Svelte Datatable
This is a reactive svelte-datatable. Feats:
- In reactive: If you change rows, the dataTable updates accordingly
- FrontEnd paginator
- FrontEnd included Searchbar
- You can pass SvelteComponent to render on a column
- You can pass SvelteComponent to render a header
- Sticky 1 column (can sticky just 1 col for now)
|Param|type|Required|Default| | ------ | ------ | ------ | ----- | |columns| Column[] | true | -- |rows| object[] | true | -- |fuseConfig| object | false | -- |paginated|boolean|false|true| |searchable|boolean|false|true| |itemsPerPages|number[]|false| [5,10,15]
If searchable == true, by default all columns will be searchable. If you wish to exclude a column from search, specify searchable = false in the column definition.
Custom fuse parameters may also be provided through the fuseConfig prop
This project uses material icons, this dependency need to be installed on the project that use svelte-data-table
Follow the instructions here
interface SvelteComponent {
interface Column {
label: string, // header of column
field: string, // property on rows to display;accessed by _.get
component?: SvelteComponent //must export row, column rowIndex and columnIndex to have scopes
headerComponent?: SvelteComponent // must export column and columnIndex to have scopes
sortable?: boolean, // false by default
searchable?: boolean, // true by default
type?: string, // string by default can be: number | date
sticky?: boolean,
sortFnc?: 'function' // eg: (a,b, currentSort) => {} currentSort can be asc|desc|null
transform?: 'function' // can also be an object --> see 'Transform' section below
Each element affected by css is divided by 2 classes: Layout and style. You can easily overwrite this css classes to make changes in style. We recommend only changing the styles ones which are:
|Component|Class| | ------ |-------| |Search|dt-search-container-style| |Search|dt-search-input-style| |Table|dt-table-container-style| |Table|dt-table-wrapper-style| |Table|dt-table-header-th-style| |Table|dt-table-body-td-style| |Paginator|dt-paginator-style| |Paginator|dt-paginator-items-per-page-style| |Paginator|dt-paginator-status-style| |Paginator|dt-paginator-current-page-style| |Paginator|dt-paginator-arrows-style|
DataTable Events Events
|Name|Description|Notes| | ------ |-------|------| |headerClick|Sent on clicking header with column and columnIndex as information| | |headerCustomHandler|Event used to be forwarded by the DataTable| If you have a custom header with two parts, and want to do a specific action when clicking one see "Header Custom handler" section|
Header Custom handler
To make the table emit a headerCustomHandler event, the column.headerComponent must dispatch an event called headerCustomHandler to be forwarded to the datable.
import { createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte';
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();
function onClick1(){
dispatch('headerCustomHandler', {clickOne:true});
function onClick2(){
dispatch('headerCustomHandler', {clickTwo:true});
<p on:click={onClick1}>Click1</p>
<p on:click={onClick2}>Click2</p>
// for all cases, note that pre-transformed data still exists and is never overwritten
transform: 'function' // e.g. (data) => { transform logic here }
// or
interface transform {
sourceField?: string // accessed by _.get; path of target to transform; Defaults to value stored in column.field;
destinationField?: string // accessed by _.set; new location to store the transformed data; Defaults to value stored in 'column.field';
cull?: boolean // defaults to false; flag to ONLY return an object containing the transformed data
fnc: 'function' // e.g. (data) => { transform logic here }
// if the property pointed to by 'field' or 'sourceField' is
// null or undefined, then transform does nothing
Example Code
const rows = [
data: {
title: " my Title ",
values: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
obj: {
world: "world"
function trimAndCAPS(title) {
return title.trim().toUpperCase() + '!!!';
function reduce(valuesArray) {
return valuesArray.reduce((a, b) => {
return a + b;
}, 0);
const columns = [
label: "Title",
field: "data.title", // note that if this data does not exist, the value is set to 'null'
component: myComponent, // optional svelte component : receives newly created, transformed object
transform: trimAndCAPS
// new object returned after transform :
// {
// data: {
// title: "MY TITLE!!!",
// values: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
// obj: { world: "world" },
// }
// }
// this example works exactly the same as example above
label: "transform as an object -- example 2",
field: "data.title",
transform: {
fnc: trimAndCAPS
label: "Storing Transform Separately",
field: "transformed.value", // set default field to look at the newly created 'transformed.value' propery
component: myComponent, // optional svelte component : receives newly created, transformed object
transform: {
sourceField: 'data.values', // note again that this defaults to the 'column.field' property
destinationField: 'transformed.value', // note that this path need not exist, and will be created on the fly.
fnc: reduce
// new object returned after transform :
// {
// data: {
// title: " my Title ",
// values: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
// obj: { world: "world" },
// }
// transformed: {
// value: 15
// }
// }
label: "culled transform",
field: "transformed.value",
transform: {
sourceField: 'data.values',
destinationField: 'transformed.value',
cull: true, // only return transformed values
fnc: reduce
// new object returned after transform :
// {
// transformed: {
// value: 15
// }
// }
// the object syntax adds a little bit more flexibility, especially for use-cases with components
label: "Examining Scope",
field: "transformed.obj.concat",
component: myComponent,
transform: {
sourceField: 'data', // note again that this defaults to the 'column.field' property
destinationField: 'transformed', // note that this path need not exist, and will be created on the fly.
fnc: (data) => {
if (!data.obj.hello) data.obj.hello = 'hello';
data.obj.concat = `${data.title.trim()} says '${data.obj.hello} ${data.obj.world}' : sum = ${reduce(data.values)}`;
data.title = trimAndCAPS(data.title);
return data;
// new object returned after transform :
// {
// data: {
// title: " my Title ",
// values: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
// obj: { world: "world" },
// }
// transformed: {
// title: "MY TITLE!!!",
// values: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
// obj: {
// concat: "my Title says 'hello world' : sum = 15",
// hello: "hello",
// world: "world"
// }
// }
// }
label: "truncating & overwriting side-effect of passing objects",
field: "data",
transform: (data) => {
return `there are ${reduce(data.values)} ${data.obj.world}s out there`;
// new object returned after transform :
// {
// data: "there are 15 worlds out there"
// }