A CLI tool to build for the Shopify platform
shopify app build
shopify app config link
shopify app config use [CONFIG]
shopify app deploy
shopify app dev
shopify app env pull
shopify app env show
shopify app function build
shopify app function run
shopify app function schema
shopify app function typegen
shopify app generate extension [FILE]
shopify app generate schema
shopify app import-extensions
shopify app info
shopify app init
shopify app:release --version <version>
shopify app versions list [FILE]
shopify app webhook trigger
shopify auth logout
shopify commands
shopify config autocorrect off
shopify config autocorrect on
shopify config autocorrect status
shopify help [COMMAND]
shopify hydrogen build
shopify hydrogen check RESOURCE
shopify hydrogen codegen
shopify hydrogen customer-account push
shopify hydrogen debug cpu
shopify hydrogen deploy
shopify hydrogen dev
shopify hydrogen env list
shopify hydrogen env pull
shopify hydrogen env push
shopify hydrogen generate route ROUTENAME
shopify hydrogen generate routes
shopify hydrogen link
shopify hydrogen list
shopify hydrogen login
shopify hydrogen logout
shopify hydrogen preview
shopify hydrogen setup
shopify hydrogen setup css [STRATEGY]
shopify hydrogen setup markets [STRATEGY]
shopify hydrogen setup vite
shopify hydrogen shortcut
shopify hydrogen unlink
shopify hydrogen upgrade
shopify plugins:install PLUGIN...
shopify plugins:inspect PLUGIN...
shopify plugins:install PLUGIN...
shopify plugins:link PLUGIN
shopify plugins:uninstall PLUGIN...
shopify plugins:uninstall PLUGIN...
shopify plugins:uninstall PLUGIN...
shopify plugins update
shopify search [QUERY]
shopify theme check
shopify theme:console
shopify theme delete
shopify theme dev
shopify theme info
shopify theme:init [name]
shopify theme language-server
shopify theme list
shopify theme open
shopify theme package
shopify theme publish
shopify theme pull
shopify theme:push
shopify theme rename
shopify theme share
shopify upgrade
shopify version
shopify app build
Build the app, including extensions.
$ shopify app build [--client-id <value> | -c <value>] [--no-color] [--path <value>]
[--skip-dependencies-installation] [--verbose]
-c, --config=<value> The name of the app configuration.
--client-id=<value> Application's Client ID that will be exposed at build time.
--no-color Disable color output.
--path=<value> The path to your app directory.
--skip-dependencies-installation Skips the installation of dependencies. Deprecated, use workspaces instead.
--verbose Increase the verbosity of the logs.
Build the app, including extensions.
This command executes the build script specified in the element's TOML file. You can specify a custom script in the
file. To learn about configuration files in Shopify apps, refer to "App configuration"
If you're building a "theme app extension" (https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/online-store/theme-app-extensions), then
running the `build` command runs "Theme Check" (https://shopify.dev/docs/themes/tools/theme-check) against your
extension to ensure that it's valid.
See code: @shopify/app
shopify app config link
Fetch your app configuration from the Partner Dashboard.
$ shopify app config link [--client-id <value>] [-c <value>] [--no-color] [--path <value>] [--verbose]
-c, --config=<value> The name of the app configuration.
--client-id=<value> The Client ID of your app.
--no-color Disable color output.
--path=<value> The path to your app directory.
--verbose Increase the verbosity of the logs.
Fetch your app configuration from the Partner Dashboard.
Pulls app configuration from the Partner Dashboard and creates or overwrites a configuration file. You can create a
new app with this command to start with a default configuration file.
For more information on the format of the created TOML configuration file, refer to the "App configuration"
(https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/tools/cli/configuration) page.
See code: @shopify/app
shopify app config use [CONFIG]
Activate an app configuration.
$ shopify app config use [CONFIG] [--no-color] [--path <value>] [--reset] [--verbose]
CONFIG The name of the app configuration. Can be 'shopify.app.staging.toml' or simply 'staging'.
--no-color Disable color output.
--path=<value> The path to your app directory.
--reset Reset current configuration.
--verbose Increase the verbosity of the logs.
Activate an app configuration.
Sets default configuration when you run app-related CLI commands. If you omit the `config-name` parameter, then you'll
be prompted to choose from the configuration files in your project.
See code: @shopify/app
shopify app deploy
Deploy your Shopify app.
$ shopify app deploy [--client-id <value> | -c <value>] [-f] [--message <value>] [--no-color] [--no-release]
[--path <value>] [--reset | ] [--source-control-url <value>] [--verbose] [--version <value>]
-c, --config=<value> The name of the app configuration.
-f, --force Deploy without asking for confirmation.
--client-id=<value> The Client ID of your app.
--message=<value> Optional message that will be associated with this version. This is for internal use
only and won't be available externally.
--no-color Disable color output.
--no-release Creates a version but doesn't release it - it's not made available to merchants.
--path=<value> The path to your app directory.
--reset Reset all your settings.
--source-control-url=<value> URL associated with the new app version.
--verbose Increase the verbosity of the logs.
--version=<value> Optional version tag that will be associated with this app version. If not provided,
an auto-generated identifier will be generated for this app version.
Deploy your Shopify app.
"Builds the app" (https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/tools/cli/commands#build), then deploys your app configuration and
This command creates an app version, which is a snapshot of your app configuration and all extensions, including the
app extensions that you manage in the Partner Dashboard. This version is then released to users.
This command doesn't deploy your "web app" (https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/tools/cli/structure#web-components). You
need to "deploy your web app" (https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/deployment/web) to your own hosting solution.
