A tiny npm library purposed for providing beautiful solutions to frequent miniature (ex: one-line/one-expression) tasks for various JS datatypes.
'one' is a JavaScript library purposed for serving as an alias space for tiny and frequently recurring tasks.
npm install @hgargg-0710/one
The library provides organizes its exports in separate modules.
They are:
function lastOut<Type = any>(x: Type[]): Type[]
Returns a copy of the given array without its last element.
function last<Type = any>(x: Type[]): Type
Returns the given array's last element.
function clear<Type = any>(x: Type[]): number
Sets the array's length to 0
function insert<Type = any>(x: Type[], index: number, ...values: Type[]): Type[]
Inserts the values
into x
at index index
and returns the result (new array is created).
function replace<Type = any>(arr: Type[], index: number, ...values: Type[]): any[]
Returns a copy of arr
, in which the value at index index
was replaced by values
function out<Type = any>(arr: Type[], index: number): Type[]
Returns a copy of arr
, in which the element at position index
is absent.
function firstOut<Type = any>(x: Type[]): Type[]
Returns the copy of the given array without the first element (x[0]
function first<Type = any>(x: Type[]): Type
Returns the first element of the given array.
function filter<Type = any>(
array: Type[],
prop: (item?: Type, index?: number, array?: Type[]) => boolean
): Type[]
A rewrite of the Array.prototype.filter
. In V8, serves to be faster on certain large enough arrays.
function map<TypeFrom = any, TypeTo = any>(
array: TypeFrom[],
f: (item?: TypeFrom, index?: number, array?: TypeFrom[]) => TypeTo
): TypeTo[]
A rewrite of the Array.prototype.map
. In v8, serves to be faster on certain large enough arrays.
function copy<Type = any>(array: Type[]): Type[]
Copies the given array.
function reduce(array: Type[], f: (item?: any, curr?: Type, i?: number) => any, init: any)
A rewrite of the Array.prototype.reduce
. In V8, serves to be faster on certain large enough arrays.
function reduceRight(
array: Type[],
f: (item?: any, curr?: Type, i?: number) => any,
init: any
A rewrite of the Array.prototype.reduceRight
. In V8, serves to be faster on certain large enough arrays.
function propPreserve(f: (x: object) => any[]): (x: object) => any[]
Creates and returns a new function based off the given one that preserves the non-numeric own properties
of the argument x
upon the result of f(x)
Intended for convertion of functions in terms of array to be able to preserve the custom properties (and thus, be able to use arrays the same way as one would normally do with plain objects).
function middleOutP<Type = any>(x: Type[]): Type[]
Discards the middle element from the copy of original array
(with preference to the latter half in even-.length
ed ones),
and returns the copy.
function middleOutN<Type = any>(x: Type[]): Type[]
Same as middleOutP
, but with preference to the former part in
ed arrays.
function capitalize(x: string): string
Returns capitalized version of the string - first character is brought to its upper case, while the rest are brought to their lower case.
function extract(x: string, toExtract: string | RegExp): string
Returns the new string derived from x
without the appearences of toExtract
function count(x: string, sub: string | RegExp): number
Counts the number of appearences of substring sub
inside of x
function limit(maxsize: number, limitor?: string): (x: string) => string
A function returning a function that replaces the remainder of x
after the maximum allowed length of maxsize
with string limitor
function curry(f: Function): (n: number, ...argsArr: any[]) => any
Returns a sequence of nested function with call depth of n
that reduces to f(x1, x2, ..., xn, ...argsArr)
NOTE: same as doing manually:
const a = (x, y) => x + y // * was
const b = (x) => (y) => x + y // equiv: b = curry(a)(2)
Useful for treating multivariable functions as a call-sequence of single-variable ones.
function or(...fs: Function[]): (...x: any[]) => any
Iterates over the list of functions fs
, returning the most truthy value of the returned (otherwise, the first function's value is returned).
function and(...fs: Function[]): (...x: any[]) => any
The 'and'-counterpart of the or
function trivialCompose(...fs: Function[]): (...x: any[]) => any
Returns a result of composition of single-variable functions with a (possibly) multi-variable one (last function).
