AppShell Component
Hitachi Vantara App Shell. Effortless UI integration with top-notch user experience, empowering composability.
The App Shell UI is a set of shared client-side modules for common user-focused UI components and services. Together with the Hitachi NEXT UI Kit, it aims to provide a consistent user experience across all Hitachi Vantara applications, adopting the NEXT Design System and addressing Lumada Architecture key concepts of Composability and Portability.
At its core, the App Shell consists of a collection of UI patterns shared by all products within the platform, providing a consistent set of interaction patterns that persist across all products. These include navigation, notifications, user information, and other common UX.
The App Shell also provides services that support the integration and communication between embedded applications, as well as guidelines and strategies for building web apps with multiple teams that ship features independently.
The App Shell is available as an NPM package, and can be installed with:
npm install @hitachivantara/app-shell-ui
Setup instructions for the App Shell are available in https://github.com/lumada-design/hv-app-shell.