Logging extension for Typescript/Javascript projects
Simple logging Module to be used in Javascript/Typescript projects
Static Methods
- info
- all
- debug
- error
- critical
In order to use the logging package, we need to follow a list of steps presented below.
Step 1: Run npm install
To install as a dependency do:
$ npm install @herebedragonsstudios1/ts-logging
To install as a dev dependency do:
$ npm install @herebedragonsstudios1/ts-logging --save-dev
Simple logging implementation.
Allows replacing the implementation and give access to static methods and method binding.
Also includes method logging decorators and a lib version caching system for debugging purposes
Repository Structure
│ .github <-- Workflows folder
│ .gitignore <-- Defines files ignored to git
│ .nmpignore <-- Defines files ignored by npm
│ .nmprc <-- Defines the Npm registry for this package
│ gulpfile.js <-- Gulp build scripts. used in the 'build' and 'build:prod' npm scripts
│ jest.config.js <-- Tests Configuration file
│ jsdocs.json <-- Documentation generation configuration file
│ LICENCE.md <-- Licence disclamer
│ nodemon.json <-- Nodemon config file (allows to live test ts files)
│ package.json
│ package-lock.json
│ README.md <-- Readme File dynamically compiled from 'workdocs' via the 'docs' npm script
│ tsconfig.json <-- Typescript config file. Is overriden in 'gulpfile.js'
│ │ tag_release.sh <-- Script to help with releases
│ │ ... <-- Dinamically generated folder, containing the compiled documentation for this repository. generated via the 'docs' npm script
│ │ ... <-- Source code for this repository
│ │ ... <-- Test sources for this repository
└───workdocs <-- Folder with all pre-compiled documentation
| │ ...
| │ Readme.md <-- Entry point to the README.md
| | ... <-- Dinamically generated folder containing the bundles for distribution
| ... <-- Dinamically generated folder containing the compiled code
Repository Languages