See code: @shopify/app
shopify app dev
Run the app.
$ shopify app dev [--checkout-cart-url <value>] [--client-id <value> | -c <value>] [--no-color]
[--no-update] [--notify <value>] [--path <value>] [--reset | ] [--skip-dependencies-installation] [-s <value>]
[--subscription-product-url <value>] [-t <value>] [--theme-app-extension-port <value>] [--tunnel-url <value> | | ]
-c, --config=<value> The name of the app configuration.
-s, --store=<value> Store URL. Must be an existing development or Shopify Plus sandbox store.
-t, --theme=<value> Theme ID or name of the theme app extension host theme.
--checkout-cart-url=<value> Resource URL for checkout UI extension. Format:
--client-id=<value> The Client ID of your app.
--no-color Disable color output.
--no-update Skips the Partners Dashboard URL update step.
--notify=<value> The file path or URL. The file path is to a file that you want updated on
idle. The URL path is where you want a webhook posted to report on file
--path=<value> The path to your app directory.
--reset Reset all your settings.
--skip-dependencies-installation Skips the installation of dependencies. Deprecated, use workspaces instead.
--subscription-product-url=<value> Resource URL for subscription UI extension. Format: "/products/{productId}"
--theme-app-extension-port=<value> Local port of the theme app extension development server.
--tunnel-url=<value> Use a custom tunnel, it must be running before executing dev. Format:
--verbose Increase the verbosity of the logs.
Run the app.
"Builds the app" (https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/tools/cli/commands#build) and lets you preview it on a "development
store" (https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/tools/development-stores) or "Plus sandbox store" (https://help.shopify.com/part
To preview your app on a development store or Plus sandbox store, Shopify CLI walks you through the following steps.
If you've run `dev` before, then your settings are saved and some of these steps are skipped. You can reset these
configurations using `dev --reset` to go through all of them again:
- Associating your project with an app associated with your Partner account or organization, or creating a new app.
- Selecting a development store or Plus sandbox store to use for testing. If you have only one store, then it's
selected automatically.
- Installing your app on the store using the provided install link.
- Creating a tunnel between your local environment and the store using Cloudflare.
You can use your own tunneling software instead, by passing your tunnel URL with the `--tunnel-url` flag.
- Updating the app URLs that are set in the Partner Dashboard.
To avoid overwriting any URLs that are already set, select the No, never option. If you select this option, then
you're provided with URLs that you can manually add in the Partner Dashboard so you can preview your app.
- Enabling development store preview for extensions.
- Serving "GraphiQL for the Admin API"
(https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/tools/graphiql-admin-api#use-a-local-graphiql-instance) using your app's credentials
and access scopes.
- Building and serving your app and app extensions.
If you're using the PHP or Ruby app template, then you need to complete the following steps before you can preview
your app for the first time:
- PHP: "Set up your Laravel app" (https://github.com/Shopify/shopify-app-template-php#setting-up-your-laravel-app)
- Ruby: "Set up your Rails app" (https://github.com/Shopify/shopify-app-template-ruby#setting-up-your-rails-app)
> Caution: To use a development store or Plus sandbox store with Shopify CLI, you need to be the store owner, or have
a "staff account"
(https://help.shopify.com/manual/your-account/staff-accounts?shpxid=09640797-900B-4D1E-6E65-76A35B54FF4A) on the
store. Staff accounts are created automatically the first time you access a development store with your Partner staff
account through the Partner Dashboard.
See code: @shopify/app
shopify app env pull
Pull app and extensions environment variables.
$ shopify app env pull [-c <value>] [--env-file <value>] [--no-color] [--path <value>] [--verbose]
-c, --config=<value> The name of the app configuration.
--env-file=<value> Specify an environment file to update if the update flag is set
--no-color Disable color output.
--path=<value> The path to your app directory.
--verbose Increase the verbosity of the logs.
Pull app and extensions environment variables.
Creates or updates an `.env` files that contains app and app extension environment variables.
When an existing `.env` file is updated, changes to the variables are displayed in the terminal output. Existing
variables and commented variables are preserved.
See code: @shopify/app
shopify app env show
Display app and extensions environment variables.
$ shopify app env show [-c <value>] [--no-color] [--path <value>] [--verbose]
-c, --config=<value> The name of the app configuration.
--no-color Disable color output.
--path=<value> The path to your app directory.
--verbose Increase the verbosity of the logs.
Display app and extensions environment variables.
Displays environment variables that can be used to deploy apps and app extensions.
See code: @shopify/app
shopify app function build
Compile a function to wasm.
$ shopify app function build [-c <value>] [--no-color] [--path <value>] [--verbose]
-c, --config=<value> The name of the app configuration.
--no-color Disable color output.
--path=<value> The path to your function directory.
--verbose Increase the verbosity of the logs.
Compile a function to wasm.
Compiles the function in your current directory to WebAssembly (Wasm) for testing purposes.
See code: @shopify/app
shopify app function run
Run a function locally for testing.
$ shopify app function run [-c <value>] [-e <value>] [-i <value>] [-j] [--no-color] [--path <value>] [--verbose]
-c, --config=<value> The name of the app configuration.
-e, --export=<value> [default: _start] Name of the wasm export to invoke.
-i, --input=<value> The input JSON to pass to the function. If omitted, standard input is used.
-j, --json Log the run result as a JSON object.
--no-color Disable color output.
--path=<value> The path to your function directory.
--verbose Increase the verbosity of the logs.
