Harmonic VOS RAFX SSAI adapter for Roku apps
Harmonic RAFX SSAI adapter
Native BrightScript only
Download latest release transpiled in BrightScript: hlit-rafx-ssai-brs.zip
Copy all files inside
Dependencies are included under
, so there's no need to install them separately.You should get something like this:
└── source ├── hlit_rafx_ssai │ ├── DashParser.brs │ ├── MetadataParser.brs │ ├── PodHelper.brs │ ├── SSAI.brs │ └── roku_modules │ ├── bslib │ │ └── bslib.brs │ └── rokurequests │ └── Requests.brs └── main.brs
Create a new task component that is responsible for player control & client-side ad tracking. You may use existing ones if you already have one in your app.
For example, in Tasks folder in the example app, we have a dedicated
to handle player-related functionsImport required libraries
In your task component XML, import required libraries.
<script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/source/hlit_rafx_ssai/SSAI.brs" /> <script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/source/hlit_rafx_ssai/PodHelper.brs" /> <script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/source/hlit_rafx_ssai/MetadataParser.brs" /> <script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/source/hlit_rafx_ssai/DashParser.brs" /> <script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/source/hlit_rafx_ssai/roku_modules/rokurequests/Requests.brs" /> <script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/source/hlit_rafx_ssai/roku_modules/bslib/bslib.brs" />
Import Roku RAF library in your BrightScript file
library "Roku_Ads.brs"
Using ropm & BrighterScript
ropm package manager is supported. Install it by
ropm install @harmonicinc/vos_roku_rafx_ssai
Create a new task component that is responsible for player control & client-side ad tracking. You may use existing ones if you already have one in your app.
For example, in Tasks folder in the example app, we have a dedicated PlayerTask.bs to handle player-related functions
Import required libraries in your BrighterScript file
import "pkg:/source/roku_modules/harmonicinc_vos_roku_rafx_ssai/ssai.bs" library "Roku_Ads.brs"
Create Harmonic RAFX adapter by
adapter = new harmonic.rafx.ssai.RAFX_SSAI() ' If you're using native BrightScript: adapter = harmonicinc_vos_roku_rafx_ssai_RAFX_SSAI()
Provide the stream URL to the adapter
result = adapter.getStreamInfo(m.top.video.content.url)
Check if
is true. If not, the stream is not compatible with the adapter(Optional) Add event listeners. Currently only change on pods will be emitted:
adapter.addEventListener(adapter.AdEvent.PODS, podsCallback) sub podsCallback(event as object) ' Your code here. Get pods by event.adPods end sub
Create messsage port and add it to the adapter.
Note that the adapter currently does not support custom ad beacon firing at the time of writing. The adapter will handle all the tracking beacons by itself.
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort") adapter.enableAds({ player: { sgNode: <your video node>, port: port }, useStitched: true ' required as firing event on client is not supported yet })
field and create a message loop to feed it to the adapterm.top.video.observeFieldScoped("position", port) m.top.video.observeFieldScoped("control", port) m.top.video.observeFieldScoped("state", port) ' Play video m.top.video.control = "play" while true msg = wait(1000, port) if type(msg) = "roSGNodeEvent" and msg.getField() = "control" and msg.getNode() = m.top.video.id and msg.getData() = "stop" or m.top.video = invalid exit while end if curAd = adapter.onMessage(msg) if curAd = invalid m.top.video.setFocus(true) end if if "roSGNodeEvent" = type(msg) and "state" = msg.getField() and "finished" = msg.getData() and msg.getNode() = m.top.video.id exit while end if end while m.top.video.unobserveFieldScoped("position") m.top.video.unobserveFieldScoped("control") m.top.video.unobserveFieldScoped("state")
Example app tryout
Example app is included in /demo
for reference. Demo depends on local SDK instead of the one on npm.
ropm packager is required. Install it globally by
npm i ropm -g
You'll need to install the dependencies of the SDK first by
cd lib
npm i
ropm i
Move on to the demo app, do the same by
cd ../demo
npm i
ropm i
Build the app
Since the manifest URL is hardcoded, you'll need to replace it prior to building the app.
In demo/components/Tasks/PlayerTask.bs
line 3, you should have the following:
const url = ""
Replace it with the manifest URL, for example
const url = "https://www.example.com/master.mpd"
Then locate to the demo app root directory i.e. demo/
. Run the following:
npm run package
The Roku app package will be saved as /demo/out/demo.zip
. Upload this zip file in Roku debug web UI to install it.
Develop on Roku w/ live reload
Edit demo/bsconfig.json
. Fill in the host
and password
with the Roku device's IP and developer mode password respectively
Then run the following
npm run watch