> **⚠ WARNING: Plugin under initial development .** > Exceptions, breaking changes and malfunctioning is expected til 0.1.0 is reach. \ > Documentation is also not up to date.
Hybridless Framework
⚠ WARNING: Plugin under initial development .
Exceptions, breaking changes and malfunctioning is expected til 0.1.0 is reach.
Documentation is also not up to date.
- Repository Link
- Support to Serverless framework v2 and v3.
Hybrid function driven development framework
Hybridless is a plug-in on top of serverless that allows you to have a hybrid platform defined on your serverless definition that shares the same code base and has minimal difference between the lambda and long-running functions.
It makes lambda functions and ECS tasks equivalents by managing the runtimes, container packing, deployment and configurations, allowing you to have applications that run on lambdas and ECS containers, within the same code base and without any differences. Additionally, it shortcuts SNS, SQS, dynamic streams and lambda containers so everything is managed in a similar manner and the developer can focus on the code.
Hybridless implement the Concept of runtimes/buildpacks to allow developers to quickly jump into code without worrying about how to deploy the code. All the complex application packing, runtimes, cluster configurations, load balancers and security rules can be handled for you.
Human readable documentation will is available at hybridless.com
General Options Documentation
[serverless.yml content]
tags: {
owner: Me
Customer: You
disableWebpack?: boolean; //if using javascript, plugin will auto install and compile es6 code using webpack. You can optionally disable this.
functions: { [key: string]: Function } | { [key: string]: Function }[];
//--> means:
- ${file(config/httpfuncs.yml)} //which containes multiple clusters or just one
- ${file(config/asyncfuncs.yml)}
// -- OR --
//ECS cluster
ecsClusterArn?: any;
ecsIngressSecGroupId?: string;
enableContainerInsights?: boolean; //default is respecting account settings
albListenerArn?: any;
albIsPrivate?: boolean;
albAdditionalTimeout?: number; //defaults to 1 second
vpc?: { //this is a auto created VPC. Only one auto created VPC is allowed per project for now.
cidr: string;
subnets: string[];
} | { //Optional ivars to dictate if will use existing VPC and subnets specified
vpcId: string;
securityGroupIds: string[] | any; //object allows intrinsict functions
subnetIds: string[] | any; //object allows intrinsict functions
albSubnetIds?: string[] | object; //object allows intrinsict functions
//high order props (can be overwritten at event level)
timeout?: number;
handler: string;
memory?: number; //defaults to 1024
events?: {
runtime: string; //Please, check runtime matrix based on the eventTypy you are using. If using custom runtimes use container runtime constant
eventType: 'httpd', 'process', 'scheduledTask', 'launchableTask', 'lambda', 'lambdaContainer';
handler?: string; //this, takes precende over function handler - Usefulll for multi-purpose clusters
enabled?: boolean; //defaults to true
memory?: number; //defaults to 1024 - takes precedence over OFunction.memory
role?: string; //event execution role
logsRetentionInDays?: number; //defaults to 365 days
/* Container type specific */
//Only allowed for httpd, process, scheduledTask and lambdaContainer - Please, if using custom docket file, read the how to customize section
dockerFile?: string; //relative path to the project
entrypoint?: string; //in case of using container runtimes, you can always make custom entrypoints
