NFT Utilities for Hedera Hashgraph
Hedera NFT Utilities
This package includes all sorts of tooling for the Hedera NFT ecosystem, including:
- Token metadata validation: Verify your metadata against the token metadata JSON schema V2 for NFTs, which returns errors and warnings against the standard. You can also define your own token metadata standard and add it to the package to use this schema for validation.
- Local metadata validator: Verify a local folder containing multiple JSON metadata files against the standard before publishing the NFT collection on the Hedera network.
- Risk score calculation: Calculate a risk score for an NFT collection from the token information or by passing a token ID of an NFT on the Hedera testnet or mainnet.
- Rarity score calculation: Calculate the rarity scores for a local folder containing multiple JSON metadata files for an NFT collection.
- Trait occurrence calculation: Calculate how often different values for a given trait occur in a collection, percentage-based.
- NFT SDK methods: A wrapper around the Hedera NFT API to create a new NFT collection, mint NFTs, and transfer NFTs.
- Fee Factory: A factory to create the fees for the Hedera NFT API.
- Hip 412 Validator: A tool for validating metadata objects according to HIP-412, providing comprehensive verification of metadata compliance with the selected standard.
- Hip 412 Metadata Builder: Enables the creation and assembly of NFT metadata objects in a structured format and conducts instant validation within its build method, ensuring adherence to HIP-412 standards prior to deployment.
- Convert CSV To Metadata Objects: Facilitates the conversion of CSV file data into structured metadata objects, streamlining the initial stages of NFT metadata preparation.
- Convert Metadata Objects to JSON Files: Transforms validated metadata objects into JSON files, ensuring that NFT metadata is properly formatted and stored for deployment.
- Prepare Metadata Objects From CSV Rows: Processes rows of CSV data into ready to validate metadata objects, bridging the gap between raw data collection and NFT metadata standardization.
Table of Contents
- How to build the package
- Package: Token metadata validator
- Package: Local metadata validator
- Package: Risk score calculation
- Package: Rarity score calculation
- Package: Trait occurrence calculation
- Package: NFT SDK Methods
- Package: Fee Factory
- Package: Hip 412 Validator
- Package: Hip 412 Metadata Builder
- Package: Convert CSV To Metadata Objects
- Package: Convert Metadata Objects to JSON Files
- Package: Prepare Metadata Objects From CSV Rows
- Questions, contact us, or improvement proposals?
- Support
- Contributing
- Code of Conduct
- License
How to build the package?
To build this package, run the below command:
npm run build
This command will produce a dist
folder containing the outputted JavaScript files.
Token metadata validator
Verify your metadata against the token metadata V2 standard for NFTs which returns errors and warnings against the standard.
Install the package:
npm i -s @hashgraph/nft-utilities
Import the package into your project. You can import the Validator
class and the default schema version for token metadata with defaultSchemaVersion
const { Validator, defaultSchemaVersion } = require('@hashgraph/nft-utilities');
You can use the Validator
like below.
- The first parameter is the JSON object you want to verify against a JSON schema
- The second parameter is the version of the token metadata JSON schema against which you want to validate your metadata instance. The default value is
(V2). In the future, new functionality might be added, releasing new version numbers.
const metadata = {
attributes: [{ trait_type: 'Background', value: 'Yellow' }],
creator: 'NFT artist',
const version = '2.0.0';
const validator = new Validator();
const issues = validator.validate(metadata, version);
The output interface for issues contains errors
and warnings
"errors": [
"type": "Indicates which validator created the error. Possible values: schema, attribute, localization, and SHA256.",
"msg": "Indicates the specific error explanation to be displayed to the user",
"path": "Indicates the path of the property for which the error is returned"
"warnings": [
"type": "schema",
"msg": "is not allowed to have the additional property 'someAdditionalProperty'",
"path": "Indicates the path of the property for which the error is returned"
Here's an example:
"errors": [
"type": "attribute",
"msg": "Trait stamina of type 'percentage' must be between [0-100], found 157",
"path": "instance.attributes[0]"
"warnings": [
"type": "schema",
"msg": "is not allowed to have the additional property 'imagePreview'",
"path": "instance"
See: /examples/token-metadata-validator
Add custom schema versions
Method 1: Use Validator constructor to pass custom schemas
The easiest approach to adding new schemas is using the constructor of the Validator
class. It accepts an array of JSON objects, each containing a JSON schema and tag for the schema. The tag is used to refer to the schema when validating metadata instances.
Therefore, each tag needs to be unqiue. The following tags can't be used as they are already occupied:
-> Refers to token metadata JSON schema V1 (HIP10)2.0.0
-> Refers to token metadata JSON schema V2 (HIP412)
You can add your custom schema like this:
const { Validator } = require('@hashgraph/nft-utilities');
// Define your schema
const customSchema = {
title: 'Token Metadata',
type: 'object',
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
name: {
type: 'string',
description: 'Identifies the asset to which this token represents.',
required: ['name'],
// Create Validator instance with custom schema labeled "custom-v1"
const validator = new Validator([{ schemaObject: customSchema, tag: 'custom-v1' }]);
// Verify metadata against custom schema
const results = validator.validate(metadataInstance, 'custom-v1');
Examples: See: /examples/token-metadata-calculation
Method 2: Rebuilding package
⚠️ Warning: This approach requires you to rebuild the package.
