A user route for HotStaq. Allows users to be created/edited/deleted securely.
HotStaq User Route
This application was bootstrapped with HotStaq
Getting Started
Navigate to the project's directory then enter:
npm run build
This will transpile the TypeScript into ES6 JavaScript by default. After this is done building, enter:
npm run dev
This will launch the web server in development mode. Open a web browser and navigate to to see the example page!
To build the docker images navigate to the project's directory and enter:
hotstaq build
This will build the Dockerfile. After which you can navigate into your output directory and enter:
To start the docker image, run:
API Generation
To generate a web client for use on a website enter:
npm run build-web
To generate the OpenAPI 3.0.0 YAML documentation enter:
npm run build-doc