Run a function locally for testing.
Runs the function from your current directory for "testing purposes"
(https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/functions/testing-and-debugging). To learn how you can monitor and debug functions when
errors occur, refer to "Shopify Functions error handling" (https://shopify.dev/docs/api/functions/errors).
See code: @shopify/app
shopify app function schema
Fetch the latest GraphQL schema for a function.
$ shopify app function schema [--client-id <value> | -c <value>] [--no-color] [--path <value>] [--stdout] [--verbose]
-c, --config=<value> The name of the app configuration.
--client-id=<value> The Client ID to fetch the schema with.
--no-color Disable color output.
--path=<value> The path to your function directory.
--stdout Output the schema to stdout instead of writing to a file.
--verbose Increase the verbosity of the logs.
Fetch the latest GraphQL schema for a function.
Generates the latest "GraphQL schema" (https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/functions/input-output#graphql-schema) for a
function in your app. Run this command from the function directory.
This command uses the API type and version of your function, as defined in your extension TOML file, to generate the
latest GraphQL schema. The schema is written to the `schema.graphql` file.
See code: @shopify/app
shopify app function typegen
Generate GraphQL types for a JavaScript function.
$ shopify app function typegen [-c <value>] [--no-color] [--path <value>] [--verbose]
-c, --config=<value> The name of the app configuration.
--no-color Disable color output.
--path=<value> The path to your function directory.
--verbose Increase the verbosity of the logs.
Generate GraphQL types for a JavaScript function.
Creates GraphQL types based on your "input query" (https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/functions/input-output#input) for a
function written in JavaScript.
See code: @shopify/app
shopify app generate extension [FILE]
Generate a new app Extension.
$ shopify app generate extension [FILE] [--client-id <value> | -c <value>] [--flavor
vanilla-js|react|typescript|typescript-react|wasm|rust] [-n <value>] [--no-color] [--path <value>] [--reset | ] [-t
<value>] [-t <value>] [--verbose]
-c, --config=<value> The name of the app configuration.
-n, --name=<value> name of your Extension
-t, --template=<value> Extension template
-t, --type=<value> Deprecated. Please use --template
--client-id=<value> The Client ID of your app.
--flavor=<option> Choose a starting template for your extension, where applicable
<options: vanilla-js|react|typescript|typescript-react|wasm|rust>
--no-color Disable color output.
--path=<value> The path to your app directory.
--reset Reset all your settings.
--verbose Increase the verbosity of the logs.
Generate a new app Extension.
Generates a new "app extension" (https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/app-extensions). For a list of app extensions that you
can generate using this command, refer to "Supported extensions"
Each new app extension is created in a folder under `extensions/`. To learn more about the extensions file structure,
refer to "App structure" (https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/tools/cli/structure) and the documentation for your extension.
$ shopify app generate extension
See code: @shopify/app
shopify app generate schema
Fetch the latest GraphQL schema for a function.
$ shopify app generate schema [--client-id <value> | -c <value>] [--no-color] [--path <value>] [--stdout] [--verbose]
-c, --config=<value> The name of the app configuration.
--client-id=<value> The Client ID to fetch the schema with.
--no-color Disable color output.
--path=<value> The path to your function directory.
--stdout Output the schema to stdout instead of writing to a file.
--verbose Increase the verbosity of the logs.
Fetch the latest GraphQL schema for a function.
Generates the latest "GraphQL schema" (https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/functions/input-output#graphql-schema) for a
function in your app. Run this command from the function directory.
This command uses the API type and version of your function, as defined in your extension TOML file, to generate the
latest GraphQL schema. The schema is written to the `schema.graphql` file.
See code: @shopify/app
shopify app import-extensions
Import dashboard-managed extensions into your app.
$ shopify app import-extensions [--client-id <value> | -c <value>] [--no-color] [--path <value>] [--verbose]
-c, --config=<value> The name of the app configuration.
--client-id=<value> The Client ID of your app.
--no-color Disable color output.
--path=<value> The path to your app directory.
--verbose Increase the verbosity of the logs.
Import dashboard-managed extensions into your app.
See code: @shopify/app
shopify app info
Print basic information about your app and extensions.
$ shopify app info [-c <value>] [--json] [--no-color] [--path <value>] [--verbose] [--web-env]
-c, --config=<value> The name of the app configuration.
--json format output as JSON
--no-color Disable color output.
--path=<value> The path to your app directory.
--verbose Increase the verbosity of the logs.
--web-env Outputs environment variables necessary for running and deploying web/.
Print basic information about your app and extensions.
The information returned includes the following:
- The app and development store or Plus sandbox store that's used when you run the "dev"
(https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/tools/cli/commands#dev) command. You can reset these configurations using "dev --reset"
- The "structure" (https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/tools/cli/structure) of your app project.
- The "access scopes" (https://shopify.dev/docs/api/usage) your app has requested.
- System information, including the package manager and version of Shopify CLI used in the project.
See code: @shopify/app
shopify app init
Create a new app project
$ shopify app init [--flavor <value>] [-n <value>] [--no-color] [-d npm|yarn|pnpm|bun] [-p <value>]
[--template <value>] [--verbose]
-d, --package-manager=<option> <options: npm|yarn|pnpm|bun>
-n, --name=<value>
-p, --path=<value> [default: .]
--flavor=<value> Which flavor of the given template to use.
--no-color Disable color output.
--template=<value> The app template. Accepts one of the following:
- <remix|none>
- Any GitHub repo with optional branch and subpath, e.g.,
--verbose Increase the verbosity of the logs.
