Instead of storing the content as a file using the given filename, store the content using the hash of that content.
A class (called “FS”) in TypeScript, that takes a directory as an argument which will act as an interface to a file system.
We need two methods in this class:
store(filename, content): Stores the content in filename within the given directory
get(filename): Returns the content from the filename
However, people are writing the same data over & over, but using different file names. So instead of storing the content as a file using the given filename, store the content using the hash of that content.
Let’s assume md5 is a "perfect" hashing function md5("content") -> "abcdef123456"
- only alphabetical characters
Example usage:
fs = FS("/topdir")
fs.store("filename1", "a very long string1")
fs.store("filename2", "a very long string1")
fs.store("filename3", "a very long string3")
result1 = fs.get("filename1")// gets 'a very long string1'
result2 = fs.get("filename2")// gets 'a very long string1'
result3 = fs.get("filename3")// gets 'a very long string3'
In the previous example the “a very long string1"
is stored only once because two different files have the same content.
CI/CD (optional)
Write a short description of how would you deploy your solution in a cloud environment (AWS, Azure, GCP). What type of resources would you use and why?
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
This project is developed and maintained by Farkas Ferenc.
- Name: Farkas Ferenc
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: www.happygastro.hu
Happy Gastro Ltd.