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Blazing fast, tree-shakeable, type-safe, modern utility library to sort any type of array
Docs : https://@hoangcung1804npm/molestiae-numquam-dolore.netlify.com/
Getting started
The library is available as a npm package. To install the package, run:
npm install @hoangcung1804npm/molestiae-numquam-dolore
# or
yarn add @hoangcung1804npm/molestiae-numquam-dolore
Start using:
import {byString} from '@hoangcung1804npm/molestiae-numquam-dolore'
const unsorted = ["xxx", "bbbb", "zzz", "cccc", "aaa"];
const sorted = unsorted.sort(byString());
console.log(sorted); //(5) ["aaa", "bbbb", "cccc", "xxx", "zzz"]
Use directly in the browser
<script src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@hoangcung1804npm/molestiae-numquam-dolore/dist/index.umd.js'></script>
const unsorted = ["xxx", "bbbb", "zzz", "cccc", "aaa"];
const sorted = unsorted.sort(sort.byString());
console.log(sorted); //(5) ["aaa", "bbbb", "cccc", "xxx", "zzz"]
//or via browser modules
<script type='module'>
import {byString} from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@hoangcung1804npm/molestiae-numquam-dolore/dist/index.mjs'
const unsorted = ["xxx", "bbbb", "zzz", "cccc", "aaa"];
const sorted = unsorted.sort(byString());
console.log(sorted); //(5) ["aaa", "bbbb", "cccc", "xxx", "zzz"]
Some mind-blowing example
sort by a single property
//js or ts file
import {byValue, byNumber, byString} from '@hoangcung1804npm/molestiae-numquam-dolore'
const arrayUnsorted = [
{prop: "xxx", foo: 34},
{prop: "aaa", foo: 325},
{prop: "zzz", foo: 15},
{prop: "ccc", foo: 340},
{prop: "bbb", foo: 0}
//this sort by the foo property ascending
const sortedByFoo = arrayUnsorted.sort(byValue((i) => i.foo, byNumber()));
console.log(sortedByFoo); //(5) [{prop: "bbb", foo : 0}, {prop: "zzz", foo: 15}, .....];
//this sort by the prop property descending
const sortedByProp = arrayUnsorted.sort(byValue((i) => i.prop, byString({desc: true})));
console.log(sortedByProp); //(5) [{prop: "zzz", foo : 15}, {prop: "xxx", foo: 34}, .....];
sort by a multiple property
//js or ts file
import {byNumber, byString, byValues} from "@hoangcung1804npm/molestiae-numquam-dolore";
const objsToSort = [
{id: 2, name: 'teresa'},
{id: 3, name: 'roberto'},
{id: 2, name: 'roberto'}
//i sort by THEIR NAMES and THEN by their ids
const sortedObject = objsToSort.sort(byValues([
[(x) => x.name, byString()],
[(x) => x.id, byNumber()]
console.log(sortedObject); //[{roberto, 2}, {roberto, 3}, {teresa, 2}];
//i sort by THEIR IDS and THEN by their names
const sortedObject2 = objsToSort.sort(byValues([
[(x) => x.id, byNumber()],
[(x) => x.name, byString()]
console.log(sortedObject2); //[{roberto, 2}, {teresa, 2}, {roberto, 3}];
//i sort by THEIR IDS and THEN by their names DESCENDING
const sortedObject3 = objsToSort.sort(byValues([
[(x) => x.id, byNumber()],
[(x) => x.name, byString({desc: true})],
console.log(sortedObject3); //[{teresa, 2}, {roberto, 2}, {roberto, 3}];
typescript types check
//ts file
import {byValue, byNumber, byString} from '@hoangcung1804npm/molestiae-numquam-dolore'
const objsArray = [{numbProp: 2, stringProp: 'a'}, {numbProp: 3, stringProp: 'f'}];
//Incorrect sort property
const incorrectSortedArray = objsArray.sort(byValue(i => i.numbProp, byString()));
//ts check error : Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.
//Correct sort type
const sortedArray = objsArray.sort(byValue(i => i.numbProp, byNumber()))
//ts check ok
See full Docs
MIT © Cosimo chellini