See code: @shopify/app
shopify app:release --version <version>
Release an app version.
$ shopify app release --version <version>
-c, --config=<value> The name of the app configuration.
-f, --force Release without asking for confirmation.
--client-id=<value> The Client ID of your app.
--no-color Disable color output.
--path=<value> The path to your app directory.
--reset Reset all your settings.
--verbose Increase the verbosity of the logs.
--version=<value> (required) The name of the app version to release.
Release an app version.
Releases an existing app version. Pass the name of the version that you want to release using the `--version` flag.
See code: @shopify/app
shopify app versions list [FILE]
List deployed versions of your app.
$ shopify app versions list [FILE] [--client-id <value> | -c <value>] [--json] [--no-color] [--path <value>]
-c, --config=<value> The name of the app configuration.
--client-id=<value> The Client ID to fetch versions for.
--json Output the versions list as JSON.
--no-color Disable color output.
--path=<value> The path to your app directory.
--verbose Increase the verbosity of the logs.
List deployed versions of your app.
Lists the deployed app versions. An app version is a snapshot of your app extensions.
$ shopify app versions list
See code: @shopify/app
shopify app webhook trigger
Trigger delivery of a sample webhook topic payload to a designated address.
$ shopify app webhook trigger [--address <value>] [--api-version <value>] [--client-secret <value>] [--delivery-method
http|google-pub-sub|event-bridge] [--help] [--shared-secret <value>] [--topic <value>]
The URL where the webhook payload should be sent.
You will need a different address type for each delivery-method:
· For remote HTTP testing, use a URL that starts with https://
· For local HTTP testing, use http://localhost:{port}/{url-path}
· For Google Pub/Sub, use pubsub://{project-id}:{topic-id}
· For Amazon EventBridge, use an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) starting with arn:aws:events:
The API Version of the webhook topic.
Your app's client secret. This secret allows us to return the X-Shopify-Hmac-SHA256 header that lets you validate
the origin of the response that you receive.
Method chosen to deliver the topic payload. If not passed, it's inferred from the address.
<options: http|google-pub-sub|event-bridge>
This help. When you run the trigger command the CLI will prompt you for any information that isn't passed using
Deprecated. Please use client-secret.
The requested webhook topic.
Trigger delivery of a sample webhook topic payload to a designated address.
Triggers the delivery of a sample Admin API event topic payload to a designated address.
You should use this command to experiment with webhooks, to initially test your webhook configuration, or for unit
testing. However, to test your webhook configuration from end to end, you should always trigger webhooks by performing
the related action in Shopify.
Because most webhook deliveries use remote endpoints, you can trigger the command from any directory where you can use
Shopify CLI, and send the webhook to any of the supported endpoint types. For example, you can run the command from
your app's local directory, but send the webhook to a staging environment endpoint.
To learn more about using webhooks in a Shopify app, refer to "Webhooks overview"
### Limitations
- Webhooks triggered using this method always have the same payload, so they can't be used to test scenarios that
differ based on the payload contents.
- Webhooks triggered using this method aren't retried when they fail.
- Trigger requests are rate-limited using the "Partner API rate limit"
- You can't use this method to validate your API webhook subscriptions.
See code: @shopify/app
shopify auth logout
Logs you out of the Shopify account or Partner account and store.
$ shopify auth logout
Logs you out of the Shopify account or Partner account and store.
See code: dist/cli/commands/auth/logout.js
shopify commands
list all the commands
$ shopify commands [--json] [-h] [--hidden] [--tree] [--columns <value> | -x] [--sort <value>] [--filter
<value>] [--output csv|json|yaml | | [--csv | --no-truncate]] [--no-header | ]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--filter=<value> filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--hidden show hidden commands
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--sort=<value> property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--tree show tree of commands
--json Format output as json.
list all the commands
See code: @oclif/plugin-commands
shopify config autocorrect off
Disable autocorrect. Off by default.
$ shopify config autocorrect off
Disable autocorrect. Off by default.
Disable autocorrect. Off by default.
When autocorrection is enabled, Shopify CLI automatically runs a corrected version of your command if a correction is
When autocorrection is disabled, you need to confirm that you want to run corrections for mistyped commands.
shopify config autocorrect on
Enable autocorrect. Off by default.
$ shopify config autocorrect on
Enable autocorrect. Off by default.
Enable autocorrect. Off by default.
When autocorrection is enabled, Shopify CLI automatically runs a corrected version of your command if a correction is
When autocorrection is disabled, you need to confirm that you want to run corrections for mistyped commands.
shopify config autocorrect status
Check whether autocorrect is enabled or disabled. On by default.
$ shopify config autocorrect status
Check whether autocorrect is enabled or disabled. On by default.
Check whether autocorrect is enabled or disabled. On by default.
When autocorrection is enabled, Shopify CLI automatically runs a corrected version of your command if a correction is
When autocorrection is disabled, you need to confirm that you want to run corrections for mistyped commands.
shopify help [COMMAND]
Display help for Shopify CLI
$ shopify help [COMMAND] [-n]
COMMAND Command to show help for.
-n, --nested-commands Include all nested commands in the output.
Display help for Shopify CLI
See code: dist/cli/commands/help.js
shopify hydrogen build
Builds a Hydrogen storefront for production.
$ shopify hydrogen build [--path <value>] [--sourcemap] [--bundle-stats] [--lockfile-check]
[--disable-route-warning] [--codegen-config-path <value> --codegen]
--[no-]bundle-stats Show a bundle size summary after building. Defaults to true, use `--no-bundle-stats` to
--codegen Automatically generates GraphQL types for your project’s Storefront API queries.
