🦅 Helpers to simplify feathers configuration.
Feathers Helpers
🦅 Helpers to simplify feathers configuration.
Getting Started
You can see an example project on this repository: Example
Use npm:
npm install --save @hookcompany/feathers-helpers
Or use yarn:
yarn add @hookcompany/feathers-helpers
Step 1: Services Index
Initially, you have to understand Feathers Helpers has an especific archtecture, which is divided into platforms, in this case app mobile and dashboard.
import feathersHelpers from '@hookcompany/feathers-helpers';
import models from 'models';
import common from './common';
import appMobile from './app-mobile';
import dashboard from './dashboard';
export default app => {
feathersHelpers(models, { basePath: 'base' })(app)
Step 2: Models
Feathers Helpers only works with feathers-mongoose. So, if you use mongoose and feathers-mongoose, you can create a model like this:
export default {
model: {
email: { type: String, unique: true },
password: { type: String }
options: {
timestamps: true
And you have to export an object that has the name of models as object attributes.
import product from './product';
import user from './user';
export default { product, user };
The attributes names are importants, because the model will be a feathers-mongoose model service that works like a pure service with all feathers methods to manipulate data. And by default the service path is "/base/model-name" with pluralized model name using pluralize, but you can configure base prefix on options as you can see on step 1.
Step 3: Platform
To configure a platform you only have to specify a prefix to the platform and pass an array of services. The prefix will be on platform services paths.
import products from './products';
import users from './users';
import feeds from './feeds';
export default {
basePath: '/app-mobile',
services: [products, users, feeds]
Step 4: Service
To configure a service you have to pass a service class, hooks, path and options. About the options, if you pass true in customMethods option you will activate feathers-custom-methods, by default customMethods is false.
import hooks from './hooks';
import service from './class';
export default {
path: '/feeds',
options: {
customMethods: true
import { find, get, create, update, patch, remove } from '@hookcompany/feathers-custom-methods';
class Service {
setup = app => {
this.app = app;
foo = params => {
return Promise.resolve(args);
bar = (id, params) => {
return Promise.resolve(args);
export default options => new Service(options);
import { logger } from 'hooks';
export default {
before: {
all: [logger()],
foo: [logger()],
bar: [logger()]
after: {
all: [logger()],
foo: [logger()],
bar: [logger()]
error: {
all: [logger()],
foo: [logger()],
bar: [logger()]
If you don't activate custom methods all will work like feathers normally. And the index will be like this:
import hooks from './hooks';
import service from './class';
export default {
path: '/feeds'
Another way to create a service is extending a base service, by the way a base service is a model service which was shown on step 2.
import { BaseService } from '@hookcompany/feathers-helpers';
class Service extends BaseService {
constructor(options) {
export default options => new Service(options);
In this situation you have to pass in options the base path of the extended base service, the methods you want to allow and if you want pagination or not.
import hooks from './hooks';
import service from './class';
export default {
path: '/products',
options: {
base: 'base/products',
methods: ['find', 'create'],
paginate: true
Step 5: Consuming
With custom methods:
Without custom methods: