The library parses the matrix transformation and modifies the element
Table of contents
This library will parse the matrix transformation of the element into the following properties: scale, translate, rotate, skew. Interface allows to change these properties and generate a matrix from them that will update the transform property. The library also parses and allows you to change the transform-origin property using a special interface.
Has the following constructor signature:
new Transform(node, options?)
node [HTMLElement|SVGElement] element with which transformations will be performed. Required parameter.
options [Object] described in options. Optional parameter.
npm install @hooked74/transform
Basic Usage
import Transform from "@hooked/transform";
// Use Transformation for HTMLElement
const transform = new Transform(htmlElement);
transform.origin = { x: 1, y: 0.5 };
transform.scaleX = 2;
// Use Transformation for SVGElement
const transform = new Transform(svgElement);
transform.originX = 0.5;
transform.y = 100;
import Transform from "@hooked/transform";
class Entity extends Transform {
constructor(node) {
// ...
const entity = new Entity(htmlElement);
entity.origin = { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 };
entity.angle = 10;
Transform has the following options:
This option provides the ability to generate a matrix that will be composed of properties in a given order. By default this order:
["skew", "scale", "rotate", "translate"]
This order was selected empirically.
Available orders:
["rotate", "scale", "translate", "skew"],
["rotate", "scale", "skew", "translate"],
["rotate", "skew", "scale", "translate"],
["rotate", "skew", "translate", "scale"],
["rotate", "translate", "skew", "scale"],
["rotate", "translate", "scale", "skew"],
["scale", "rotate", "translate", "skew"],
["scale", "rotate", "skew", "translate"],
["scale", "skew", "rotate", "translate"],
["scale", "skew", "translate", "rotate"],
["scale", "translate", "skew", "rotate"],
["scale", "translate", "rotate", "skew"],
["skew", "rotate", "scale", "translate"],
["skew", "rotate", "translate", "scale"],
["skew", "scale", "rotate", "translate"],
["skew", "scale", "translate", "rotate"],
["skew", "translate", "rotate", "scale"],
["skew", "translate", "scale", "rotate"],
["translate", "rotate", "scale", "skew"],
["translate", "rotate", "skew", "scale"],
["translate", "skew", "rotate", "scale"],
["translate", "skew", "scale", "rotate"],
["translate", "scale", "skew", "rotate"],
["translate", "scale", "rotate", "skew"]
width [float]
Allow to change the width of the element. Return the width of the element in pixels.
height [float]
Allow to change the height of the element. Return the height of the element in pixels.
styleTransform [string]
Allow to change the transformation property of the element. Return value in transformation matrix format.
styleTransformOrigin [string]
Allow to change transform-origin of the element. Return the value of transform-origin in the format Xpx Ypx.
rotate [{ angle: float }]
Change the state of rotate. The main property of the state is the angle of rotation. Return rotate state.
angle [float]
Element rotation angle. Limited to values from 0 to 360.
scale [{ x: float, y: float }]
Change the state of scale. The main properties of the state is the scale x and scale y. Return scale state.
scaleX [float]
Element scaling by X. Limited to values from 0 to 1 where 1 is 100%.
scaleY [float]
Element scaling by Y. Limited to values from 0 to 1 where 1 is 100%.
skew [{ x: float, y: float }]
Change the state of skew. The main properties of the state is the skew x and skew y. Return skew state.
skewX [float]
Element skewing by X. Value in degrees.
skewY [float]
Element skewing by Y. Value in degrees.
translate [{ x: float, y: float }]
Change the state of translate. The main properties of the state is the translate x and translate y. Return translate state.
x [float]
Element offset by X.
y [float]
Element offset by Y.
origin [{ x: float, y: float }]
Change the state of origin. The main properties of the state is the origin x and origin y. Return origin state.
originX [float]
Set the X coordinate relative to which the element will be transformed.
originY [float]
Set the Y coordinate relative to which the element will be transformed.
getStyleProperty(property: string): string
Get element style property.
setStyleProperty(property: string, value: string): void
Set element style property.
update(isOrigin: boolean): void
Force update transformation. It’s not worth using without need, since it is called automatically when the class properties change. If isOrigin is true then updates transform-origin otherwise transform.
You can run some built-in commands:
npm run build
Builds the app for production. Your app is ready to be deployed.
npm run test:watch
Runs the test watcher in an interactive mode. By default, runs tests related to files changed since the last commit.