The in-web bindings for the hfs library.
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The humanfs bindings for the Origin Private File System (OPFS) in web browsers.
[!WARNING] This project is experimental and may change significantly before v1.0.0. Use at your own caution and definitely not in production!
It's recommended to import the minified version to save bandwidth:
import { hfs } from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/@humanfs/web?min";
However, you can also import the unminified version for debugging purposes:
import { hfs } from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/@humanfs/web";
The easiest way to use hfs in your project is to import the hfs
import { hfs } from "@humanfs/web";
Then, you can use the API methods:
// 1. Files
// read from a text file
const text = await hfs.text("file.txt");
// read from a JSON file
const json = await hfs.json("file.json");
// read raw bytes from a text file
const bytes = await hfs.bytes("file.txt");
// write text to a file
await hfs.write("file.txt", "Hello world!");
// write bytes to a file
await hfs.write("file.txt", new TextEncoder().encode("Hello world!"));
// append text to a file
await hfs.append("file.txt", "Hello world!");
// append bytes to a file
await hfs.append("file.txt", new TextEncoder().encode("Hello world!"));
// does the file exist?
const found = await hfs.isFile("file.txt");
// how big is the file?
const size = await hfs.size("file.txt");
// when was the file modified?
const mtime = await hfs.lastModified("file.txt");
// copy a file from one location to another
await hfs.copy("file.txt", "file-copy.txt");
// move a file from one location to another
await hfs.move("file.txt", "renamed.txt");
// delete a file
await hfs.delete("file.txt");
// 2. Directories
// create a directory
await hfs.createDirectory("dir");
// create a directory recursively
await hfs.createDirectory("dir/subdir");
// does the directory exist?
const dirFound = await hfs.isDirectory("dir");
// copy the entire directory
hfs.copyAll("from-dir", "to-dir");
// move the entire directory
hfs.moveAll("from-dir", "to-dir");
// delete a directory
await hfs.delete("dir");
// delete a non-empty directory
await hfs.deleteAll("dir");
If you'd like to create your own instance, import the WebHfs
import { WebHfs } from "@humanfs/web";
const hfs = new WebHfs({
root: await navigator.storage.getDirectory()
If you'd like to use just the impl, import the WebHfsImpl
import { WebHfsImpl } from "@humanfs/web";
const hfs = new WebHfsImpl({
root: await navigator.storage.getDirectory()
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