Deploy apps to AWS Elastic Beanstalk using Meteor Up
@hubroeducation/mup-aws-beanstalk Fork
As we have not received any reply for our forks and issues in the main repository, we have published a fork to add in our extensions and updates
- Updated dependencies
- Add ability to include extra files into instances
- Support for custom ebextensions config files (by @s7dhansh, https://github.com/zodern/mup-aws-beanstalk/pull/72)
- Support for different deployment policies
- Fixes for hangups on SSL
- Disable HTTP requests
Extra feautres
Custom files
// Add to mup config
additionalFiles: [
//Adds "mylog.log" to the logs that are tailed and exported in elastic beanstalk
filepath: "/opt/elasticbeanstalk/tasks/taillogs.d/mylog.conf",
content: [
Set deployment policy
// add to mup config
"deploymentPolicy": "Rolling"
Disable incoming HTTP requests
// add to mup config
"disableIncomingRequests": true
Plugin for Meteor Up to deploy using AWS Beanstalk.
- Load balancing with support for sticky sessions and web sockets
- Autoscaling
- Meteor settings.json
- Zero downtime deploys
- Automatically uses the correct node version