This is expo react native start template which has most common packages
EXPO SDK 48 Template
To use this template, make sure to have the Expo CLI latest version installed and run:
expo init [name] --template @husam287/expo-template
⚡ Stack and Dependencies
- React Navigation: For navigating through screens, we are using react navigation's tab and stack navigators with custom header created
- Redux Toolkit: We use redux toolkit to manage universal state. An introduction into redux toolkit can be found here.
- RTK Query: a high performance lib for fetching data
- Icomoon: To use custom icons using icon component and files generated from Icomoon website
- Form Validation: We are using react-hook-form and yup to validate our user inputs, checking them in our form-input component while passing the yup schema in the screens
- Translations: We are using i18n-js and expo-localization to translate the app (en - ar).
- EAS and live update configuration: EAS and expo publish configurations are ready to use (production and testing channels).
- Eslint with airbnb config: To keep your code more clean and improve its quality
- Husky: To make pre-commit hooks
- Lint-staging: Work with husky to prevent commit code without making linting
- Absolute Imports: To avoid annoying relative.
- App Name Localization: Now you can localize the app name with the key of "CFBundleDisplayName" for ios and "app_name" for android in i18n files
🔧 Usage
Be sure to have the Expo CLI installed.
expo init [name] --template @husam287/expo-template
💻 Development Practices
- Responsive: Make sure to utilize responsive color and screen sizes for components in constants folder.
- Lightweight Files: Keep files under ~500 lines of code. If you much longer than this you should probably be creating a different component to import in.
- Compilation and Formatting: Strongly type when possible to cut down on runtime errors while also linting code often to maintain strong formatting.
- Naming Conventions:
Directories: all lower case with - for spaces (ex. home-components)
Files/Components: Capital first letter and CamelCase (ex. <FormInput />)
Variables: camelCase (ex. const isLoading) Constant value: all upper case _ for spaces (ex. GLOBAL_STYLES)
📂 Organization
: useful re-usable component library.src/constants
: app constants, such as theme, that remain consistent throughout the app.src/reducers
: redux features, organized using the slice pattern.src/hooks
: useful hooks that can be re-used throughout the app.src/routes
: react-navigation navigators, including stack and tab navigators.src/screens
: the main screens of the app.src/api
: apis using axios hooks; organized as endpoints, axios configuration
: all assets