You can add custom JSON schemas to the /schemas
You can then add the version to the schemaMap
in /schema/index.js
using the following code:
const token_metadata_2_0_0 = require('./HIP412@2.0.0.json');
const myCustomSchema = require('./myschema.json'); // import your schema
const schemaMap = new Map();
schemaMap.set('2.0.0', token_metadata_2_0_0);
schemaMap.set('<version>', myCustomSchema); // Add your schema to the map
When you've added your schema to the map, you can validate against your schema version by passing your version to the validator()
Add custom validation rules
Set custom validation rules by importing new validators from the /validators
folder into the index.js
file. You can then add them to the validate()
function. Stick to the issues
format of errors and warnings (see section "Issues format" for the detailed description).
const { myCustomValidator, schemaValidator } = require('./validators');
const validate = (instance, schemaVersion = defaultSchemaVersion) => {
let errors = [];
let warnings = [];
const schema = this.getSchema(schemaVersion);
// When errors against the schema are found, you don't want to continue verifying the NFT
// Warnings don't matter because they only contain "additional property" warnings that don't break the other validators
const schemaProblems = schemaValidator(instance, schema);
if (schemaProblems.errors.length > 0) {
return {
const customErrors = myCustomValidator(instance);
return {
Local validator
Verify a local folder containing multiple JSON metadata files against the standard before publishing the NFT collection on the Hedera network.
Install the package:
npm i -s @hashgraph/nft-utilities
Import the package into your project and get the localValidation
const { localValidation } = require('@hashgraph/nft-utilities');
The localValidation
expects an absolute path to your metadata files to verify them. The function prints the warnings and errors for all JSON files it finds in the provided folder path. It also returns the validation results as an object in case you want to use the results in your code.
This package uses the Validator
class explained in the previous section.
The output interface for this function looks like this.
"filename.json": {
"errors": [
"type": "Indicates which validator created the error. Possible values: schema, attribute, localization, and SHA256.",
"msg": "Indicates the specific error explanation to be displayed to the user",
"path": "Indicates the path of the property for which the error is returned"
"warnings": [
"type": "schema",
"msg": "is not allowed to have the additional property 'someAdditionalProperty'",
"path": "Indicates the path of the property for which the error is returned"
"filename2.json": ...
See: /examples/local-metadata-validator/index.js
Risk score calculation
Calculate risk score for a token from the token information or by passing a token ID of an NFT on the Hedera testnet or mainnet.
The total risk score is calculated based on the presence of certain keys
for the token or the presence of an INFINITE
in combination with a supply_key
. Each key or property has an associated weight.
const defaultWeights = {
keys: {
admin_key: 200,
wipe_key: 200,
freeze_key: 50,
supply_key: 20,
kyc_key: 50,
pause_key: 50,
fee_schedule_key: 40,
properties: {
supply_type_infinite: 20,
However, there's one edge case where the 20 weight for the supply key is not counted. When the supply type is set to FINITE
and the total supply equals the max supply, there's no risk the supply key can further dilute the project because the project's minting limit has been reached.
To determine the risk level, there are four categories each with an attached score. If the score is lower than or equal to a risk level, it will get that risk level. E.g. a token with a risk score of 200 will get a HIGH
risk level.
const defaultRiskLevels = {
LOW: 40,
MEDIUM: 199,
HIGH: 200,
Install the package:
npm i -s @hashgraph/nft-utilities
Import the package into your project and get the calculateRiskScoreFromData
or calculateRiskScoreFromTokenId
const { calculateRiskScoreFromData, calculateRiskScoreFromTokenId } = require('@hashgraph/nft-utilities');
The calculateRiskScoreFromData
expects a token information JSON object as returned by the /api/v1/tokens/ endpoint (here's an example of token data).
const tokenInformation = {
"admin_key": null,
"auto_renew_account": "0.0.784037", "auto_renew_period": 7776000,
"freeze_key": null,
const results = calculateRiskScoreFromData({ metadata: tokenInformation });
Alternatively, use the calculateRiskScoreFromTokenId
to retrieve risk information about a token by entering a token ID. This asynchronous function looks up the token information from the mirror node and returns the risk information.
const results = await calculateRiskScoreFromTokenId({ tokenId: '0.0.1270555' });
Custom weights and risk levels
Use custom weights and risk levels by passing them as the second and third parameter to the calculateRiskScoreFromData
const metadata: Metadata = {
supply_type: 'testSupply',
supply_key: 'testKey',
max_supply: 'testMaxSupply',
total_supply: 'testTotalSupply',
const customWeights: Weights = {
keys: {
admin_key: 200,
wipe_key: 200,
freeze_key: 50,
supply_key: 20,
kyc_key: 50,
pause_key: 50,
fee_schedule_key: 40,
properties: {
supply_type_infinite: 20,
const customRiskLevels: RiskLevels = {
LOW: 40,
MEDIUM: 199,
HIGH: 200,
const results = calculateRiskScoreFromData({ metadata, customWeights, customRiskLevels });
The output interface for this function looks like this.
