tool to bring notion databases schemas/types to typescript
Notion ORM
A library to simplify interacting with Notion databases/tables via Notion API
Available Database Features
- Adding
- Querying
Supported Column Types
- Multiselect
- Select
- Status
- Date
- Text
- Url
- Checkbox
- Phone Number
Install and Setup
npm install @haustle/notion-orm
The only requirement is a Notion Developer API Key (here) and database IDs you want
At the root of your project create pass your developer key and database IDs (help).
Copy database/table URL https://www.notion.so/haustle/<This-is-the-database-id>?v=123
// notion.config.js const NotionConfig = { auth: process.env.NOTION_KEY, databaseIds: [ "a52239e4839d4a3a8f4875376cfbfb02", "5f4bf76a1e3f48d684d2506ea2690d64" ], }; module.exports = NotionConfig;
- Be sure to connect your integration with your tables
Generate Types
npx notion generate
Import databases in your TypeScript file
// Barrel import, giving you access to all your databases import * as notion from "@haustle/notion-orm" // Import specific database import { databaseName } from "@haustle/notion-orm"
Add a page
Page title is required when adding
name: "Catcher in the Rye",
rating: "⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️"
Query Database
Single Filter
filter: {
genre: {
contains: "Sci-Fi"
Nested Filters
await notion.books.query({
filter: {
or: [
genre: {
contains: "Sci-Fi",
genre: {
contains: "Biography",
What is Object Relational Map (ORM)
…programming technique for converting data between type systems using object-oriented programming languages. This creates, in effect, a "virtual object database" that can be used from within the programming language.
While taking a databases class I got exposed to Prisma and thought the developer experience was magical. Around the same time the Notion Developer API was rolling out and I thought the idea of bringing creating a ORM to Notion databases would be a fun cool idea, but I was terrible at TypeScript.
This project was started as a way to strengthen my TypeScript knowledge. I’ve succeeded in some regard, but there are still a few @ts-ignore
in the project.