Bundle all your bindings in an easy to use package that let's you abstract contract initialization and addresses
EVM Contracts Registry
Bundle all your bindings in an easy to use package that let's you abstract contract initialization and addresses
How to use a library built with EVM Contracts Registry
Providers Registry
The providers registry is an object containing all your rpc urls. You can instantiate your own or use the one provided with the library with public RPCs:
import { providers } from '@hovoh/evmcontractsregistry';
You can add networks with the addNetwork function to the default provider. If you want to use write function, you can specify your private key using setPrivateKey function.
Contracts Registry
The Contracts Registry are mappings the addresses with a function to instanciate the EthersJs Contract object.
Named bindings are contracts available on all networks.
In this case we use factories from Typechain generated using typechain for ethers with multicall
import {
} from "@hovoh/evmcontractsregistry";
const deployedAtBlock = 999999;
const ethereumMainnet = {
myErc20Token: contract("0xYourContractAddress", ERC20__factory.connect, ERC20__factory.multicall, deployedAtBlock),
const optimismMainnet = {
myErc20Token: contract("0xYourContractAddress", ERC20__factory.connect, ERC20__factory.multicall, deployedAtBlock),
staking: contract("0xStakingAddress", Staking__factory.connect, Staking__factory.multicall, 10000)
const bindings = {
ERC20: bindings(ERC20__factory.connect, ERC20__factory.multicall)
Network Contracts Registry
Once you have a mapping of contracts for each network you can instantiate the NetworkContractsRegistry to map the contracts registries to a network.
export interface MyAPINetworksMapping {
[Network.MAINNET]: typeof ethereumMainnet,
[Network.OPTIMISM]: typeof optimismMainnet
export const myApiContracts = new NetworksContractsRegistry<IMaiPeripherals, typeof bindings>()
myApiContracts.addNetwork(Network.MAINNET, ethereumMainnet);
myApiContracts.addNetwork(Network.OPTIMISM, optimismMainnet);
Contracts Factory
The Contracts Factory uses the Providers Registry and the NetworkContractsRegistry to instantiate contracts with typings support.
const bundledApi = new ContractFactory(providers, myApiContracts)
Using the ContractFactory
Querying a contract:
const myErc20Token = bundledApi.forNetwork(Network.OPERA_MAINNET).getContractInstance("myErc20Token");
const symbol = myErc20Token.symbol()
Using multicall to batch calls:
const multicallResults = bundledApi.forNetwork(Network.OPERA_MAINNET).multicall((get) => [