additionalDockerFiles?: [{ from: string, to: string }?];
dockerBuildArgs?: { [key: string]: string };
/* Task type specific */
//Only allowed for httpd, process and schdulerTask
ec2LaunchType?: boolean; //defaults to false, if true will laucnh task into EC2
newRelicKey?: string;//activates new relic on the supported runtimes
propagateTags?: 'OFF' | 'SERVICE' | 'TASK' | undefined; //defaults to undefined
placementConstraints?: { expression: string, type: 'distinctInstance' | 'memberOf' }[];
placementStrategies?: { field: string, type: 'binpack' | 'random' | 'spread' }[];
capacityProviderStrategy?: { base: number, capacityProvider: string, weight: number }[];
concurrency?: number; //defaults to 1
cpu?: number; //defaults to 512
logsMultilinePattern?: string; //defaults to '(([a-zA-Z0-9\-]* \[[a-zA-Za-]*\] )|(\[[a-zA-Za -]*\] ))'
//EC2 specific (when ec2LaunchType is true)
daemonType?: boolean; //indicates if we shall we can one task on each instance of the cluster
/* From here on, some keys might be duplicated, but are kept like that to improve the scope */
/* httpd specific */
runtime: 'nodejs10' | 'nodejs13' | 'php5' | 'php7' | 'container'
//ALB listener layer
routes?: {
path: string;
method?: string;
priority?: number; //defaults to 1
cors?: {
origin: string;
headers: string[];
allowCredentials: boolean;
hostname?: string | string[];
limitSourceIPs?: string | string[];
limitHeaders?: { name: string, value: string | string[] }[]; //optional limit headers on ALB
port?: number; // HTTPD port (the port exposed on the container image) - If port is not specified, it will use 80 for non SSL and 443 for SSL
certificateArns?: any[]; //certificateArn - if present it will use HTTPS
cognitoAuthorizer?: {
poolDomain: string;
poolArn: any;
clientId: string;
//health check
healthCheckInterval?: number; //defaults to 15,
healthCheckTimeout?: number; //defaults to 10
healthCheckHealthyCount?: number; //defaults to 2
healthCheckUnhealthyCount?: number; //defaults to 5
healthCheckRoute?: string; //default will use auto generated health route
autoScale?: {
min?: number; //default to 1
max?: number; //default to 1
metric: string;
cooldown?: number; //defaults to 30
cooldownIn?: number; //defaults to cooldown but has priority over it
cooldownOut?: number; //defaults to cooldown but has priority over it
targetValue: number;
//step based auto scaling
scaleIn?: {
adjustmentType?: 'ChangeInCapacity' | 'ExactCapacity' | 'PercentChangeInCapacity'; //defaults to ChangeInCapacity
cooldown?: number; //default to 300
aggregation: 'Average' | 'Maximum' | 'Minimum';
minAdjustmentMagnitude?: number; //Should only be used with PercentChangeInCapacity
scaleBy?: number; //defaults to 1 or -1
//scaling metric
metricNamespace: string;
metricName: string;
metricDimension: string;
metricDimensionTarget: string;
metricPeriod?: number; //defaults to 120
metricEvaluationPeriod?: number; //defaults to 1
operator: 'GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold' | 'GreaterThanThreshold' | 'LessThanThreshold' | 'LessThanOrEqualToThreshold' | 'LessThanLowerOrGreaterThanUpperThreshold' | 'LessThanLowerThreshold' | 'GreaterThanUpperThreshold';
targetValue: number;
//additional config (scaling metric)
metricDependsOn?: string | string[];
additionalDimension?: { dimension: string, target: string }[];
treatMissingData?: ' breaching' | 'notBreaching' | 'ignore' | 'missing'; //defaults to notBreaching
fillupMissingData?: any; //fillup value is used on absence of data. default to false, true uses '0', number can be specified instead if any other fillup values is needed.
