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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2024 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




a typed REST/WS Node.JS client for the Kraken cryptocurrency exchange




Fork Info

This is a fork of jpcx's node-kraken-api. They seemed to stop supporting their version since 2022 and after kraken's changes in Jan 2024 to remove support for POST requests for public, parts of jpcx's version stopped working.

This fork is mostly intended to fix that issue and allow this library to continue working. I am going to try to support this given I am fixing it to use it myself, but I make absolutely no promises about the continued functionality of this library.


node-kraken-api is a typed REST/WS Node.JS client for the Kraken cryptocurrency exchange.
This is an unofficial API. Please refer to the official documentation for up-to-date information.

WebSocket API Docs:


  • Fully typed REST and WS responses and options.
    • REST methods/comments are generated from the official OpenAPI specifications file.
    • WS methods/comments are sourced from the official WebSockets 1.8.3 documentation.
    • Note:
      • All named response properties are optional and nullable unless explicitly marked required in the documentation.
  • RetrieveExport (binary endpoint); see the example.
  • Full WS orderbook mirroring and checksum validation.

CHANGELOG | Synopsis | Usage | Code | | --- | --- | --- | --- |


The entire project has been completely rewritten using TypeScript and many features have changed.

If you're upgrading, please review the changes and upgrade guide below.


  • Complete WS 1.8.3 functionality
  • Typings
  • New REST methods


  • Custom response parsing (Settings.parse, Settings.dataFormatter)
    • To ensure type consistency, it is best to leave parsing to the user.
    • Used only for the deprecated .call() function.
  • Method name settings (Settings.pubMethods, Settings.privMethods)
    • Previously, settings were used to differentiate between public and private methods rather than requiring the user to specify for each call.
    • Instead, named requests are provided to hard-code these differences.
    • Used only for the deprecated .call() function.
  • .call()
    • Replaced by .request() and the named REST methods.


  • Ratelimiting (Settings.limiter and Settings.tier)
    • The aim of this API is to maximize clear and accurate communication with the server; ratelimiting makes assumptions about the client setup and should be left to the user.
  • REST retries (Settings.retryCt)
    • This was originally included due to the occasional nonce and timeout error.
      • To reduce this possibility, increase your API key nonce window and the .timeout setting.
  • REST syncing (Settings.syncIntervals)
    • With the introduction of the WebSocket connection, REST syncing is no longer required for many data sources.
      • For all other sources, simply use an asynchronous loop.
  • Server Settings (Settings.hostname, Settings.version)
    • These values should be constants.
  • OTP value setting (Settings.otp and .setOTP())
    • Replaced by Settings.genotp
  • Direct construction using module.exports()
    • Changed to class export for modern standards.


  • Errors have changed to named classes. Please review the synopsis.

Upgrade Guide

  1. Replace all calls to .call() with the corresponding named method or .request().
    • Make sure to view the expected response types; they have changed since 0.4.1.
  2. Replace all sync instances with an async loop that requests every few seconds.
    • If you are syncing one of the endpoints provided by WS, use that instead.
  3. Ensure that your REST calls are not being made too quickly.
    • Ratelimiting has been removed; you may encounter server errors if you were relying on the limiter.
    • See the rate limits documentation.
  4. Increase your api key nonce window if you're getting invalid nonce errors.
    • Calls may now be performed concurrently (global queueing is removed).
  5. Remove calls to .setOTP() and Settings.otp; provide .genotp in the settings.
  6. Review the error classes; if you were parsing errors you will need to update your catch statements.
    • Note: calls are no longer automatically retried retryCt times.
  7. If you're constructing using module.exports (e.g. const kraken = require('node-kraken-api')({...})), you will need to use the module.exports.Kraken class instead: import { Kraken } from "node-kraken-api"; const kraken = new Kraken({...});


Minor changes to the Emitter class.


  • Kraken.Emitter moved to its own package and improved; filters now pass on type assertion result to listeners.
    • This changed the signature for event filtering:
      • (...args: <type>[]) => boolean -> (args: [<type>, <type>, ...]) => args is [<subtype>, <subtype>, ...]