--codegen-config-path=<value> Specifies a path to a codegen configuration file. Defaults to `<root>/codegen.ts` if
this file exists.
--disable-route-warning Disables any warnings about missing standard routes.
--[no-]lockfile-check Checks that there is exactly one valid lockfile in the project. Defaults to `true`.
Deactivate with `--no-lockfile-check`.
--path=<value> The path to the directory of the Hydrogen storefront. Defaults to the current directory
where the command is run.
--[no-]sourcemap Controls whether sourcemaps are generated. Default to `true`. Deactivate
Builds a Hydrogen storefront for production.
shopify hydrogen check RESOURCE
Returns diagnostic information about a Hydrogen storefront.
$ shopify hydrogen check RESOURCE [--path <value>]
RESOURCE (routes) The resource to check. Currently only 'routes' is supported.
--path=<value> The path to the directory of the Hydrogen storefront. Defaults to the current directory where the
command is run.
Returns diagnostic information about a Hydrogen storefront.
shopify hydrogen codegen
Generate types for the Storefront API queries found in your project.
$ shopify hydrogen codegen [--path <value>] [--codegen-config-path <value>] [--watch]
--codegen-config-path=<value> Specify a path to a codegen configuration file. Defaults to `<root>/codegen.ts` if it
--path=<value> The path to the directory of the Hydrogen storefront. Defaults to the current directory
where the command is run.
--watch Watch the project for changes to update types on file save.
Generate types for the Storefront API queries found in your project.
shopify hydrogen customer-account push
Push project configuration to admin
$ shopify hydrogen customer-account push --dev-origin <value> [--path <value>] [--storefront-id <value>] [--relative-redirect-uri
<value>] [--relative-logout-uri <value>]
--dev-origin=<value> (required) The development domain of your application.
--path=<value> The path to the directory of the Hydrogen storefront. Defaults to the current
directory where the command is run.
--relative-logout-uri=<value> The relative url of allowed url that will be redirected to post-logout for Customer
Account API OAuth flow. Default to nothing.
--relative-redirect-uri=<value> The relative url of allowed callback url for Customer Account API OAuth flow. Default
is '/account/authorize'
--storefront-id=<value> The id of the storefront the configuration should be pushed to. Must start with
Push project configuration to admin
shopify hydrogen debug cpu
Builds and profiles the server startup time the app.
$ shopify hydrogen debug cpu [--path <value>] [--output <value>]
--output=<value> [default: startup.cpuprofile] Specify a path to generate the profile file. Defaults to
--path=<value> The path to the directory of the Hydrogen storefront. Defaults to the current directory where the
command is run.
Builds and profiles the server startup time the app.
shopify hydrogen deploy
Builds and deploys a Hydrogen storefront to Oxygen.
$ shopify hydrogen deploy [--entry <value>] [--env <value> | --env-branch <value>] [--env-file <value>] [--preview]
[-f] [--no-verify] [--auth-bypass-token] [--build-command <value>] [--lockfile-check] [--path <value>] [-s <value>]
[--json-output] [-t <value>] [--metadata-description <value>] [--metadata-user <value>]
-f, --force Forces a deployment to proceed if there are uncommited changes in its Git
-s, --shop=<value> Shop URL. It can be the shop prefix (janes-apparel) or the full myshopify.com URL
(janes-apparel.myshopify.com, https://janes-apparel.myshopify.com).
-t, --token=<value> Oxygen deployment token. Defaults to the linked storefront's token if available.
--auth-bypass-token Generate an authentication bypass token, which can be used to perform end-to-end
tests against the deployment.
--build-command=<value> Specify a build command to run before deploying. If not specified, `shopify
hydrogen build` will be used.
--entry=<value> Entry file for the worker. Defaults to `./server`.
--env=<value> Specifies the environment to perform the operation using its handle. Fetch the
handle using the `env list` command.
--env-branch=<value> Specifies the environment to perform the operation using its Git branch name.
--env-file=<value> Path to an environment file to override existing environment variables for the
--[no-]json-output Create a JSON file containing the deployment details in CI environments. Defaults
to true, use `--no-json-output` to disable.
--[no-]lockfile-check Checks that there is exactly one valid lockfile in the project. Defaults to
`true`. Deactivate with `--no-lockfile-check`.
--metadata-description=<value> Description of the changes in the deployment. Defaults to the commit message of
the latest commit if there are no uncommited changes.
--metadata-user=<value> User that initiated the deployment. Will be saved and displayed in the Shopify
--no-verify Skip the routability verification step after deployment.
--path=<value> The path to the directory of the Hydrogen storefront. Defaults to the current
directory where the command is run.
--preview Deploys to the Preview environment. Overrides --env-branch and Git metadata.
Builds and deploys a Hydrogen storefront to Oxygen.
shopify hydrogen dev
Runs Hydrogen storefront in an Oxygen worker for development.
$ shopify hydrogen dev [--path <value>] [--port <value>] [--legacy-runtime] [--codegen-config-path <value>
--codegen] [--sourcemap] [--disable-virtual-routes] [--debug] [--inspector-port <value>] [--env <value> |
--env-branch <value>] [--disable-version-check] [--verbose]
--codegen Automatically generates GraphQL types for your project’s Storefront API queries.
--codegen-config-path=<value> Specifies a path to a codegen configuration file. Defaults to `<root>/codegen.ts` if
this file exists.