scaleOut?: {
adjustmentType?: 'ChangeInCapacity' | 'ExactCapacity' | 'PercentChangeInCapacity'; //defaults to ChangeInCapacity
cooldown?: number; //default to 300
aggregation: 'Average' | 'Maximum' | 'Minimum';
minAdjustmentMagnitude?: number; //Should only be used with PercentChangeInCapacity
scaleBy?: number; //defaults to 1 or -1
//scaling metric
metricNamespace: string;
metricName: string;
metricDimension: string;
metricDimensionTarget: string;
metricPeriod?: number; //defaults to 120
metricEvaluationPeriod?: number; //defaults to 1
operator: 'GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold' | 'GreaterThanThreshold' | 'LessThanThreshold' | 'LessThanOrEqualToThreshold' | 'LessThanLowerOrGreaterThanUpperThreshold' | 'LessThanLowerThreshold' | 'GreaterThanUpperThreshold';
targetValue: number;
//additional config (scaling metric)
metricDependsOn?: string | string[];
additionalDimension?: { dimension: string, target: string }[];
treatMissingData?: ' breaching' | 'notBreaching' | 'ignore' | 'missing'; //defaults to notBreaching
fillupMissingData?: any; //fillup value is used on absence of data. default to false, true uses '0', number can be specified instead if any other fillup values is needed.
/* process specific */
/* Scheduler Task specific */
runtime: 'nodejs10' | 'nodejs13' | 'container';
schedulerRate: string;
schedulerInput?: string | object;
/* Lambda type specific */
//Only allowed for lambda and lambdaContainer
reservedConcurrency?: number;
disableTracing?: boolean; //XRay tracing is enabled by default
protocol: 'http' ,'httpLoadBalancer' ,'dynamostreams' ,'sqs' ,'sns' ,'scheduler' ,'cloudWatch' ,'cloudWatchLogstream' ,'cognito' ,'s3' ,'none';
onError?: string;
/* Lambda specific */
layers?: string[];
/* Lambda container specific */
runtime?: 'nodejs10' | 'nodejs12' | 'nodejs14' | 'container' | 'java8' | 'java8al12' | 'java11';
/* Lambda protocols specific */
//Protocol: cognito
cognitoUserPoolArn: any;
cognitoTrigger: string;
//Protocol: cloudWatchLogstream
cloudWatchLogGroup: string;
cloudWatchLogFilter?: string;
//Protocol: cloudWatch
cloudWatchEventSource: string;
cloudWatchDetailType: string;
cloudWatchDetailState?: string;
cloudWatchInput?: string | any;
//Protocol: s3
s3bucket: string;
s3event?: string;
s3bucketExisting?: boolean;
s3rules?: { [key in ('prefix'|'suffix')]?: string }[];
//Protocol: dynamostreams
protocolArn?: any;
queueBatchSize?: number;
maximumRetryAttempts?: number;
filterPatterns?: {}[];
//Protocol: scheduler
schedulerRate?: string;
schedulerInput?: string | any;
//Protocol: sns
protocolArn?: any;
filterPolicy?: object;
//Protocol: sqs
protocolArn?: any;
queueBatchSize?: number;
reportFailureResponse?: boolean;
//Protocol: http (api gateway)
routes: {
path: string;
method?: string;
cors?: {
origin: string;
headers: string[];
allowCredentials: boolean;
cognitoAuthorizerArn?: any; //assumption
//Protocol: httpLoadBalancer
routes: {
path: string;
method?: string | string[];
priority?: number; //default to 1
cors?: {
origin: string;
headers: string[];
allowCredentials: boolean;
hostname?: string | string[];
limitSourceIPs?: string | string[];
limitHeader?: { name: string, value: string | string[] }; //optional limit headers on ALB
cognitoAuthorizer?: {
poolDomain: string;
poolArn: any;
clientId: string;
//health check
healthCheckInterval?: number; //defaults to 15,
healthCheckTimeout?: number; //defaults to 10
healthCheckHealthyCount?: number; //defaults to 2
healthCheckUnhealthyCount?: number; //defaults to 5
healthCheckRoute?: string; //required to enable health checks
Environment ivar resolutions
By default, hybridless will always attempt to resolve all enviroment ivars that starts with hybridless
Support operations are listed below:
- Usage:
- Will attempt to resolve the specified function dynamic generated container image URL (with tag).
- If no
is specified, plugin will loop into available events and return the first available container image. - Returns empty string if unable to resolve.
- Usage:
Roadmap is visible on our public project page
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Happy coding :)