"riskScore": "number representing total risk score",
"riskLevel": "<string: ENUM(NORISK, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH)>"
See: /examples/risk-score-calculation
Rarity score calculation
Calculate the rarity for a local folder containing multiple JSON metadata files for an NFT collection. This package uses the trait normalization rarity scoring model because it's the fairest model to calculate rarity. The model works by dividing the number one by the division of the number of NFTs with a specific trait value and the number of NFTs with the most common trait value for that trait. Here's the formula:
1 / (# of NFTs with trait value / # of NFTs with most common trait value)
This model outputs a score for each NFT. By sorting the NFTs, you'll get a ranking based on this scoring model.
Install the package:
npm i -s @hashgraph/nft-utilities
Import the package into your project and get calculateRarity
function. Next, you need to pass an absolute path to a folder containing metadata JSON files.
const { calculateRarity } = require('@hashgraph/nft-utilities');
const absolutePathToFiles = '/Users/myUser/nft-utilities/examples/rarity-score-calculation/files';
const results = calculateRarity(absolutePathToFiles);
You can also avoid having to load data from files by using the calculateRarityFromData
const NFTdata = [
name: 'HANGRY BARBOON #2343',
image: 'ipfs://QmaHVnnp7qAmGADa3tQfWVNxxZDRmTL5r6jKrAo16mSd5y/2343.png',
type: 'image/png',
attributes: [
{ trait_type: 'Background', value: 'Yellow' },
{ trait_type: 'Fur', value: 'Silver' },
{ trait_type: 'Clothing', value: 'Herbal Jacket' },
{ trait_type: 'Mouth', value: 'Smile' },
{ trait_type: 'Sing', value: 'Sing' },
const results = calculateRarityFromData(NFTdata);
According to token metadata JSON schema V2, the calculateRarity
function only looks at objects in the attributes
property that use the following format:
{ "trait_type": "Background", "value": "Yellow" }
It does not take into account attributes with the display_type
property set, like this:
{ "trait_type": "Background", "value": 10, "display_type": "percentage" }
The output interface for this function looks like this.
{ "rarity": "<string> rarity score", "NFT": "<nubmer> NFT number", "filename": "<string optional>" },
Here's a sample output. The total sum of the individual attributes is always 100%.
"attributeContributions": [
"trait": "Background",
"value": "Yellow",
"contribution": "18.18"
"trait": "Fur",
"value": "Gold",
"contribution": "18.18"
"trait": "Clothing",
"value": "Floral Jacket",
"contribution": "18.18"
"trait": "Mouth",
"value": "Tongue",
"contribution": "27.27"
"trait": "Sing",
"value": "None",
"contribution": "18.18"
"totalRarity": "5.50",
"NFT": 1,
"filename": "nft1.json"
- /examples/rarity-score-calculation/rarity-from-files.js
- /examples/rarity-score-calculation/rarity-from-data.js
Trait occurrence calculation
Calculate how often different values for a given trait occur in a collection, percentage-based.
Install the package:
npm i -s @hashgraph/nft-utilities
Import the package into your project and get calculateTraitOccurrenceFromData
function. Next, you need to pass a JSON array containing NFT collection metadata to the function.
const NFTdata = [
"creator": "HANGRY BARBOONS",
"description": "HANGRY BARBOONS are 4,444 unique citizens from the United Hashgraph of Planet Earth. Designed and illustrated by President HANGRY.",
"format": "none",
"name": "HANGRY BARBOON #2343",
"image": "ipfs://QmaHVnnp7qAmGADa3tQfWVNxxZDRmTL5r6jKrAo16mSd5y/2343.png",
"type": "image/png",
"properties": { "edition": 2343 },
"attributes": [
{ "trait_type": "Background", "value": "Yellow" },
{ "trait_type": "Mouth", "value": "Nose" }
const results = calculateTraitOccurrenceFromData(NFTdata);
The output interface for this function looks like this.
"trait": "<string> trait name",
"values": [
"value": "<string> single value for trait",
"occurrence": "<string> percentage based occurrence with 2 digits after comma"
Here's a sample output that shows the percentage of each value's occurrence for a given trait.
"trait": "Background",
"values": [
"value": "Yellow",
"occurence": "60.00"
"value": "Green",
"occurence": "40.00"
"trait": "Mouth",
"values": [
"value": "Nose",
"occurence": "20.00"
"value": "Tongue",
"occurence": "20.00"
"value": "Smile",
"occurence": "60.00"
NFT SDK methods
Each of HederaNFTSDK function are methods in class HederaNFTSDK
which is a wrapper around the native Hedera SDK. The class is used to create a new NFT collection, mint NFTs, and transfer NFTs.
Install the package:
npm i -s @hashgraph/nft-utilities
Create new instance of HederaNFTSDK
class by passing the operator account ID, operator private key, and network to the constructor.
HederaNFTSDK class has login function in constructor which logs in the operator account and sets the operator account ID and operator private key.