The calling of the result is the same as f1(f2(...(fn(...x))))
function iterations(f: Function, n: number, j?: number): any[]
Returns the result of iterations of function f
from 0
to n - 1
with a jump j
(1 by default).va
function sequence(f: Function, n: number): (...args: any[]) => any[]
Returns the list of results of 1-variable iteration of f
upon itself from 1
to n
function repeat(f: Function, n: number): void
Calls the function f
for values from 0
to n-1
function arrayCompose(...fs: ((...x: any[]) => any[])[]): (...x) => any
A function that accepts an array of functions, each of which returns an array. The functions are then composed in a fashion that uses the output of each (an array) as signature for the next function (that being, the result of the next function are expanded).
function cache(f: (x: any) => any, keys: any[]): Map
Creates a new Map
, with keys of keys
and values of f(key)
for each key
in keys
This, effectively, caches a portion of the function's domain so that its cached values can be retrieved like:
const f = ...
const cached = cache(f, ...)
const value = c.get(...)
function tuplePick(
...inds: ((x: any, i: number, arr: any[]) => boolean)[]
): (...fs: (...x: any[]) => any) => (...x: any[]) => any
A function that returns a sequence of functions that result in a tuple consisting of
values returned from each of functions from fs
function array, with values
being from x
array, and i
th function only using the values x.filter((inds[i] || (() => true))
function cached(base: Function): {
(x: any) => any
cache: Map<any, any>
Given a function base
, creates a new one that is cached upon every call;
Good for saving memory on cache
-functions that may not need to be used (and that are static);
property has domain items as keys and obtained base
return values as values;
function tupleSlice(
...inds: [number?, number?][]
): (...fs: (...x: any[]) => any) => (...x: any[]) => any
Similar to tuplePick
, but operates on .slice
-ranges from inds
(the array of indexes for i
th function is sliced using inds[i]
function nil(): void
A no-op function () => {}
. Useful as an alias [style consistency]
function id<Type = any>(x: Type) => Type
The identity function (x) => x
. Useful as an alias [style consistency].
NOTE: here 'trees' are nested arrays.
function depth(tree: any[]): number
Returns the maximum depth of a tree.
function treeFlatten(tree: any[]): any[]
Returns the completely flattened tree.
function recursiveIndexation(tree: any[], multindex: number[]): any
Returns the value obtained after recursively indexing the tree using the values from multindex
number array.
function recursiveSetting(tree: any[], multindex: number[], value: any): any
Sets the value of tree
at multi-index multindex
to value
function treeCount(
tree: any[],
prop: (x: any) => boolean | number | string,
start?: any
): boolean | number | string
Returns the 'recursive sum' of all the elements inside the tree (can be a kind of count or a string concatenation).
The default return value, start
(by default, 0
), is appended every time a level is passed.
function levelCount(tree: any[]): number
Counts the number of levels inside the tree (including the initial one).
function deepSearch(tree: any[], prop: (x: any) => boolean): number[]
Finds the first value x
inside the tree
such that !!prop(x) == true
and returns its multi-index.
function treeReverse(tree: any[]): any[]
Reverses the tree from "left" to "right" - recursively applies x.reverse()
upon each of its elements, returns the tree's copy.
function kv(x: object): [(string | symbol)[], any[]]
Returns the pair of [keys(x), values(x)]
of the given object.
function dekv(x: [(string | symbol)[], any[]]): object
Creates an object from given pair of arrays, treating first one as own keys, and the second one as own values.
function keys(x: object): (string | symbol)[]
Returns all the string and symbolic keys from the given object, and all of its prototypes.
function values(x: object): any[]
Returns all the values of all the symbolic and string properties from the given object, and all of its prototypes.
function recursiveStringKeys(x: object): string[]
Returns all the string keys of the given object, and all of its prototypes.
function recursiveStringValues(x: object): any[]
Returns all the values of string keys of the given object, and all of its prototypes.
function recursiveSymbolKeys(x: object): symbol[]
Returns all the symbolic keys of the given object, and all of its prototypes.
function recursiveSymbolValues(x: object): any[]
Returns all the values of the symbolic keys of the given object, and all of its prototypes.
function ownProperties(x: object): [(string | symbol)[], any[]]
Returns a pair of arrays of own keys and own values of x
function ownKeys(x: object): (string | symbol)[]
Returns an array of own keys of the given object.
function ownValues(x: object): any[]
Returns an array of own keys' values of the given object.
function structCheck<Type extends object = object>(
| (string | symbol | number)[]
| { [x: string | symbol | number]: (x: any) => boolean },
lackingProps?: (string | symbol | number)[],
isStrict?: boolean
): (x: any) => x is Type
Creates and returns a new type-checking function.
