Generate CSR with HTTP request on every platform withouut OpenSSL or other dependecies
CSR and Key Generator
This package provides a simple and straightforward way to generate Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs) and keys using HTTP SSL service so you don't need OpenSSL installed. It utilizes the csrgenerator.com
service to facilitate the generation process.
npm install @happy-gastro/csr-key-generator
To use this package, import the generateCSRAndKey function and call it with optional parameters:
import { generateCSRAndKey } from '@happy-gastro/csr-key-generator';
// Example usage:
generateCSRAndKey('HU', 'happygastro.hu', '', 'Software development', 'Happy Gastro Kft.', 'Pest megye', 'Hungary', '')
.then((result) => {
console.log('Generated CSR:', result.certificateRequest);
console.log('Generated Key:', result.privateKey);
.catch((error) => {
console.error('Error generating CSR and key:', error);
API Documentation
generateCSRAndKey(C: string, CN: string, subject: string, OU: string, O: string, L: string, ST: string, SC: string): Promise<object>
Here are the fields you can fill with your own parameters:
C: The Country field of CSR.
CN: The Common name field of CSR.
subject: (Optional) Subject Alt names.
OU: Organizational Unit field of CSR.
O: Organization field of CSR.
L: Locality field of CSR.
ST: State field of CSR.
SC: SC field of CSR.
Returns a Promise that resolves with an object containing the generated CSR (certificateRequest), key (privateKey), and the full string response (string) from the generation service.
import { generateCSRAndKey } from '@happy-gastro/csr-key-generator';
// Example usage:
generateCSRAndKey('HU', 'happygastro.hu', '', 'Software development', 'Happy Gastro Kft.', 'Pest megye', 'Hungary', '')
.then((result) => {
console.log('Generated CSR:', result.certificateRequest);
console.log('Generated Key:', result.privateKey);
.catch((error) => {
console.error('Error generating CSR and key:', error);
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
This project is developed and maintained by Farkas Ferenc.
- Name: Farkas Ferenc
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: www.happygastro.hu
Happy Gastro Ltd.