Centralized configuration for webpack v5
Centralized configuration for webpack v5
Getting started
Install the packages from your favorite package manager
npm i -D webpack @humblebee/config-wepback5 # or yarn
This package provides a default centralised config for building web applications with webpack v5.
// webpack.config.babel.js
import path from 'path';
import { getWebpack5FrontendConfiguration } from '@humblebee/config-webpack5';
// arbitrary
const BUILD_FOLDER = path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist');
const PUBLIC_FOLDER = path.resolve(__dirname, 'public');
const getWebpackConfiguration = (_env, args) => {
const { mode } = args;
switch (mode) {
case 'development':
return getWebpack5FrontendConfiguration(
// options for the shared configuration
buildFolder: BUILD_FOLDER,
publicFolder: PUBLIC_FOLDER,
htmlTemplate: path.resolve(PUBLIC_FOLDER, 'index.html'),
// devServer: {
// // ...
// }
// options forwarded to the webpack configuration
// add whatever you need
case 'production':
return getWebpack5FrontendConfiguration(
// options for the shared configuration
buildFolder: BUILD_FOLDER,
publicFolder: PUBLIC_FOLDER,
htmlTemplate: path.resolve(PUBLIC_FOLDER, 'index.html'),
// imageminOptions: {},
// subResourceIntegrityOptions: {},
// hashedModuleIdsOptions: {},
// options forwarded to the webpack configuration
// add whatever you need
throw new Error(`Unable to provide configuration for unknown environment: "${mode}"`);