(options: IRouterOptions, builder: (router: ExpressRouter) => void) {
const router = new ExpressRouter(options);
return router;
public route(route: string) {
const typedRoute = new ExpressRoute(route, this.router, this.options!);
return typedRoute;
Route Construction
export class ExpressRoute {
constructor(public routePrefix: string, router: Router, private opts: IRouterOptions) {
this.route = router.route(routePrefix);
public verb = 'unknown';
public controller?: IControllerType;
private route: IRoute;
private myMiddleware: Array<RequestHandler> = [];
public use(middleware: RequestHandler) {
return this;
API Route Mounting File
export class V1ApiRoutes {
public static buildAndMountRoutes(expressApp: e.Application, mountPoint: string) {
const routers = [
}, router => {
routers.forEach(router => expressApp.use(mountPoint, router.router));
return routers;
Routes File
- Import
inside of wherever your routes are mounted at, and call the utility.- Be sure to give valid arguments for:
- username
- password
- title
- description
- Be sure to give valid arguments for:
import {SwaggerGenerator} from '@hypercolor/swagger-generator';
export class ApiRoutes {
public static register(app: e.Application) {
const v1ApiRoutes: Array<ExpressRouter> = V1ApiRoutes.buildAndMountRoutes(app, '/api/v1');
new SwaggerGenerator(
"Title Here",
"Create a useful description here",
Controller File
- Use the SwaggerDoc function as an annotation to assign the various expected formats for the specific API. The HC Swagg Util will use those during the compilation process.
import {SwaggerDoc} from '@hypercolor/swagger-generator';
description: '', //description of API
body: {}, //Expected request body format,
query: {}, //Expected request query format,
params: {}, //Expected request params format
response: {} //Expected response format
export class ExampleController extends Controller {
// controller logic here...
export abstract class Controller {
constructor(protected request: Request, protected response: Response) {};
Types and Interfaces:
export type IControllerType = new (req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => any;
export interface IControllerDocumentation {
summary?: string
description?: string
body?: {[key: string]: any}
query?: {[key: string]: any}
response?: {[key: string]: any}
export interface IMountedRoute {
path: string,
verb: string,
controller: any
More Information
- Node.js
- TypeScript
- Express.js
- Swagger.js
- typedjson