Exports Fire Emblem Heroes data from HertzDevils repository and imports it into MongoDB.
First steps
This program is based on typescript. Run npm run tsc
to generate JavaScript files.
You can then use the module normally. If you are installing by npm this step is not necessary.
Using the porter
Just import the FehExporter class from the package.
const {FehExporter} = require('feh-db-porter');
You can then initialize the class with the following command:
const porter = new FehExporter({
username: "yourusername",
password: "yourpassword",
cluster: "yourcluster",
database: "databasetouse"
Then use porter.compile()
whenever you want to import Fire Emblem Heroes data into your MongoDB.
The programm uses update methods with upsert so it will only insert new records if
the record doesn't exist.
The data is collected from HertzDevils FeH repository which is also being used by the Fire Emblem Heroes wiki on Gamepedia.