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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2024 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




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A library that simplifies the process of parsing and validating command-line arguments using the Zod validation library


npm install @hishprorg/itaque-esse-accusamus # npm

yarn add @hishprorg/itaque-esse-accusamus # yarn

Quick Start

File: simple.ts

import { z } from "zod";
import { parser } from "@hishprorg/itaque-esse-accusamus";

const parsed = parser()
    option1: {
      type: z.boolean().default(false),
      alias: "a",
    option2: {
      type: z.string(),
  .parse(); // same with .parse(process.argv.slice(2))

// parsed is inferred as { option1: boolean, option2: string }
# Valid options
$ node simple.js --option1 --option2=str  # or `node simple.js -a --option2 str`
{ option1: true, option2: 'str' }

# Help
$ node simple.js --help
Usage: simple.js [options]

  -h, --help              Show help
  -a, --option1           (default: false)
      --option2 <string>                    [required]

# Invalid options show help and make exit(1)
$ node simple.js
Required option is missing: option2

Usage: simple.js [options]

  -h, --help              Show help
  -a, --option1           (default: false)
      --option2 <string>                    [required]

File: complex.ts

import { z } from "zod";
// import { parser } from "@hishprorg/itaque-esse-accusamus";
import { parser } from "../src/index";

const parsed = parser()
  .name("scriptA") // script name on Usage
  .version("1.0.0") // version on Usage
    option1: {
      // if default() is specified, it will be optional option.
      type: z.string().describe("description of option").default("default"),
      argumentName: "NameA", // used in Usage.
    option2: {
      type: z
        .regex(/[a-z]+/) // you can use zod's various methods.
        .optional(), // if optional() is specified, it will be optional option.
    option3: {
      type: z.number().min(5), // accepts only number and greater than 5.
    option4: {
      type: z.enum(["a", "b", "c"]).default("b"), // accepts only "a", "b", "c" and default is "b".
      // And required arguments.
      name: "arg1",
      type: z.string(),

// parsed is inferred as below.
// const parsed: {
//   option1: string;
//   option2?: string | undefined;
//   option3: number;
//   option4: "a" | "b" | "c";
//   arg1: string;
// }
# Valid options
$  node complex.js --option3=10 arg_str
  option1: 'default',
  option2: undefined,
  option3: 10,
  option4: 'b',
  arg1: 'arg_str'

# Help
$  node complex.js --help
Usage: scriptA [options] <arg1>

  arg1    [required]

  -h, --help              Show help
  -V, --version           Show version
      --option1 <NameA>   description of option (default: "default")
      --option2 <string>
      --option3 <number>                                              [required]
      --option4 <string>  (choices: "a", "b", "c") (default: "b")

# Version
$  node complex.js --version


Various option types

boolean types

  • .options() supports boolean type
  • .args() DOES NOT support boolean type

File: boolean.ts

const parsed = parser()
    option1: {
      type: z.boolean(), // required option. type is boolean
    option2: {
      type: z.boolean().default(false), // optional option. type is boolean
    option3: {
      type: z.boolean().optional(), // optional option. type is boolean|undefined
    option4: {
      type: z.boolean().default(false).optional(), // optional option. type is boolean|undefined

// parsed is inferred as below:
// const parsed: {
//     option1: boolean;
//     option2: boolean;
//     option3?: boolean;
//     option4?: boolean;
// }
negatable boolean

You can use '--no-' prefix to set false(ex. --no-option1).

const parsed = parser()
    option1: {
      type: z.boolean().default(true),
$ node script.js --no-option1
{ option1: false }

enum types

  • .options() supports enum type
  • .args() supports enum type

File: enum.ts

const parsed = parser()
    option1: {
      type: z.enum(["a", "b"]), // required option. type is "a"|"b"
    option2: {
      type: z.enum(["a", "b"]).default("b"), // optional option. type is "a"|"b"
    option3: {
      type: z.enum(["a", "b"]).optional(), // optional option. type is "a"|"b"|undefined
    option4: {
      type: z.enum(["a", "b"]).default("b").optional(), // optional option. type is "a"|"b"|undefined
      name: "position1",
      type: z.enum(["a", "b"]), // required arg. type is "a"|"b"

// parsed is inferred as below:
// const parsed: {
//   option1: "a" | "b";
//   option2: "a" | "b";
//   option3?: "a" | "b";
//   option4?: "a" | "b";
//   position1: "a" | "b";
// };

array types

  • .options() supports array type
  • .args() supports array type
array option

CAUTION: program --opt opt_arg1 opt_arg2 pos_arg will be treated as opt=['opt_arg1' 'opt_arg2' 'pos_arg']. In this case, the user should use program --opt opt_arg1 opt_arg2 -- pos_arg.