You should create this instance only once. Every exported function will be automatically logged in with the operator account.
new HederaNFTSDK(operatorAccountId, operatorPrivateKey, 'testnet');
Create new instance of HederaNFTSDK
in the following parameters:
type HederaNFTSDKType = {
accountId: string;
privateKey: string;
network: Network;
localNode?: LocalNode;
localMirrorNode?: string;
mirrorNodeUrl?: string;
: The account ID of the operator account.privateKey
: The private key of the operator account.network
: The network to use (mainnet, testnet, previewnet or loocalNode).localNode
: The local node to use.localMirrorNode
: The local mirror node to use.mirrorNodeUrl
: The mirror node URL to use.
NFT SDK Create Collection
The create-collection
method is used to create a new NFT collection. This method takes in a collection name and collection symbol and returns a promise that resolves when the collection is successfully created.
Create instance of HederaNFTSDK
class and call createCollection
method by passing proper parameters.
const HederaNFTSDK = new HederaNFTSDK(operatorAccountId, operatorPrivateKey, 'testnet');
const tokenId = await HederaNFTSDK.createCollection({
collectionName: 'test_name',
collectionSymbol: 'test_symbol',
Create collection method takes in the following parameters:
type CreateCollectionType = {
collectionName: string;
collectionSymbol: string;
treasuryAccountPrivateKey?: string;
treasuryAccount?: string;
keys?: CreateCollectionKeysType;
maxSupply?: number;
customFees?: CustomFeeType[];
expirationTime?: Date;
autoRenewAccount?: string;
autoRenewAccountPrivateKey?: string;
autoRenewPeriod?: number;
memo?: string;
: The name of the NFT collection.collectionSymbol
: The symbol of the NFT collection.treasuryAccountPrivateKey
: The private key of the treasury account. If not provided, the operator account will be used.treasuryAccount
: The treasury account ID. If not provided, the operator account will be used.keys
: The keys for the collection.maxSupply
: The maximum supply of the collection.customFees
: The custom fees for the collection.expirationTime
: The expiration time of the collection.autoRenewAccount
: The auto-renew account for the collection.autoRenewAccountPrivateKey
: The private key of the auto-renew account.autoRenewPeriod
: The auto-renew period for the collection.memo
: The memo for the collection.
Method return string which is the token ID of the newly created NFT collection.
See: /examples/local-metadata-validator/index.js
NFT SDK Estimate create collection cost in Dollars
The estimateCreateCollectionInDollars
method is used to estimate the cost of creating a new NFT collection. This method takes in a collection name and collection symbol and returns a promise that resolves when the cost is successfully estimated.
Create instance of HederaNFTSDK
class and call estimateCreateCollectionInDollars
method by passing the proper parameters.
const HederaNFTSDK = new HederaNFTSDK(operatorAccountId, operatorPrivateKey, 'testnet');
const estimatedDollars = estimateCreateCollectionInDollars({
collectionName: 'test',
collectionSymbol: 'test2',
Estimate create collection in dollars method takes in the following parameters:
type EstimateCreateCollectionInDollarsType = {
collectionName: string;
collectionSymbol: string;
treasuryAccountPrivateKey?: string;
treasuryAccount?: string;
keys?: CreateCollectionKeysType;
customFees?: CustomFeeType[];
: The name of the NFT collection.collectionSymbol
: The symbol of the NFT collection.treasuryAccountPrivateKey
: The private key of the treasury account. If not provided, the operator account will be used.treasuryAccount
: The treasury account ID. If not provided, the operator account will be used.keys
: The keys for the collection.customFees
: The custom fees for the collection.
Method return number which is the estimated cost of creating a new NFT collection in dollars.
See: /examples/local-metadata-validator/index.js
NFT SDK Estimate create collection cost in Hbar
The estimateCreateCollectionInHbar
method is used to estimate the cost of creating a new NFT collection. This method takes in a collection name and collection symbol and returns a promise that resolves when the cost is successfully estimated.
Create instance of HederaNFTSDK
class and call estimateCreateCollectionInHbar
method by passing the proper parameters.
const HederaNFTSDK = new HederaNFTSDK(operatorAccountId, operatorPrivateKey, 'testnet');
const estimatedDollars = estimateCreateCollectionInHbar({
collectionName: 'test',
collectionSymbol: 'test2',
Estimate create collection in hbar method takes in the following parameters:
type EstimateCreateCollectionInDollarsType = {
collectionName: string;
collectionSymbol: string;
treasuryAccountPrivateKey?: string;
treasuryAccount?: string;
keys?: CreateCollectionKeysType;
customFees?: CustomFeeType[];
: The name of the NFT collection.collectionSymbol
: The symbol of the NFT collection.treasuryAccountPrivateKey
: The private key of the treasury account. If not provided, the operator account will be used.treasuryAccount
: The treasury account ID. If not provided, the operator account will be used.keys
: The keys for the collection.customFees
: The custom fees for the collection.
Method return number which is the estimated cost of creating a new NFT collection in hbars.
NFT SDK Mint Shared Metadata
The mintSharedMetadata
method is used to mint NFTs with shared metadata. This method takes in a tokenId, supplyKey, and an array of NFT metadata objects and returns a promise that resolves when the NFTs are successfully minted.
