This is expo react native start template which has most common packages
FILE BASE ROUTING EXPO SDK 49 Template (typescript)
Be sure to have Node.js LTS release installed (v16+ required, v18+ recommended).
npx create-expo-app [name] --template @husam287/expo-template-ts
⚡ Stack and Dependencies
- React Navigation 6: For navigating through screens, we are using react navigation's tab and stack navigators with custom header created
- Redux Toolkit: We use redux toolkit to manage universal state. An introduction into redux toolkit can be found here.
- RTK Query: a high performance lib for fetching data
- Icomoon: To use custom icons using icon component and files generated from Icomoon website
- Form Validation: We are using react-hook-form and yup to validate our user inputs, checking them in our form-input component while passing the yup schema in the screens
- Translations: We are using react-i18next and expo-localization to translate the app (en - ar) - i.e use (useAutoCompleteTranslation) hook to enjoy autocompleted i18n keys.
- EAS and live update configuration: EAS and expo publish configurations are ready to use (production and testing channels).
- Eslint with airbnb config: To keep your code more clean and improve its quality
- Husky: To make pre-commit hooks
- Lint-staging: Work with husky to prevent commit code without making linting
- Absolute Imports: To avoid annoying relative.
- App Name Localization: Now you can localize the app name with the key of "CFBundleDisplayName" for ios and "app_name" for android in i18n files
🔧 Usage
Be sure to have Node.js LTS release installed (v16+ required, v18+ recommended).
- install the template
npx create-expo-app [name] --template @husam287/expo-template-ts
- install eas-cli globally
npm install -g eas-cli
- configure the expo project linkage
eas build:configure
- configure eas updates (required before build)
npm run deploy:test
💻 Development Practices
- Responsive: Make sure to utilize responsive color and screen sizes for components in constants folder.
- Lightweight Files: Keep files under ~500 lines of code. If you much longer than this you should probably be creating a different component to import in.
- Compilation and Formatting: Strongly type when possible to cut down on runtime errors while also linting code often to maintain strong formatting.
- Naming Conventions:
Directories: all lower case with - for spaces (ex. home-components)
Files/Components: Capital first letter and CamelCase (ex. <FormInput />)
Variables: camelCase (ex. const isLoading) Constant value: all upper case _ for spaces (ex. GLOBAL_STYLES)
📂 Organization
: for expo router file routing system.src/components
: useful re-usable component library.src/constants
: app constants, such as theme, that remain consistent throughout the app.src/redux
: redux features, organized using the slice pattern.src/hooks
: useful hooks that can be re-used throughout the app.src/screens
: the main screens of the app (features).src/api
: apis using rtk query; organized as endpoints, axios configuration
: all assets