A framework to generate Discord guild categories, channels and roles, built with DiscordJS
Discord Server Generator
Discord Server Generator is a framework which allows you to create your server based on a JSON configuration acting like the server template.
- Supports threads, custom emojis and stickers
- Emits events like
and 9 more! - And much more!
See ./examples/index.js.
Prerequisites ⚠️
You must use NodeJS v16.6.0 or higher to run a bot with this library.
You must also not forget to include mandatory intents as well as give your bot the rights to use application commands. You might add optional intents if you feel like it.
As another logical note, it is mandatory that your bot's role is the highest in the guild in order for it to remove all roles from the guild's roles pool.
Mandatory intents
- GUILDS: used to access guild content such as channels.
Optional intents
- GUILD_EMOJIS_AND_STICKERS: use to access and add guild emojis and stickers.
npm install --save @hunteroi/discord-server-generator
manager.on(ServerGeneratorManagerEvents.guildGenerate, (guild: Guild, options: GuildOptions, reason?: string) => {});
manager.on(ServerGeneratorManagerEvents.guildGenerated, (guild: Guild, options: GuildOptions, reason?: string) => {});
manager.on(ServerGeneratorManagerEvents.roleDelete, (role: Role, reason?: string) => {});
manager.on(ServerGeneratorManagerEvents.channelDelete, (channel: GuildChannel, reason?: string) => {});
manager.on(ServerGeneratorManagerEvents.emojiDelete, (emoji: GuildEmoji, reason?: string) => {});
manager.on(ServerGeneratorManagerEvents.stickerDelete, (sticker: Sticker, reason?: string) => {});
manager.on(ServerGeneratorManagerEvents.channelCreate, (channel: GuildChannel, options: CategoryOptions | GuildChannelOptions, reason?: string) => {});
manager.on(ServerGeneratorManagerEvents.threadCreate, (thread: ThreadChannel, options: ThreadOptions, reason?: string) => {});
manager.on(ServerGeneratorManagerEvents.roleCreate, (role: Role, options: RoleOptions, reason?: string) => {});
manager.on(ServerGeneratorManagerEvents.emojiCreate, (emoji: GuildEmoji, options: EmojiOptions, reason?: string) => {});
manager.on(ServerGeneratorManagerEvents.stickerCreate, (sticker: Sticker, options: StickerOptions, reason?: string) => {});
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- Fork the Project
- Create your Branch:
git checkout -b patch/YourAmazingWork
- Commit your Changes:
git commit -m 'Add some amazing work'
- Push to the Branch:
git push origin patch/YourAmazingWork
- Open a Pull Request