Create instance of HederaNFTSDK
class and call mintSharedMetadata
method by passing the proper parameters.
const HederaNFTSDK = new HederaNFTSDK(operatorAccountId, operatorPrivateKey, 'testnet');
const mintedMetadata = await HederaNFTSDK.mintSharedMetadata({
metaData: 'www.youtube.com',
batchSize: 2,
Mint shared metadata method takes in the following parameters:
type MintSharedType = {
tokenId: string;
amount: number;
metaData: string;
batchSize?: number;
supplyKey?: string;
: The token ID of the NFT collection.amount
: The amount of NFTs to mint.metaData
: The metadata of the NFTs.batchSize
: The amount of NFTs minted in a single on-chain transaction (defaults to 5).supplyKey
: The supply key of the NFTs.
Method returns an array of objects containing the token ID and the serial number of the minted NFTs.
type MintedNFTType = { serialNumber: number; content: string };
NFT SDK Mint Unique Metadata
The mintUniqueMetadata
method is used to mint NFTs with unique metadata. This method takes in a tokenId, supplyKey, and an array of NFT metadata or path to metadata object file and returns a promise that resolves when the NFTs are successfully minted.
Create instance of HederaNFTSDK
class and call mintUniqueMetadata
method by passing the proper parameters.
const HederaNFTSDK = new HederaNFTSDK(operatorAccountId, operatorPrivateKey, 'testnet');
// Pass the metadata as an array
const mintedMetadata = await HederaNFTSDK.mintUniqueMetadata({
batchSize: 2,
metadata: ['https://www.youtube.com1', 'https://www.youtube.com2'],
// Pass the path to the metadata file
const mintedMetadata = await HederaNFTSDK.mintUniqueMetadata({
batchSize: 2,
pathToMetadataURIsFile: pathToOneLineCSV,
Mint unique metadata method takes in the following parameters:
type MintUniqueType = {
tokenId: string;
supplyKey: string;
batchSize?: number;
pathToMetadataURIsFile?: string;
metadata?: string[];
: The token ID of the NFT collection.supplyKey
: The supply key of the NFTs.batchSize
: The amount of NFTs minted in a single on-chain transaction (defaults to 5).pathToMetadataURIsFile
: The path to the file containing the metadata URIs.metadata
: The metadata URIs of the NFTs.
Method returns an array of objects containing the token ID and the serial number of the minted NFTs.
type MintedNFTType = { serialNumber: number; content: string };
NFT SDK Estimate minting cost in Dollars
The estimateNftMintingInDollars
method is used to estimate the cost of minting NFTs. This method takes in a nft amount and returns a promise that resolves when the cost is successfully estimated.
Create instance of HederaNFTSDK
class and call estimateNftMintingInDollars
method by passing the proper parameters.
const HederaNFTSDK = new HederaNFTSDK(operatorAccountId, operatorPrivateKey, 'testnet');
const nfts = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'];
const result = await HederaNFTSDK.estimateNftMintingInDollars({ amountOfNfts: nfts.length });
Estimate mint metadata in dollars method takes in the following parameters:
type EstimateMintDollarsType = {
amountOfNfts: number;
: The amount of NFTs to mint.
Method return number which is the estimated cost of minting NFTs in dollars.
NFT SDK Estimate minting cost in Hbar
The estimateNftMintingInHbar
method is used to estimate the cost of minting NFTs. This method takes in a nft amount and returns a promise that resolves when the cost is successfully estimated.
Create instance of HederaNFTSDK
class and call estimateNftMintingInHbar
method by passing the proper parameters.
const HederaNFTSDK = new HederaNFTSDK(operatorAccountId, operatorPrivateKey, 'testnet');
const nfts = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'];
const result = await HederaNFTSDK.estimateNftMintingInHbar({ amountOfNfts: nfts.length });
Estimate mint metadata in hbar method takes in the following parameters:
type EstimateMintHbarType = {
amountOfNfts: number;
: The amount of NFTs to mint.
Method return number which is the estimated cost of minting NFTs in hbar.
NFT SDK Increase NFT Supply
The increaseNFTSupply
method is used to increase the supply of NFTs.
Create instance of HederaNFTSDK
class and call increaseNFTSupply
method by passing the proper parameters.
const HederaNFTSDK = new HederaNFTSDK(operatorAccountId, operatorPrivateKey, 'testnet');
const increaseSupplyResult = await HederaNFTSDK.increaseNFTSupply({
nftId: nft.nftId,
amount: 5,
batchSize: 10,
Increase NFT supply method takes in the following parameters:
type IncreaseNFTSupplyType = {
nftId: NftId;
amount: number;
batchSize?: number;
supplyKey?: string;
: The ID of the NFT.amount
: The amount of NFTs to mint.batchSize
: The amount of NFTs minted in a single on-chain transaction (defaults to 5).supplyKey
: The supply key of the NFTs.