File: array_option.ts

const parsed = parser()
    opt: {
      type: z.array(z.string()), // required option. type is string[]
      //   type: z.array(z.string()).default([]), // optional arg. type is string[] and default is []

// parsed is inferred as below:
// const parsed: {
//   opt: string[];
// };
# Valid options
$ node array_option.js --opt str1 str2
{ opt: [ 'str1', 'str2' ] }

# Invalid options (empty array is not permitted. use `.default([])` instead).
$ node array_option.js --opt
Option 'opt' needs value: opt

Usage: array_option.js [options]

  -h, --help              Show help
      --opt <string ...>             [required]
array positional arguments

File: array_argument.ts

const parsed = parser()
      name: "pos",
      type: z.array(z.string()), // required arg. type is string[]
      //   type: z.array(z.string()).default([]), // optional arg. type is string[] and default is []

// parsed is inferred as below:
// const parsed: {
//   pos: string[];
// };
# Valid options
$ node array_argument.js str1 str2
{ pos: [ 'str1', 'str2' ] }

# Invalid options (empty array is not permitted. use `.default([])` instead).
$ node array_argument.js
Required argument is missing: pos

Usage: array_argument.js [options] <pos ...>

  pos    [required]

  -h, --help  Show help

Custom validation

You can use Zod's .refine() method to validate each option(e.g. z.string().refine((v) => v === "foo" || v === "bar", {message: "option1 must be foo or bar"}).

If you want to check combinations of options, you can use .validation() method. .validation() registers the custom validation function. And the function is called after default validation.

File: custom_validation.ts

const parsed = parser()
    option1: {
      type: z.number(),
    option2: {
      type: z.number(),
  .validation((parsed) => {
    if (parsed.option1 === parsed.option2) {
      throw Error("option1 and option2 must be different"); // or return "option1 and option2 must be different"
    return true;

# Valid options
$ node custom_validation.js --option1=10 --option2=11
{ option1: 10, option2: 11 }

# Invalid options
$ node custom_validation.js --option1=10 --option2=10
option1 and option2 must be different

Usage: custom_validation.js [options]

  -h, --help              Show help
      --option1 <number>             [required]
      --option2 <number>             [required]

Variadic arguments

Please refer array types.


File command.ts

import { z } from "zod";
import { parser } from "@hishprorg/itaque-esse-accusamus";

const command1 = command("command1")
    option1: {
      type: z.boolean().default(false),
  .action((parsed) => {
    // parsed is inferred as { option1: boolean }
    console.log("command2", parsed);

const command2 = command("command2")
    option1: {
      type: z.string(),
  .action((parsed) => {
    // parsed is inferred as { option1: string }
    console.log("command2", parsed);

# Valid options
$ node command.js command1 --option1
command1 { option1: true }

# Invalid options
$  node command.js command2 a
Too many positional arguments

Usage: command.js command2 [options]

  -h, --help              Show help
      --option1 <string>             [required]

# Global help
$ node command.js --help
Usage: command.js [options] <command>


  -h, --help  Show help

# Command help
$ node command.js command1 --help
Usage: command.js command1 [options]

  -h, --help     Show help
      --option1  (default: false)


You can .showHelp() to show help message. And .getHelp() returns the help message.


If the parser has called with .version() method, The user can show the version with --version or -V option.

$ node complex.js --version

Advanced Usage

Reuse Zod object type

If you want to reuse Zod object type, you can define the type and use it in .options() and .args().

File: map_zod_object.ts

import { z } from "zod";
import { parser } from "@hishprorg/itaque-esse-accusamus";

const OptionsSchema = z.object({
  opt1: z.string(),
  opt2: z.number().optional(),
  pos1: z.enum(["a", "b"]),

type Options = z.infer<typeof OptionsSchema>;

function parseOptions(): Options {
  return parser()
      opt1: { type: OptionsSchema.shape.opt1 },
      opt2: { type: OptionsSchema.shape.opt2 },
        name: "pos1",
        type: OptionsSchema.shape.pos1,

const options = parseOptions();

Future work ideas

  • [ ] Support nested commands.
  • [ ] Support z.array() type in options().
  • [ ] Support custom callback to handle errors, help and exit().
  • [ ] asyncParse()