--debug Enables inspector connections to the server with a debugger such as Visual Studio Code
or Chrome DevTools.
--disable-version-check Skip the version check when running `hydrogen dev`
--disable-virtual-routes Disable rendering fallback routes when a route file doesn't exist.
--env=<value> Specifies the environment to perform the operation using its handle. Fetch the handle
using the `env list` command.
--env-branch=<value> Specifies the environment to perform the operation using its Git branch name.
--inspector-port=<value> The port where the inspector is available. Defaults to 9229.
--legacy-runtime Runs the app in a Node.js sandbox instead of an Oxygen worker.
--path=<value> The path to the directory of the Hydrogen storefront. Defaults to the current directory
where the command is run.
--port=<value> The port to run the server on. Defaults to 3000.
--[no-]sourcemap Controls whether sourcemaps are generated. Default to `true`. Deactivate
--verbose Outputs more information about the command's execution.
Runs Hydrogen storefront in an Oxygen worker for development.
shopify hydrogen env list
List the environments on your linked Hydrogen storefront.
$ shopify hydrogen env list [--path <value>]
--path=<value> The path to the directory of the Hydrogen storefront. Defaults to the current directory where the
command is run.
List the environments on your linked Hydrogen storefront.
shopify hydrogen env pull
Populate your .env with variables from your Hydrogen storefront.
$ shopify hydrogen env pull [--env <value> | --env-branch <value>] [--path <value>] [-f]
-f, --force Overwrites the destination directory and files if they already exist.
--env=<value> Specifies the environment to perform the operation using its handle. Fetch the handle using
the `env list` command.
--env-branch=<value> Specifies the environment to perform the operation using its Git branch name.
--path=<value> The path to the directory of the Hydrogen storefront. Defaults to the current directory
where the command is run.
Populate your .env with variables from your Hydrogen storefront.
shopify hydrogen env push
Push environment variables from the local .env file to your linked Hydrogen storefront.
$ shopify hydrogen env push [--env <value> | ] [--env-file <value>] [--path <value>]
--env=<value> Specifies the environment to perform the operation using its handle. Fetch the handle using the
`env list` command.
--env-file=<value> Path to an environment file to override existing environment variables for the selected
environment. Defaults to the '.env' located in your project path `--path`.
--path=<value> The path to the directory of the Hydrogen storefront. Defaults to the current directory where the
command is run.
Push environment variables from the local .env file to your linked Hydrogen storefront.
shopify hydrogen generate route ROUTENAME
Generates a standard Shopify route.
$ shopify hydrogen generate route ROUTENAME [--adapter <value>] [--typescript] [--locale-param <value>] [-f] [--path
ROUTENAME (home|page|cart|products|collections|policies|blogs|account|search|robots|sitemap|all) The route to
generate. One of home,page,cart,products,collections,policies,blogs,account,search,robots,sitemap,all.
-f, --force Overwrites the destination directory and files if they already exist.
--adapter=<value> Remix adapter used in the route. The default is `@shopify/remix-oxygen`.
--locale-param=<value> The param name in Remix routes for the i18n locale, if any. Example: `locale` becomes
--path=<value> The path to the directory of the Hydrogen storefront. Defaults to the current directory
where the command is run.
--typescript Generate TypeScript files
Generates a standard Shopify route.
shopify hydrogen generate routes
Generates all supported standard shopify routes.
$ shopify hydrogen generate routes [--adapter <value>] [--typescript] [--locale-param <value>] [-f] [--path <value>]
-f, --force Overwrites the destination directory and files if they already exist.
--adapter=<value> Remix adapter used in the route. The default is `@shopify/remix-oxygen`.
--locale-param=<value> The param name in Remix routes for the i18n locale, if any. Example: `locale` becomes
--path=<value> The path to the directory of the Hydrogen storefront. Defaults to the current directory
where the command is run.
--typescript Generate TypeScript files
Generates all supported standard shopify routes.
shopify hydrogen link
Link a local project to one of your shop's Hydrogen storefronts.
$ shopify hydrogen link [-f] [--path <value>] [--storefront <value>]
-f, --force Overwrites the destination directory and files if they already exist.
--path=<value> The path to the directory of the Hydrogen storefront. Defaults to the current directory
where the command is run.
--storefront=<value> The name of a Hydrogen Storefront (e.g. "Jane's Apparel")
Link a local project to one of your shop's Hydrogen storefronts.
shopify hydrogen list
Returns a list of Hydrogen storefronts available on a given shop.
$ shopify hydrogen list [--path <value>]
--path=<value> The path to the directory of the Hydrogen storefront. Defaults to the current directory where the
command is run.
Returns a list of Hydrogen storefronts available on a given shop.
shopify hydrogen login
Login to your Shopify account.
$ shopify hydrogen login [--path <value>] [-s <value>]
-s, --shop=<value> Shop URL. It can be the shop prefix (janes-apparel) or the full myshopify.com URL
(janes-apparel.myshopify.com, https://janes-apparel.myshopify.com).
--path=<value> The path to the directory of the Hydrogen storefront. Defaults to the current directory where the
command is run.
Login to your Shopify account.
shopify hydrogen logout
Logout of your local session.
$ shopify hydrogen logout [--path <value>]
--path=<value> The path to the directory of the Hydrogen storefront. Defaults to the current directory where the
command is run.
Logout of your local session.
shopify hydrogen preview
Runs a Hydrogen storefront in an Oxygen worker for production.