If props
is an array, it returns true
typeof x === 'object'
props.every((p) => p in x)
lackingProps.every((p) => !(p in x))
!isStrict || keys(x).length === props.length
If props
is an object, it checks:
typeof x === 'object'
Object.keys(props).every((p) => p in x)
Object.values(props).every((p, i) => p(x[Object.keys(props)[i]]))
lackingProps.every((p) => !(p in x))
!isStrict || keys(x).length === keys(props).length
By default, lackingProperties = []
and isStrict = false
Allows to create handy predicates for checking structural adherence of x
a certain necessary objects' "class" without needing to use more complex constructions like prototype chains [even though, it does permit prototyping on the object props
used for setting the type's signature].
Now with additional TypeScript support (type predicates - very util for connecting the "actual" JS properties with those that are perceived by the static type analyzer, and when thorough checking is desired; example: test-writing);
function toMap(x: object): Map
Converts the given object to a Map
function same<Type = any>(a: Set<Type>, b: Set<Type>): boolean
Checks if sets are the same.
function norepetitions<Type = any>(x: Iterable<T>): Type[]
Returns a new array with the elements of x
, but without repetitions.
function kv(map: Map): [any[], any[]]
A Map
version of object.kv
function dekv(x: [any[], any[]]): Map
A Map
version of object.dekv
function toObject(map: Map): object
Converts the given Map
to an object
function sum(...x: string[] | number[]): number | string
Returns the sum of the given items x
function product(...x: number[]): number
Returns the product of the given items x
This library module contains various simple expressions pertaining to mutations of various structures (as of present - primarily arrays). It exists in contrast of the others, which are not as memory-efficient (ex: array
function mutate<Type = any, OutType = any>(
array: Type[],
mutation: (x: Type, i: number, array: Type[]) => OutType
): OutType[]
The function walks through the given array array
, and applies the mutation
function to each of its elements (in a fashion similar to Array.prototype.map
), assigning the result to the corresponding array index.
The return value is the reference to the original array.
function insert<Type = any>(array: Type[], index: number, ...values: Type[]): Type[]
Mutates the given array array
by inserting the given values
at index index
The return value is the reference to the original array.
function out<Type = any>(array: Type[], index: number, count?: number): Type[]
Deletes count
values of array
, starting from the index index
. Default value of count
is 1
function lastOut<Type = any>(array: Type[]): Type[]
Deletes the last item from the array, returns the reference to it.
function firstOut<Type = any>(array: Type[]): Type[]
Deletes the first element from the given array. Returns the reference to the array.
function swap<Type = any>(array: Type[], i: number, j: number): Type[]
Swaps two positions i
and j
of an array.
function replace<Type = any>(array: Type[], index: number, ...values: Type[]): Type[]
Replaces the value at a given index index
of the array array
with values
, returning the reference to it.
This module provides functions that can be used for type-checking of given values (particularly useful in conjunction with TypeScript).
function isNumber(x: any): x is number
Returns true
whenever x
is a number
function isFunction(x: any): x is Function
Returns true
whenever the argument is a Function
function isString(x: any): x is string
Returns true
whenever x
is a string
function isBoolean(x: any): x is boolean
Returns true
whenever x
is either true
of false
function isSymbol(x: any): x is symbol
Returns true
whenever x
is a symbol
function isObject<Type extends object = object>(x: any): x is Type
Returns true
whenever x
is an object
Via the Generic argument, TypeScript static type analyzer
can be made to know that the type of the item in question is more
than just an object
(useful when context is known).
function isArray<Type = any>(x: any): x is Type[]
Returns true
whenever x
is an Array
function isNull(x: any): x is null
Checks that x === null
[TypeScript] For cases when strictNullChecks
is set to true
in tsconfig.json
function isUndefined(x: any): x is undefined
Checks that x === undefined
[TypeScript] For cases when strictNullChecks
is set to true
in tsconfig.json
function typeOf(x: any): typeof x
Returns typeof x
. Can be used as a functional wrapper.
function isNumberConvertible(x: any): boolean
Returns true
, only when one of the following holds:
x === null
typeof x === "number" && !isNaN(x)
typeof x === "string" && !isNaN(Number(x)) && !!x.length
typeof x === "boolean"
The condition is equivalent to x
being Number
convertible validly, while not being an empty string.
Useful for safe Number
conversions (in particular - when trying Number(Symbol(...))
, one will encounter an error; Prior checking through the isNumberConvertible(x)
in question permits one to safely avoid this).
This module contains operations that are common to the boolean
function not(x: any): boolean
Equivalent of the !x
function T(): true
Equivalent of the () => true
function F(): false
Equivalent of the () => false
function equals<Type = any>(x: Type, y: Type): boolean
Equivalent of (x, y) => x === y