A module to assist serving documents to the public
Divorce Document Express Handler
A simple module to handle getting documents
Getting started
Attach document handler to express app
Attach the document get route to the app like so:
const { initDocumentHandler } = require('@hmcts/div-document-express-handler');
const express = require('express');
const idam = require('services/idam');
const app = express();
const middleware = [ idam.protect() ];
const args = {
// string to define path to attach document donwload handler, default: '/document-download/:documentId' *optional*
uri: '/document-download/:documentId',
// only allow files that include the following strings *optional*
// can be a function or an array
documentWhiteList: (req, res) => {
return ['fileName1IncludesString', 'fileName2IncludesString'];
// string to specifiy auth token cookie, default: '__auth-token' *optional*
authorizationTokenCookieName: '__auth-token',
// string to specify the service to fetch the documents from *required*
documentServiceUrl: 'service-url',
// array to paths where file collections are stored *required*
// this is used to get the file id from the session given the file name. all downloadable
// files must be included in these paths
sessionFileCollectionsPaths: ['case.data.d8', 'files']
initDocumentHandler(app, middleware, args);
Generate urls and file types from file system
Here is an example how to generate file urls and types:
const { Page } = require('@hmcts/one-per-page');
const { createUris } = require('@hmcts/div-document-express-handler');
class Step extends Page {
static get path() {
return 'some-path';
get downloadableFiles() {
const args = {
// string to define uri where document donwload handler is attached, default: '/document-download/:documentId' *optional*
uri: 'some-url',
// only allow files that include the following strings *optional*
documentWhiteList: ['someOtherFile']
// The first argument is an array of files expected the following format:
// this.req.session.files = [
// {
// "id": "401ab79e-34cb-4570-9f2f-4cf9357dc1ec",
// "value": {
// "DocumentFileName" : "someOtherFile1552043698652633"
// }
// },
// {
// "id": "401ab79e-34cb-4570-9f2f-4cf9357dc1ec",
// "value": {
// "DocumentFileName" : "someFile1552043698652633"
// }
// }
// ]
return createUris(this.req.session.files, args);
module.exports = Step;
To render output using look-and-feel:
{% from "look-and-feel/components/document-list.njk" import documentList %}
<h3 class="heading-small" id="subsection-title">Download your documents</h3>
{{ documentList(downloadableFiles, content.files) }}
@import 'look-and-feel/all';
or to import specific styles for document-list
@import 'look-and-feel/document-list';
"en": {
"files": {
"d8petition": "Original Petition",
"aosinvitation": "Respondent Response",
"co-respondentaosinvitation": "Co-Respondent Response"
This will print the file list out.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
Standard API
We follow RESTful API standards.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.