Generates a report showing an account's hbar transfers
Mirror Node Report Tool
This tool is a CLI tool that queries the REST API for an account and produces a report showing any transfers to or from the account and its resulting balance.
First ensure Node and NPM are installed. Following the instructions specific to your operating system.
Open the Terminal app and run the following commands:
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.40.1/install.sh | bash
nvm install 22
npm install -g @hashgraph/mirror-report
Download the Node.js 22 prebuilt installer for Windows x64. Follow the prompts to complete the installation with the default options. Open the Command Prompt application and run the following:
npm install -g @hashgraph/mirror-report
To upgrade the version of the report tool, re-run the NPM install command to grab the latest version:
npm install -g @hashgraph/mirror-report
To generate the report, use the mirror
command line tool from the installation section.
Usage: mirror [options] [command]
-h, --help display help for command
report [options] Generate a report for specific accounts
help [command] display help for command
Run the report
sub-command to generate the report data. Pass at least one account you want to include in the report.
By default, it generates a report for the current date. Pass the --from-date YYYY-MM-DD
and --to-date YYYY-MM-DD
arguments to customize the time range the report should cover.
Usage: mirror report [options]
Generate a report for the given accounts.
-a, --account <accountId...> The accounts to include in the report
-c, --combined Whether a single combined report should be generated for all accounts. By default it produces separate reports
-f, --from-date <YYYY-MM-DD> The day the report should start (inclusive) (default: today)
-n, --network <network> The Hedera network to connect to (choices: "mainnet", "testnet", "previewnet", default: "mainnet")
-t, --to-date <YYYY-MM-DD> The day the report should end (exclusive) (default: tomorrow)
-h, --help display help for command
Example execution:
mirror report --combined -a 0.0.1000-0.0.1001 0.0.1003 -f 2024-11-29 -n testnet
2025-01-02T19:06:08.399Z Running report with options: {"fromDate":"2024-11-29","network":"testnet","toDate":"2025-01-03","combined":true,"account":["0.0.1000","0.0.1001","0.0.1003"]}
2025-01-02T19:06:08.399Z Invoking https://testnet.mirrornode.hedera.com/api/v1/accounts/0.0.1000?timestamp=1732838400
2025-01-02T19:06:08.515Z Starting balance of 1300000002 for account 0.0.1000 at 1732837599.823821194
2025-01-02T19:06:08.515Z Invoking https://testnet.mirrornode.hedera.com/api/v1/transactions?account.id=0.0.1000&limit=100&order=asc×tamp=gt:1732837599.823821194×tamp=lt:1735862400
2025-01-02T19:06:08.591Z Invoking https://testnet.mirrornode.hedera.com/api/v1/accounts/0.0.1001?timestamp=1732838400
2025-01-02T19:06:08.639Z Starting balance of 197103815708295 for account 0.0.1001 at 1732837599.823821194
2025-01-02T19:06:08.639Z Invoking https://testnet.mirrornode.hedera.com/api/v1/transactions?account.id=0.0.1001&limit=100&order=asc×tamp=gt:1732837599.823821194×tamp=lt:1735862400
2025-01-02T19:06:08.687Z Invoking https://testnet.mirrornode.hedera.com/api/v1/accounts/0.0.1003?timestamp=1732838400
2025-01-02T19:06:08.737Z Starting balance of 1001658807600 for account 0.0.1003 at 1732837599.823821194
2025-01-02T19:06:08.737Z Invoking https://testnet.mirrornode.hedera.com/api/v1/transactions?account.id=0.0.1003&limit=100&order=asc×tamp=gt:1732837599.823821194×tamp=lt:1735862400
2025-01-02T19:06:08.781Z Generated report successfully at report-2024-11-29.csv with 1 entries
cat report-2024-11-29.csv