A framework to integrate a channel with a automated role-giver system inside your Discord bot built with DiscordJS
Discord SelfRole
Discord SelfRole is a framework to easily create a channel with automated role-giver system.
- Supports custom emojis
- Emits events like
and 9 more! - Allow full customization of the embed (you can add image, thumbnail, etc.)
- And much more!
See ./examples/index.js.
Prerequisites ⚠️
Starting at v2.0.0, you must use NodeJS v16.6.0 or higher to run a bot with this library.
You also must not forget to include mandatory intents and partials as well as give your bot the rights to read messages.
Mandatory intents
- GUILDS: used to access guild content such as channels.
- GUILD_MEMBERS: used to access guild members and update their roles.
- GUILD_MESSAGES: used to read guild messages.
In case you are willing to use reactions, you will need these intents:
- GUILD_MESSAGE_REACTIONS: used to access guild messages reactions.
In case you are willing to use interactions and buttons, you will need these intents:
- GUILD_INTERACTIONS: used to access direct messages to the bot.
npm install --save @hunteroi/discord-selfrole
manager.on(SelfRoleManagerEvents.channelRegister, (channel, options) => {});
manager.on(SelfRoleManagerEvents.channelUnregister, (channel, options) => {});
manager.on(SelfRoleManagerEvents.error, (error, message, [role, member]) => {});
manager.on(SelfRoleManagerEvents.messageRetrieve, (message) => {});
manager.on(SelfRoleManagerEvents.messageCreate, (message) => {});
manager.on(SelfRoleManagerEvents.messageDelete, (message) => {});
manager.on(SelfRoleManagerEvents.roleRemove, (role, member, interaction) => {});
manager.on(SelfRoleManagerEvents.roleAdd, (role, member, interaction) => {});
manager.on(SelfRoleManagerEvents.reactionAdd, (rte, message) => {}); // only if useReactions is set to true
manager.on(SelfRoleManagerEvents.reactionRemove, (rte, message) => {}); // only if useReactions is set to true
maanger.on(SelfRoleManagerEvents.interaction, (rte, interaction) => {}); // only if useReactions is set to false
manager.on(SelfRoleManagerEvents.maxRolesReach, (member, interaction, nbRoles, maxRoles, role) => {});
manager.on(SelfRoleManagerEvents.requiredRolesMissing, (member, userAction, role, requiredRoles) => {});
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
- Fork the Project
- Create your Branch:
git checkout -b patch/YourAmazingWork
- Commit your Changes:
git commit -m 'Add some amazing work'
- Push to the Branch:
git push origin patch/YourAmazingWork
- Open a Pull Request