Template manager for the horsepower http server.
@horsepower/template is a template tool originally built for the horsepower http server, and uses custom html tags for different features such as loops
, if/elif/else
, etc.
Horsepower Http Server Usage
This is the basic usage. All examples use the horsepower http server.
Basic Usage
module.exports.main = async function(client) {
return client.response.render('welcome.mix', {
name: 'Billy Bob Joe'
<h1>Welcome, {{$name}}</h1>
Variables are used to work with data that have been assigned to the template.
Existing variables are used within double braces which are opened with {{
and closed with }}
If the variable already exists, use a $
to prefix it. Variables must then start with a letter.
Valid examples:
Invalid examples:
New variables can be created within cases that create new scopes, such as each
, if
, for
. These variables are not created within braces and don't start with a $
. See examples in the related block type below.
A block is a way to group a block of data this data can then be used in other places. The block file must also use extends
to extend a parent file. The parent file then also has a matching block statement.
<block name="header"></block>
<block name="content"></block>
<extends file="root" />
<block name="header">
<!-- Custom navigation for the page -->
<block name="content">
<!-- Custom content for the page -->
When rendering the file, you would render example.mix this will then load root.mix and build the output.
module.exports.main = async function(client) {
return client.response.render('example.mix')
Generating the final output:
<!-- Custom navigation for the page -->
<!-- Custom content for the page -->
An each is used to to loop over an array of items such as strings, numbers, objects, etc.
module.exports.main = async function(client) {
return client.response.render('example.mix', {
todo: ['Eat', 'Sleep', 'Repeat'],
months: [
{ name: 'January', 'days': 31 },
{ name: 'February', 'days': 28 },
{ name: 'March', 'days': 30 },
{ name: 'April', 'days': 31 }
<each :="item in {{$todo}}">
<each :="month in {{$months}}">
<li>{{$month.name}} has {{$month.days}} days</li>
Each also comes with an else statement which will execute if the array is empty.
module.exports.main = async function(client) {
return client.response.render('example.mix', {
empty: []
<each :="item in {{$empty}}">
<li>No items found!</li>
A for loop is used to loop over a range of numbers and has two different formats.
i from 0 through 100
is an alias forthrough
)i from 0 to 100
To loop in reverse, use a bigger starting number than ending number. Numbers can also come from variables i from {{$start}} to {{$end}}
and also may be mixed i from 0 thru {{$end}}
When using through this will start at the first number and go to the last number inclusively.
<for :="i from 1 thru 5">
<li>Index: {{$i}}</li>
The generated html will result in the following:
<li>Index: 1</li>
<li>Index: 2</li>
<li>Index: 3</li>
<li>Index: 4</li>
<li>Index: 5</li>
When using to this will start at the first number and go to the last number exclusively.
<for :="i from 1 to 5">
<li>Index: {{$i}}</li>
The generated html will result in the following:
<li>Index: 1</li>
<li>Index: 2</li>
<li>Index: 3</li>
<li>Index: 4</li>
If statements can be used to test if a statement is valid and if it is that block can be ran.
<if :="{{$item}} == 0">
<p>The item is equal to zero</p>
<elif :="{{$item}} == 1">
<p>The item is equal to one</p>
<p>The item does not match anything</p>