SnowUI is a React component library designed by ByeWind, implemented and improved by holakirr for creating beautiful and interactive user interfaces.
Holakirr Snow UI
SnowUI is a React UI of mostly (!) "stupid" (with no state or effect, you'll have to provide it by yourself) components library implementation of SnowUI design kit by ByeWind. Implemented and improved by holakirr. Based on TailwindCSS. Build your design using it
Take a look at my CV =)
- 🎨 Built with Tailwind CSS for utility-first styling
- 📚 Storybook for component documentation and development
- 🔍 TypeScript for type safety
- ✅ Comprehensive testing setup:
- Unit testing with Vitest
- E2E testing with Playwright
- 🚀 Vite for fast development and building
- ⚡️ Powered by Bun for fast package management and running scripts
Getting Started
To get started, install Holakirr Snow UI package via package manager of your choice:
bun add @holakirr/snow-ui
Then just import styles:
import '@holakirr/snow-ui/styles.css'
Basic example
Buttons are build using the Button component:
import { Button } from '@holakirr/snow-ui'
function App() {
return (
<Button variant="filled" size="md">
Click me
Component Documentation
Components are documented in Storybook with examples and props documentation. Visit the Storybook to explore the components and their usage.
- Unit tests are written using Vitest and React Testing Library
- E2E tests are written using Playwright
- All components have corresponding test files
bun add @holakirr/snow-ui
import { Button } from '@holakirr/snow-ui'
function App() {
return (
<Button variant="filled" size="md">
Click me