Paymaster helper
Paymaster Helper
A paymaster is a smart contract that can pay for transactions for its users, executing any logic to decide whether it should forward a transaction. For example, developers can allow users to run transactions for free or pay in your application's ERC-20 token instead. The library helps developers easily interact with paymaster contracts
🛠 Prerequisites
node: >= 16.0.0
(installation guide)ethers: ~5.7.0
zksync-web3: ~0.14.4
📥 Installation & Setup
Using npm package manager
npm i @holdstation/paymaster-helper
Using yarn
yarn add @holdstation/paymaster-helper
📝 Examples
export interface BaseProps {
network: "testnet" | "mainnet";
paymasterAddress?: string; //custom paymaster address
populateTransaction: ethers.PopulatedTransaction;
innerInput?: string; //custom inner input for paymaster
defaultGasLimit?: number; //default gas limit in case gas estimate for paymaster fails, if no param is passed, default is 1_500_000
export interface WalletExecuteProps extends BaseProps {
signer: string | Wallet;
paymentToken?: string;
nftType?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3;
export interface SignerExecuteProps extends BaseProps {
signer?: Signer;
paymentToken?: string;
nftType?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3;
export type BuilderOutput = {
populatedTx: ethers.PopulatedTransaction;
gasLimit: BigNumber;
gasPrice: BigNumber;
export type UserNftOutput = [
nftType: BigNumber,
balance: BigNumber,
uri: string,
maxSponsor: BigNumber
] & {
nftType: BigNumber;
balance: BigNumber;
uri: string;
maxSponsor: BigNumber;
Using by wallet/private key
import { WalletPaymaster, SignerPaymaster } from "@holdstation/paymaster-helper"
const contract = new Contract(CONTRACT_ADDRESS, CONTRACT_ABI, provider)
const populateContract = await contract.populateTransaction[method](...params, {
from: ACCOUNT,
//execute by wallet
await WalletPaymaster.paymasterExecute({
network: "testnet",
signer: signer,
paymentToken: PAYMENT_TOKEN,
populateTransaction: populateContract
//execute using private key
await WalletPaymaster.paymasterExecute({
network: "testnet",
signer: PRIVATE_KEY,
paymentToken: PAYMENT_TOKEN,
populateTransaction: populateContract
Using by Web3Provider Signer (client extension)
function walletClientToSigner(walletClient: WalletClient) {
const { account, chain, transport } = walletClient;
const network = {
chainId: chain.id,
name: chain.name,
ensAddress: chain.contracts?.ensRegistry?.address,
const provider = new Web3Provider(transport, network);
const signer = provider.getSigner(account.address);
return signer;
const walletConnectSigner = walletClientToSigner(walletClient);
await SignerPaymaster.paymasterExecute({
//If no signer is specified, we will obtain it from the extension.
signer: walletConnectSigner,
network: "testnet",
paymentToken: PAYMENT_TOKEN,
populateTransaction: populateContract
Our paymaster has special inner input information that enables us to distinguish our role In case you use a custom paymaster address, you can adjust the inner input accordingly to align with your contract.
For example:
const abiCoder = new ethers.utils.AbiCoder();
const customInnerInput = abiCoder.encode(["bytes32"], [customInnerInputString]);
await SignerPaymaster.paymasterExecute({
//If no signer is specified, we will obtain it from the extension.
signer: walletConnectSigner,
network: "testnet",
paymentToken: PAYMENT_TOKEN,
populateTransaction: populateContract,
innerInput: customInnerInput
Partners, please use the paymaster we built specifically for you for your convenience in reporting
//all our partners should use the paymaster
const CUSTOM_PAYMASTER_ADDRESS = '0x069246dFEcb95A6409180b52C071003537B23c27';
Each partner will need to provide us with a partner code encoded according to your project name or company name this code is constant.
const projectName = 'SYNCSWAP';
const partnerCode = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String(projectName);
const tx = await SignerPaymaster.paymasterExecute({
network: 'mainnet',
populateTransaction: populateContract,
signer: signer,
paymentToken: PAYMENT_TOKEN,
innerInput: partnerCode