Code block custom element with syntax highlighting and copy button.
Code block custom element with syntax highlighting and copy button.
It has highlight.js for syntax highlighting.
DEMO: https://heppokofrontend.github.io/html-code-block-element/
<code-block language="html" label="example.html" controls>
In browser
It can be used by loading html-code-block-element.common.min.js and one CSS theme.
The highlight.js style is available on CDN. You can also download the JS and CSS from the respective repositories and load them into your page.
There are three versions of this library available.
- One that supports only the popular languages.html-code-block-element.all.min.js
- One that enables all languages supported by highligh.js.html-code-block-element.core.min.js
- For developers who want to do their ownhljs.registerLanguage()
Note: The textarea element cannot be included in the content of the textarea element. If you want to include it, please use HTML Entity for the tag.
<code-block language="html" label="example.html" controls>
<code-block language="html" label="example.html" controls>
Assumption specifications
- Categories:
- Contexts in which this element can be used:
- Where flow content is expected.
- Content model:
- Tag omission in text/html:
- Neither tag is omissible.
- Content attributes:
- Global attributes
- Show controlsnotrim
- Does't remove whitespace from both ends of a sourcelabel
- Give the code block a unique name. If omitted, it will always have the accessible name "Code Block".language
- Language name of the code. If omitted, it will be detected automatically.
- Accessibility considerations:
- No corresponding role
attribute is not allowedaria-*
attribute is not allowed
DOM interface
interface HTMLCodeBlockElement : HTMLElement {
[HTMLConstructor] constructor();
[CEReactions] attribute boolean controls;
[CEReactions] attribute boolean notrim;
[CEReactions] attribute DOMString label;
[CEReactions] attribute DOMString language;
[CEReactions] attribute DOMString value;
In development
npm install --save @heppokofrontend/html-code-block-element
The customElements.define()
will also be included.
// For highlighting, `highlight.js/lib/common` will be used.
import '@heppokofrontend/html-code-block-element';
// For highlighting, `highlight.js` will be used.
import '@heppokofrontend/html-code-block-element/dist/index.all';
// For highlighting, `highlight.js/lib/code` will be used.
import '@heppokofrontend/html-code-block-element/dist/index.core';
If you are using purely constructors:
import HTMLCodeBlockElement from '@heppokofrontend/html-code-block-element/dist/class/HTMLCodeBlockElement';
Use in React
This package contains the global type files for React.
* CSS needs to be loaded separately.
// CodeBlock.tsx
import {CodeBlockProps} from '@heppokofrontend/html-code-block-element/dist/manual';
import styleSheet from '@heppokofrontend/html-code-block-element/dist/styleSheet';
import hljs from 'highlight.js/lib/common';
import Head from 'next/head';
import {useEffect} from 'react';
declare module 'react' {
// A type for the properties of a function component
interface CodeBlockHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
/** The accessible name of code block */
label?: string | undefined;
/** The Language name */
language?: string | undefined;
/** The flag to display the UI */
controls?: boolean;
declare global {
// A type for JSX markup
namespace JSX {
interface IntrinsicElements {
'code-block': CodeBlockProps;
type Props = Omit<React.CodeBlockHTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, 'className'>;
let isLoaded = false;
export const CodeBlock = ({children, ...props}: Props) => {
useEffect(() => {
const loadWebComponent = async () => {
const {HTMLCodeBlockElement, createHighlightCallback} = await import(
HTMLCodeBlockElement.highlight = createHighlightCallback(hljs);
customElements.define('code-block', HTMLCodeBlockElement);
if (!isLoaded) {
isLoaded = true;
}, []);
return (
<code-block {...props}>{children}</code-block>
Use as constructor
Manual setup:
// 1. Import
import hljs from 'highlight.js/lib/core';
import javascript from 'highlight.js/lib/languages/javascript';
import HTMLCodeBlockElement from '@heppokofrontend/html-code-block-element/dist/class/HTMLCodeBlockElement';
// or import { HTMLCodeBlockElement } from '@heppokofrontend/html-code-block-element';
// Support JavaScript
hljs.registerLanguage('javascript', javascript);
// 2. Set endgine
* Example: Callback to be called internally
* @param {string} src - Source code string for highlight
* @param {{ language: string }} options - Option for highlight
* @returns {{ markup: string }} - Object of the highlight result
HTMLCodeBlockElement.highlight = function (src, options) {
if (
// Verifying the existence of a language
options?.language &&
) {
const {value} = hljs.highlight(src, options);
return {
markup: value,
return {
markup: hljs.highlightAuto(src).value,
// 3. Define
customElements.define('code-block', HTMLCodeBlockElement);
// 4. Make
const cbElm = new HTMLCodeBlockElement();
// 5. Assign
cbElm.language = 'javascript';
cbElm.label = 'your label';
cbElm.value = `const hoge = true;
// 6. Append
document.body.append(cbElm); // Render at the same time
No params.
new HTMLCodeBlockElement();
Support browser
- Chrome
- Safari
- Firefox
- Edge