Method returns an array of objects containing the token ID and the serial number of the minted NFTs.
type MintedNFTType = { serialNumber: number; content: string };
NFT SDK Get Holder And Duration
The getHolderAndDuration
method is used to get the holder and duration of an NFT. This method runs without instance of HederaNFTSDK
Call getHolderAndDuration
method by passing the proper parameters.
const result = await HederaNFTSDK.getHolderAndDuration({ tokenId, serialNumber: nftSerial, network: 'testnet' });
Create royalty fee method takes in the following parameters:
type GetHolderAndDurationType = {
tokenId: string;
serialNumber: number;
network?: NetworkName;
: The token ID of the NFT.serialNumber
: The serial number of the NFT.network
: The network to use (mainnet, testnet, previewnet or loocalNode).
Method returns an object containing the holder and duration of the NFT.
type HolderAndDurationType = { holder: string; duration: number };
The FeeFactory
class is used to create custom fees for NFT collections. The class is used to create fixedFee or royaltyFee.
Initialize the class and use one of the methods to create a fee.
Install the package:
npm i -s @hashgraph/nft-utilities
Create new instance of FeeFactory
feeFactoryInstance = new FeeFactory();
FeeFactory fixedFee
The fixedFee
method is used to create a fixed fee for NFT collections.
Create new instance of FeeFactory
const feeFactoryInstance = new FeeFactory();
Call fixedFee
method by passing the proper parameters.
const fixedFee = feeFactoryInstance.fixedFee({
allCollectorsAreExempt: false,
collectorAccountId: myAccountId,
hbarAmount: 100,
Create fixed fee method takes in the following parameters(You need to pass either hbarAmount or (amount and denominatingTokenId)):
type FixedFeeType = {
collectorAccountId: string;
hbarAmount?: number;
amount?: number;
denominatingTokenId?: string;
allCollectorsAreExempt?: boolean;
: The account ID of the collector.hbarAmount
: The amount of hbar to charge.amount
: The amount to charge.denominatingTokenId
: The token ID to use for the fee.allCollectorsAreExempt
: Whether all collectors are exempt from the fee.
FeeFactory royaltyFee
The royaltyFee
method is used to create a royalty fee for NFT collections.
Create new instance of FeeFactory
const feeFactoryInstance = new FeeFactory();
Call fixedFee
method by passing the proper parameters.
const fixedFee = feeFactoryInstance.fixedFee({
allCollectorsAreExempt: false,
collectorAccountId: myAccountId,
hbarAmount: 100,
Create royalty fee method takes in the following parameters:
type RoyaltyFeeType = {
collectorAccountId: string;
numerator: number;
denominator: number;
fallbackFee?: FixedFeeType;
allCollectorsAreExempt?: boolean;
: The account ID of the collector.numerator
: The numerator of the royalty fee.denominator
: The denominator of the royalty fee.fallbackFee
: The fallback fee for the royalty fee.allCollectorsAreExempt
: Whether all collectors are exempt from the fee.
The Hip412Validator
class is a comprehensive tool designed to facilitate the validation of NFT metadata against the standards outlined in the Hedera Improvement Proposal (HIP) 412. This class provides developers with a suite of methods to validate individual NFT metadata objects, arrays of metadata, local files, and directories containing NFT metadata, ensuring compliance with the HIP-412 schema. Additionally, it offers functionalities to validate metadata directly from the Hedera network, providing a robust solution for ensuring the integrity and compliance of NFT metadata within the Hedera ecosystem.
Methods & Initialization
The class methods can be directly invoked to perform metadata validation.
- Validates a single NFT metadata object against the HIP-412 schema.
const validationResult = Hip412Validator.validateSingleMetadataObject(metadataObject);
This method returns an object contains:
boolean flag- Array of errors
Example result
type validationResult = {
isValid: boolean;
errors: string[];
- Takes an array of metadata objects and validates each one against the HIP-412 schema, providing detailed results for each object.
const validationResults = Hip412Validator.validateArrayOfObjects(arrayOfMetadataObjects);
This method returns an object contains:
: A boolean flag indicating whether the metadata object at the index passed validation,
: An array of strings listing all validation errors found for the metadata object,
: The number of errors found for the metadata object,
: A boolean flag indicating whether all metadata objects in the array passed validation without any errors.
Example result
type validationResult = {
allObjectsValid: boolean;
results: {
[index: number]: {
isValid: boolean;
errorsCount: number;
errors: string[];
- This method allows for the validation of metadata within a local file. It reads the file content, parses the JSON, and validates it against the HIP-412 schema.
const pathToFile = 'path/to/your/file';
const fileValidationResult = Hip412Validator.validateLocalFile(pathToFile);
This method returns an object contains:
boolean flag- Array of errors
Example result
type validationResult = {
isValid: boolean;
errors: string[];
- Validates all JSON metadata files within a specified directory, offering a comprehensive tool for pre-publish validation of NFT collections.
const directoryPath = 'path/to/your/metadata/directory';
const directoryValidationResult = Hip412Validator.validateLocalDirectory(directoryPath);
This method returns an object contains:
: A boolean flag indicating whether all files within the specified directory passed validation. It is true if all files are valid according to the HIP-412 schema, and false otherwise.errors
: An array of objects, each corresponding to a file that failed validation. Each object include:fileName
: The name of the file that encountered validation errors, helping to identify the source of the issue.general
: An array of strings, with each string describing a specific validation error encountered in the file.