$ shopify hydrogen preview [--path <value>] [--port <value>] [--legacy-runtime] [--env <value> | --env-branch
<value>] [--inspector-port <value>] [--debug] [--verbose]
--debug Enables inspector connections to the server with a debugger such as Visual Studio Code or
Chrome DevTools.
--env=<value> Specifies the environment to perform the operation using its handle. Fetch the handle using
the `env list` command.
--env-branch=<value> Specifies the environment to perform the operation using its Git branch name.
--inspector-port=<value> The port where the inspector is available. Defaults to 9229.
--legacy-runtime Runs the app in a Node.js sandbox instead of an Oxygen worker.
--path=<value> The path to the directory of the Hydrogen storefront. Defaults to the current directory
where the command is run.
--port=<value> The port to run the server on. Defaults to 3000.
--verbose Outputs more information about the command's execution.
Runs a Hydrogen storefront in an Oxygen worker for production.
shopify hydrogen setup
Scaffold routes and core functionality.
$ shopify hydrogen setup [--path <value>] [-f] [--styling <value>] [--markets <value>] [--shortcut]
-f, --force Overwrites the destination directory and files if they already exist.
--[no-]install-deps Auto installs dependencies using the active package manager.
--markets=<value> Sets the URL structure to support multiple markets. Must be one of: `subfolders`, `domains`,
`subdomains`, `none`. Example: `--markets subfolders`.
--path=<value> The path to the directory of the Hydrogen storefront. Defaults to the current directory where
the command is run.
--[no-]shortcut Creates a global h2 shortcut for Shopify CLI using shell aliases. Deactivate with
--styling=<value> Sets the styling strategy to use. One of `tailwind`, `css-modules`, `vanilla-extract`,
`postcss`, `none`.
Scaffold routes and core functionality.
shopify hydrogen setup css [STRATEGY]
Setup CSS strategies for your project.
$ shopify hydrogen setup css [STRATEGY] [--path <value>] [-f] [--install-deps]
STRATEGY (tailwind|css-modules|vanilla-extract|postcss) The CSS strategy to setup. One of
-f, --force Overwrites the destination directory and files if they already exist.
--[no-]install-deps Auto installs dependencies using the active package manager.
--path=<value> The path to the directory of the Hydrogen storefront. Defaults to the current directory where
the command is run.
Setup CSS strategies for your project.
shopify hydrogen setup markets [STRATEGY]
Setup support for multiple markets in your project.
$ shopify hydrogen setup markets [STRATEGY] [--path <value>]
STRATEGY (subfolders|domains|subdomains) The URL structure strategy to setup multiple markets. One of
--path=<value> The path to the directory of the Hydrogen storefront. Defaults to the current directory where the
command is run.
Setup support for multiple markets in your project.
shopify hydrogen setup vite
EXPERIMENTAL: Upgrades the project to use Vite.
$ shopify hydrogen setup vite [--path <value>]
--path=<value> The path to the directory of the Hydrogen storefront. Defaults to the current directory where the
command is run.
EXPERIMENTAL: Upgrades the project to use Vite.
shopify hydrogen shortcut
Creates a global h2
shortcut for the Hydrogen CLI
$ shopify hydrogen shortcut
Creates a global `h2` shortcut for the Hydrogen CLI
shopify hydrogen unlink
Unlink a local project from a Hydrogen storefront.
$ shopify hydrogen unlink [--path <value>]
--path=<value> The path to the directory of the Hydrogen storefront. Defaults to the current directory where the
command is run.
Unlink a local project from a Hydrogen storefront.
shopify hydrogen upgrade
Upgrade Remix and Hydrogen npm dependencies.
$ shopify hydrogen upgrade [--path <value>] [-v <value>] [-f]
-f, --force Ignore warnings and force the upgrade to the target version
-v, --version=<value> A target hydrogen version to update to
--path=<value> The path to the directory of the Hydrogen storefront. Defaults to the current directory where
the command is run.
Upgrade Remix and Hydrogen npm dependencies.
shopify plugins:install PLUGIN...
Installs a plugin into the CLI.
$ shopify plugins add plugins:install PLUGIN...
PLUGIN Plugin to install.
-f, --force Run yarn install with force flag.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose
Installs a plugin into the CLI.
Can be installed from npm or a git url.
Installation of a user-installed plugin will override a core plugin.
e.g. If you have a core plugin that has a 'hello' command, installing a user-installed plugin with a 'hello' command
will override the core plugin implementation. This is useful if a user needs to update core plugin functionality in
the CLI without the need to patch and update the whole CLI.
$ shopify plugins add
$ shopify plugins:install myplugin
$ shopify plugins:install https://github.com/someuser/someplugin
$ shopify plugins:install someuser/someplugin
shopify plugins:inspect PLUGIN...
Displays installation properties of a plugin.
$ shopify plugins inspect PLUGIN...
PLUGIN [default: .] Plugin to inspect.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose
--json Format output as json.
Displays installation properties of a plugin.
$ shopify plugins:inspect myplugin
See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins
shopify plugins:install PLUGIN...
Installs a plugin into the CLI.
$ shopify plugins install PLUGIN...
PLUGIN Plugin to install.
-f, --force Run yarn install with force flag.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose
Installs a plugin into the CLI.
Can be installed from npm or a git url.
Installation of a user-installed plugin will override a core plugin.
e.g. If you have a core plugin that has a 'hello' command, installing a user-installed plugin with a 'hello' command
will override the core plugin implementation. This is useful if a user needs to update core plugin functionality in
the CLI without the need to patch and update the whole CLI.