  • Kraken.Emitter







npm i --save node-kraken-api
import { Kraken } from "node-kraken-api";


new Kraken({
  /** REST API key. */
  key?: string;
  /** REST API secret. */
  secret?: string;
  /** REST API OTP generator. */
  genotp?: () => string;
   * Nonce generator (the default is ms time with an incrementation guarantee).
   * Note: Some other APIs use a spoofed microsecond time. If you are using an
   *       API key used by one of those APIs then you will need to use a custom
   *       nonce generator (e.g. () => * 1000). See _GENNONCE for the
   *       default generation logic.
  gennonce?: () => number;
  /** Connection timeout (default 1000). */
  timeout?: number;



const kraken = new Kraken();

const { unixtime } = await kraken.time();
const { XXBT }     = await kraken.assets();
const ticker       = await kraken.ticker({ pair: "XXBTZUSD" })


const kraken = new Kraken({ key: "...", secret: "..." });

const { txid } = await kraken.addOrder({
  pair:      "XXBTZUSD",
  type:      "buy",
  ordertype: "limit",
  price:     "65432.1",
  volume:    "1",

If your key requires an OTP, provide a generator:

const kraken = new Kraken({ key: "...", secret: "...", genotp: () => "..." });

RetrieveExport is the only method that promises a buffer:

const kraken = new Kraken({ key: "...", secret: "..." });

const buf = await kraken.retrieveExport({ id: "FOOB" })
fs.writeFileSync("", buf)


  • All WebSocket subscriptions and requests are located within .ws.
    • and .ws.priv provides ping, heartbeat, systemStatus, and general error monitoring.
  • Automatically connects to the socket when server data is requested.
    • See and Kraken.WS.Connection.close() for manual connection management.
  • Subscription methods return a Kraken.Subscriber object that manages subscriptions for a given name and options.


const kraken = new Kraken();

const trade = await
  .on('update', (update, pair)  => console.log(update, pair))
  .on('status', (status)        => console.log(status))
  .on('error',  (error, pair)   => console.log(error, pair))
  // .subscribe() never rejects! rely on the 'error' and 'status' events

const book100 = await{depth: 100})
  // live book construction from "snapshot", "ask", and "bid" events.
  .on("mirror", (mirror, pair) => console.log(mirror, pair))
  .on("error",  (error,  pair) => console.log(error,  pair))
  // resubscribes if there is a checksum validation issue (emits statuses).
  .on("status", (status)       => console.log(status)
  .subscribe("XBT/USD", "ETH/USD"); // subscribe to multiple pairs at once

// unsubscribe from one or more subscriptions
// .unsubscribe() never rejects! rely on the 'error' and 'status' events
await book100.unsubscribe('XBT/ETH');


const kraken = new Kraken({ key: "...", secret: "..." });

const { token } = await kraken.getWebSocketsToken();

const orders ={ token: token! })
  .on("update", (update, sequence) => console.log(update, sequence))

await orders.unsubscribe();

// The token does not expire while the subscription is active, but if you wish
// to resubscribe after unsubscribing you may need to call .ws.openOrders() again.


Testing is performed by @jpcx/testts.

To run tests:

  • Save an auth.json file with your key and secret: { key: string, secret: string }
    • Please ensure that this key has readonly permissions.
  • Run npm test in the main directory.


Contribution is welcome! Given the amount of typings in this project, there may be discrepancies so please raise an issue or create a pull request.

Also, I am US-based and can't access the futures API; if you have access and want to contribute let me know!


Justin Collier - jpcx

msg: node-kraken-api
btc: bc1q3asl6wjnmarx4r9qcc04gkcld9q2qaqk42dvh6
sig: J4p7GsyX/2wQLk32Zfi/AmubUzGM66I6ah+mEn8Vpqf4EpfPuWYGaLcu2J8tdcsRGMAsmavbz/SJnw7yr3c0Duw=

Inspired by npm-kraken-api (nothingisdead).


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details