A Vue plugin for viewing projects created with Horizon Suite.
Vue Horizon Suite Viewer
Vue Horizon Suite Viewer is a Vue.js component that allows you to easily integrate the Horizon Suite Viewer into
your Vue.js applications. This plugin provides a simple interface to display Horizon Suite deployments using a
unique deployment-id
To install the plugin, run the following command:
npm install @horizon-suite/vue-horizon-suite-viewer
Once you have installed the package, you can import and use the HorizonSuiteViewer component in your Vue.js project. Make sure to provide the deployment-id as a prop to the component. You can find the deployment-id in the Horizon Suite dashboard at https://horizon-suite.com.
Below is an example of how to use the Vue Horizon Suite Viewer component in your Vue.js application:
<h1>My Horizon Suite Deployment</h1>
<HorizonSuiteViewer deployment-id="XYZ" />
import {HorizonSuiteViewer} from '@horizon-suite/vue-horizon-suite-viewer';
Replace the XYZ with your deployment-id.
Getting the deployment-id
To get the deployment-id, follow these steps:
- Log in to your Horizon Suite account at https://horizon-suite.com.
- Navigate to the dashboard.
- Select the desired project and copy the deployment-id.
If you need further assistance, feel free to contact us at [email protected].