$ shopify plugins add
$ shopify plugins:install myplugin
$ shopify plugins:install https://github.com/someuser/someplugin
$ shopify plugins:install someuser/someplugin
See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins
shopify plugins:link PLUGIN
Links a plugin into the CLI for development.
$ shopify plugins link PLUGIN
PATH [default: .] path to plugin
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose
--[no-]install Install dependencies after linking the plugin.
Links a plugin into the CLI for development.
Installation of a linked plugin will override a user-installed or core plugin.
e.g. If you have a user-installed or core plugin that has a 'hello' command, installing a linked plugin with a 'hello'
command will override the user-installed or core plugin implementation. This is useful for development work.
$ shopify plugins:link myplugin
See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins
shopify plugins:uninstall PLUGIN...
Removes a plugin from the CLI.
$ shopify plugins remove plugins:uninstall PLUGIN...
PLUGIN plugin to uninstall
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose
Removes a plugin from the CLI.
$ shopify plugins unlink
$ shopify plugins remove
shopify plugins:uninstall PLUGIN...
Removes a plugin from the CLI.
$ shopify plugins uninstall PLUGIN...
PLUGIN plugin to uninstall
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose
Removes a plugin from the CLI.
$ shopify plugins unlink
$ shopify plugins remove
See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins
shopify plugins:uninstall PLUGIN...
Removes a plugin from the CLI.
$ shopify plugins unlink plugins:uninstall PLUGIN...
PLUGIN plugin to uninstall
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose
Removes a plugin from the CLI.
$ shopify plugins unlink
$ shopify plugins remove
shopify plugins update
Update installed plugins.
$ shopify plugins update [-h] [-v]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose
Update installed plugins.
See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins
shopify search [QUERY]
Starts a search on shopify.dev.
$ shopify search [QUERY]
Starts a search on shopify.dev.
# open the search modal on Shopify.dev
shopify search
# search for a term on Shopify.dev
shopify search <query>
# search for a phrase on Shopify.dev
shopify search "<a search query separated by spaces>"
See code: dist/cli/commands/search.js
shopify theme check
Validate the theme.
$ shopify theme check [-a] [-C <value>] [-e <value>] [--fail-level crash|error|suggestion|style|warning|info]
[--init] [--list] [--no-color] [-o text|json] [--path <value>] [--print] [--verbose] [-v]
-C, --config=<value> Use the config provided, overriding .theme-check.yml if present
Supports all theme-check: config values, e.g., theme-check:theme-app-extension,
theme-check:recommended, theme-check:all
For backwards compatibility, :theme_app_extension is also supported
-a, --auto-correct Automatically fix offenses
-e, --environment=<value> The environment to apply to the current command.
-o, --output=<option> [default: text] The output format to use
<options: text|json>
-v, --version Print Theme Check version
--fail-level=<option> [default: error] Minimum severity for exit with error code
<options: crash|error|suggestion|style|warning|info>
--init Generate a .theme-check.yml file
--list List enabled checks
--no-color Disable color output.
--path=<value> The path to your theme directory.
--print Output active config to STDOUT
--verbose Increase the verbosity of the logs.
Validate the theme.
Calls and runs "Theme Check" (https://shopify.dev/docs/themes/tools/theme-check) to analyze your theme code for errors
and to ensure that it follows theme and Liquid best practices. "Learn more about the checks that Theme Check runs."
See code: @shopify/theme
shopify theme:console
Shopify Liquid REPL (read-eval-print loop) tool
$ shopify theme console
$ shopify theme console --url /products/classic-leather-jacket
-e, --environment=<value> The environment to apply to the current command.
-s, --store=<value> Store URL. It can be the store prefix (johns-apparel) or the full myshopify.com URL
(johns-apparel.myshopify.com, https://johns-apparel.myshopify.com).
--no-color Disable color output.
--password=<value> Password generated from the Theme Access app.
--port=<value> [default: 9293] Local port to serve authentication service.
--url=<value> [default: /] The url to be used as context
--verbose Increase the verbosity of the logs.
Shopify Liquid REPL (read-eval-print loop) tool
Starts the Shopify Liquid REPL (read-eval-print loop) tool. This tool provides an interactive terminal interface for
evaluating Liquid code and exploring Liquid objects, filters, and tags using real store data.
You can also provide context to the console using a URL, as some Liquid objects are context-specific
See code: @shopify/theme
shopify theme delete
Delete remote themes from the connected store. This command can't be undone.
$ shopify theme delete [-d] [-e <value>] [-f] [--no-color] [--password <value>] [-a] [-s <value>] [-t <value>]
-a, --show-all Include others development themes in theme list.
-d, --development Delete your development theme.
-e, --environment=<value> The environment to apply to the current command.
-f, --force Skip confirmation.
-s, --store=<value> Store URL. It can be the store prefix (johns-apparel) or the full myshopify.com URL
(johns-apparel.myshopify.com, https://johns-apparel.myshopify.com).
-t, --theme=<value>... Theme ID or name of the remote theme.
--no-color Disable color output.
--password=<value> Password generated from the Theme Access app.
--verbose Increase the verbosity of the logs.
Delete remote themes from the connected store. This command can't be undone.
Deletes a theme from your store.
You can specify multiple themes by ID. If no theme is specified, then you're prompted to select the theme that you
want to delete from the list of themes in your store.
You're asked to confirm that you want to delete the specified themes before they are deleted. You can skip this
confirmation using the `--force` flag.
See code: @shopify/theme
shopify theme dev
Uploads the current theme as a development theme to the connected st