Yeoman generators for Humblebee projects
Yeoman generators for Humblebee projects
This README will help you to install the generator and use it to scaffold a new project.
Currently available generators:
- frontend
Package manager
Use your favorite one:
First, configure your environment to fetch private packages from the Humblebee NPM orgnisation.
You will need a valid API key allowing you to fetch such packages.
Contact the company tech lead or ask another developer to get one.
Yarn does not handle authentication tokens by itself at the moment but can read them from the npm config:
npm config set //registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken {NPM_TOKEN}
Then install yeoman and this generator globally:
yarn global add yo @humblebee/generator-boilerplate@latest
If you prefer to use npm instead:
npm install -g yo @humblebee/generator-boilerplate@latest
Finally, inside your project, run the generator:
# First move to your project folder
cd /path/to/my/project
# Then update the boilerplate to make sure you have the latest version:
# If you use yarn:
yarn global upgrade @humblebee/generator-boilerplate --latest
# If you use npm:
npm install -g @humblebee/generator-boilerplate@latest
# Initialize Git project
git init
# Finally, run the generator
yo @humblebee/boilerplate:frontend
IMPORTANT This will write files to the disk in your current directory, but you would be prompted for actions in case of conflict.
You will be prompted for a few options, just follow the instructions.
Pull-Requests are welcome :)
Please refer to the CONTRIBUTING.md guide for more specific informations.