Example result
type validationResult = {
isValid: boolean;
errors: string[];
- Targets the validation of metadata for a single NFT within a collection on the Hedera network. This method is particularly useful for in-depth analysis of individual NFTs.
type validateSingleOnChainNFTMetadataType = {
network: string;
tokenId: string;
serialNumber: string;
ipfsGateway?: string;
const singleNftValidationResult = await Hip412Validator.validateSingleOnChainNFTMetadata(network, tokenId, serialNumber, ipfsGateway);
: The network to use (mainnet, testnet or previewnet),tokenId
: The unique identifier of the NFT token within the Hedera network, used to locate and validate metadata for the specific token,serialNumber
: The serial number of the NFT, allowing for the validation of metadata for individual NFTs within a collection,ipfsGateway
: Optional. Specifies the IPFS gateway URL to be used for decoding the encoded NFT metadata URL.
This method returns an object contains:
boolean flag- Array of errors
Example result
type validationResult = {
isValid: boolean;
errors: string[];
- Fetches and validates metadata for an entire NFT collection directly from the Hedera network, leveraging either the testnet or mainnet. This method is crucial for verifying the compliance of on-chain NFT collections.
type validateSingleOnChainNFTMetadataType = {
network: string;
tokenId: string;
ipfsGateway?: string;
limit: number;
const collectionValidationResult = await Hip412Validator.validateMetadataFromOnChainCollection(network, tokenId, ipfsGateway, limit);
: The network to use (mainnet, testnet or previewnet),tokenId
: The unique identifier of the NFT token within the Hedera network, used to locate and validate metadata for the specific token,ipfsGateway
: Optional. Specifies the IPFS gateway URL to be used for decoding the encoded NFT metadata URL,limit
: Specifies how many NFT per page should be fetched. Default number is set to 100.
This method returns an object containing:
: A boolean flag indicating whether all metadata objects passed validation without any errors.errors
: An array of objects, each containing aserialNumber
identifying the specific NFT and amessage array
listing all validation errors found for that NFT.
Example result
type validationResult = {
isValid: boolean;
errors: string[];
The Hip412MetadataBuilder class streamlines the creation of NFT metadata objects in alignment with the Hedera Improvement Proposal (HIP) 412 standards. It provides a fluent interface to incrementally build up a metadata object with validation at each step, ensuring that the resulting metadata conforms to the required specifications. This builder class is essential for developers seeking to craft compliant NFT metadata for deployment on the Hedera network.
Methods & Initialization
Upon instantiation, the Hip412MetadataBuilder initializes a metadata object with name
, image
and type
empty fields. Users can then sequentially apply various setters and adders to populate this metadata object with the necessary details.
const metadataBuilder = new Hip412MetadataBuilder();
Key Methods
- setName(name: string): 'Sets the name of the NFT', // required
- setImage(image: string): 'Sets the image URL for the NFT', // required
- setType(type: string): 'Sets the type of the NFT', // required
- setDescription(description: string): 'Adds a description to the NFT metadata',
- setCreator(creator: string): 'Defines the creator of the NFT',
- setCreatorDID(creatorDID: string): 'Specifies the Decentralized Identifier (DID) for the creator',
- setChecksum(checksum: string): 'Assigns a checksum for the metadata integrity verification',
- addAttribute(attribute: Attribute): 'Appends a custom attribute to the NFT', //can be used multiple times
- addFile(file: FileMetadata): 'Adds a file (with URI, type, etc.) to the NFT metadata', // can be used multiple times
- addProperty({ key, value }): 'Includes a custom property to the NFT metadata', // can be used multiple times
- setLocalization(localization: Localization): 'Establishes localization information for the NFT metadata',
- build(): 'Validates and finalizes the metadata object, returning both the metadata and its validation result'. // required
Here's an example of how to use the Hip412MetadataBuilder
to construct NFT metadata:
const { metadata, validationResult } = new Hip412MetadataBuilder()
.setName('My Awesome NFT')
.setDescription('This is a description of my awesome NFT')
trait_type: 'Background',
value: 'Space',
uri: 'https://example.com/nft-metadata.json',
type: 'application/json',
The build
method returns an object containing:
: This property holds the constructed metadata object that has been assembled using the builder methods. The metadata object follows the structure required by HIP-412, including attributes such as name, image, type, and any additional attributes or files that were added. This object is ready to be used for NFT creation or further processing.validationResult
: This property contains the results of validating the constructed metadata object against the HIP-412 standard. It provides feedback on the compliance of the metadata, including a boolean flag indicating validity (isValid) and detailed error information (as array of strings) for each metadata element that was evaluated.
example metadata result
"name": "My Awesome NFT",
"image": "https://example.com/my-awesome-nft.png",
"type": "image/png",
"description": "This is a description of my awesome NFT",
"attributes": [
"trait_type": "Background",
"value": "Space"
"files": [
"uri": "https://example.com/nft-metadata.json",
"type": "application/json"
"format": "HIP412@2.0.0" // Automatically added by the builder to indicate compliance with a specific version of the standard
example validation result
type validationResult = {
isValid: boolean;
errors: string[];
Convert CSV To Metadata Objects
The convertCSVToMetadataObjects
function is designed to transform CSV files into an array of metadata objects compliant with the NFT metadata structure defined in the Hedera Improvement Proposal (HIP) 412. This utility function facilitates the conversion of bulk NFT data stored in CSV format into a structured JSON format that can be directly utilized for NFT minting or further processing within the NFT ecosystem.
