simple-validator is a basic typescript class validator, it works with decorators and produce an array of validation errors.
simple-validator is a basic typescript class validator, it works with decorators and produce an array of validation errors.
WIP : not for production
Add the field decorators, see below for a list of available decorators.
export class Planet {
private _index: number;
private _name: string;
private _aliases: string[];
@isIn({arr: ['RED', 'BLUE']})
private _color: string;
private _satellites: Satellite[];
constructor(options?: PlanetOptions) {
if (options) {
this._index = options.index;
this._name = options.name;
this._aliases = options.aliases;
this._color = options.color;
this._satellites = options.satellites;
Case invalid
const satellite = new Satellite({});
const planet = new Planet({satellites: [satellite]});
const result = Validator.validate(planet);
// result is an array :
// _index : should be an integer
// _name : should not be empty
// _aliases : should not be empty
// _color : should be one of <RED,BLUE>
// _satellites : 0 : _name : should not be empty
Case valid
const satellite = new Satellite({name: 'moon'});
const planet = new Planet({
aliases: ['home', 'blue-planet'],
color: 'BLUE',
index: 3,
name: 'earth',
satellites: [satellite],
const result = Validator.validate(planet);
// result is an empty array