Official router for hyper-ui.
Official router for
This is the official router lib for @hyper-ui/core
and should be used with that package.
Use npm to install it together with
:npm install @hyper-ui/router @hyper-ui/core
Import the exports of this lib:
// es2015+ import * as HRouter from "@hyper-ui/router"; // es5 const HRouter = require("@hyper-ui/router");
Use it to build your app.
Put one of the following script tags after the one of
in your HTML file:via jsdelivr:
<script type="text/javascript" crossorigin="anonymous" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@hyper-ui/router@latest/dist/hyper-ui.router.umd.min.js"></script>
or via unpkg:
<script type="text/javascript" crossorigin="anonymous" src="https://unpkg.com/@hyper-ui/router@latest/dist/hyper-ui.router.umd.min.js"></script>
Access the APIs via the
If you want a specified version, just replace latest
with that in the url. By the way, it is recommended to use a specified version in production.
For more information about these two CDN sites, visit www.jsdelivr.com or unpkg.com.
API Reference
If you load the UMD module of this lib, an HRouter
global will contain all the APIs. Otherwise, you use this package as a dependency and import the APIs from it.
function create(factory: RouterFactory, options?: RouterFactoryOptions): Router;
This is a factory function which accepts the router factory and options for it and returns the router. A router factory should receive the options and return a router instance. Built-in router factories are: HRouter.History
, HRouter.Hash
and HRouter.Local
This is just an interface, not a value. Each router should have some universal methods:
function push(path: string): void;
This method lets you go to that path.
function pop(): void;
This method lets you go back to previous path if there is one. (Nothing will happen if there is no such one.)
function getCurrent(): string;
This method returns current path.
function getHistorySize(): number;
This method returns the current size of history.
function addListener(listener: (path:string) => void): void;
This method enables you to add a listener to the router. The listener will be invoked with every new path.
function removeListener(listener: (path:string) => void): void;
This method lets you remove the given listener from the router.
function format(path: string): string;
This method receives the original path and returns a formated one.
This is a history router factory. A history router uses History APIs to route.
The only option for a history router is dropHash
which tells whether to drop the hash while routing. (Default: false
This is a hash router factory. A hash router uses the hash in url to route. (e.g. www.example.com/#!/foo/bar
This is a local router factory. Each local router has its own state history.
The only option for a local router is start
which stands for the initial state. (Default: "/"
This is a symbol standing for link components which you can pass to HUI
as the first argument to create links. A link component is quite like an anchor element except that it uses the specified router in its context to route.
You can use the router
prop to tell a link the key to the router in its context. (Default: HRouter.DEFAULT_NAME
You can also set back
prop to true
to let the link point to previous path.
This is a symbol standing for route components which you can pass to HUI
as the first argument to create routes. Each route component accepts a router
prop to specify which router in its context should be used. (Default: HRouter.DEFAULT_NAME
In addition, it requires a matching prop and a rendering prop.
A matching prop tells when the path matches the route. Available matching props: (sorted by priority)
- A regular expression used to test the path.path
- A string used to be compared with the path.
A rendering prop tells what to be rendered according to whether the path matches the route. Available rendering props: (sorted by priority)
- A function receives a boolean and returns what should be rendered. (The boolean will betrue
when the path matches the route.)component
- A symbol standing for the component which should be rendered when the path matches the route.children
- What you want to render when the path matches the route.
This is a value which is the default value of router
props of link components and route components.
Here is an example of basic usage:
// Get the APIs
const { create, Route, Link } = HRouter;
// Create routers
const historyRouter = {
name: HRouter.DEFAULT_NAME,
router: create(HRouter.History)
const hashRouter = {
name: 'hash-router',
router: create(HRouter.Hash)
const localRouter = {
name: 'local-router',
router: create(HRouter.Local, {
start: 'foo'
// Define the test component
const TestComponent = HUI.define('TestComponent', {
render() {
return HUI('p', null, 'Here is the test component.');
// Render the app
HUI('section', null, [
HUI('h1', null, 'History Routing'),
* This route doesn't need a `router` prop
* because the history router is stored
* in the context using the default name.
HUI(Route, {
path: '/',
render: matched => HUI('p', null, [
matched ?
'The path is "/" now.' :
'The path is not "/" now.'
HUI('section', null, [
HUI('h1', null, 'Hash Routing'),
* The routes and the links in this
* section do need `router` props
* because the hash router is stored
* in the context using a custom name.
HUI(Route, {
router: hashRouter.name,
pattern: /^\/test/,
component: TestComponent
HUI(Link, {
router: hashRouter.name,
href: '/',
onclick: function (event) {
console.log('click event:', event);
}, 'Goto "#!/"'),
HUI(Link, {
router: hashRouter.name,
href: '/test',
ref: function (a) {
console.log('anchor element reference:', a);
}, 'Goto "#!/test"'),
HUI(Link, {
router: hashRouter.name,
back: true
}, 'Go back')
HUI('section', null, [
HUI('h1', null, 'Local Routing'),
HUI(Route, {
router: localRouter.name,
path: 'foo',
render: matched => HUI('p', null, [
`Current path is "${matched ? 'foo' : 'bar'}".`
HUI(Link, {
router: localRouter.name,
href: 'foo'
}, 'foo'),
HUI(Link, {
router: localRouter.name,
href: 'bar'
}, 'bar')
], {
defaultContext: {
[historyRouter.name]: historyRouter.router,
[hashRouter.name]: hashRouter.router,
[localRouter.name]: localRouter.router