To convert a CSV file into an array of metadata objects, you need to provide the path to the CSV file. Optionally, you can also specify a limit to control the number of rows processed from the CSV file.
const csvFilePath = 'path/to/your/csv-file.csv';
const metadataObjects = await convertCSVToMetadataObjects(csvFilePath, 100);
: A string that specifies the path to the CSV file containing the NFT metadata information,limit
: An optional parameter that defines the maximum number of rows to be processed from the CSV file. If not provided, all rows in the file will be processed.
Important! The first two lines in the csv file are headers and they are skipped. You can find a valid csv example at the path src/test/__mocks__/csv/csv-example-with-all-fields
This function returns a promise that resolves to an array of MetadataObjects. Each MetadataObject
in the array represents an individual NFT's metadata, structured according to the requirements of the HIP-412 schema.
Error Handling
If the CSV file contains fewer data rows than the headers (after omitting specific header counts defined in the SDK), an error is thrown, indicating that the CSV file is empty or does not contain sufficient data for processing.
Convert Metadata Objects to JSON Files
The convertMetadataObjectsToJsonFiles
function streamlines the process of converting an array of NFT metadata objects into individual JSON files. This utility is particularly useful for batch processing and storage of NFT metadata, facilitating easy upload and management of NFT collections. Before conversion, it validates each metadata object against the HIP-412 standard to ensure compliance.
To convert metadata objects into JSON files, you need to provide the array of metadata objects, the destination path for the saved JSON files, and optionally, a limit to control the number of metadata objects processed.
const metadataObjects = [
/* Your Metadata Objects */
const savedJsonFilesLocation = 'path/to/save/json-files';
const limit = 100; // Optional
const conversionResult = await convertMetadataObjectsToJsonFiles({
: An array of MetadataObject items to be converted into JSON files. EachMetadataObject
should conform to the structure required by the NFT metadata schema,savedJsonFilesLocation
: A string specifying the directory path where the resulting JSON files should be saved,limit
: An optional parameter specifying the maximum number of metadata objects to process. If not provided, all objects in themetadataObjects
array will be processed.
This function returns a promise that resolves to an object with the following properties:
: A boolean flag indicating whether all provided metadata objects are valid according to the HIP-412 validation process,errors
: An array containing detailed error information for each metadata object that failed validation. Each error object includes the index of the metadata object (objectIndex) and an array of error messages (errors),savedJsonFilesLocation
: The location where the JSON files have been saved.
Error Handling
The convertMetadataObjectsToJsonFiles
function strictly requires all metadata objects to pass HIP-412 validation before proceeding with the conversion to JSON files. The validation is performed upfront, and only if every metadata object is deemed valid, will the function save the JSON files to the specified location. If any of the metadata objects fail validation, no files will be saved, and the function will return detailed information about the errors encountered. This ensures the integrity and compliance of all NFT metadata before it is serialized into JSON format, allowing developers to rectify any issues in a single batch process.
Prepare Metadata Objects From CSV Rows
The prepareMetadataObjectsFromCSVRows
function serves as an intermediary step in the conversion of CSV data into structured NFT metadata objects. It processes rows of CSV data, applying a predefined schema to transform them into an array of metadata objects suitable for NFT creation or further validation against the HIP-412 standard.
To transform CSV rows into metadata objects, you need to provide the parsed rows from a CSV file. The function utilizes predefined headers for attributes and properties to map CSV data accurately into metadata objects.
const csvParsedRows = [
/* Array of parsed CSV rows */
const metadataObjects = prepareMetadataObjectsFromCSVRows({ csvParsedRows });
: An array of CSVRow objects, representing the rows parsed from a CSV file. Each CSVRow object is a key-value map corresponding to one row of data in the CSV, where keys are column headers, and values are the cell data for that row.
The function returns an array of metadata objects, with each object structured according to the NFT metadata schema. This array can be directly used for NFT minting, further validation, or conversion into JSON files for storage and distribution.
Transformation Logic
The function relies on predefined headers for attributes (ATTRIBUTES) and properties (PROPERTIES) to map data from CSV rows into the structured format required by NFT metadata. This ensures that the resulting metadata objects are correctly formatted and include all necessary information for NFT creation, such as names, images, types, and other customizable attributes and properties.
Questions or Improvement Proposals
Please create an issue or PR on this repository. Make sure to join the Hedera Discord server to ask questions or discuss improvement suggestions.
If you have a question on how to use the product, please see our support guide.
Contributions are welcome. Please see the contributing guide to see how you can get involved.
Code of Conduct
This project is governed by the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code of conduct. Please report unacceptable behavior to oss@hedera.com.