NestJS npm package using repository typeorm and socket io
Description :
These days nestjs and ws are also gradually developing, I have written a way to help you have the most basic chat-message, including related to messages such as send message, recall, send media, count message, ... and the basics of socket client.
=> Also you can find instructions about it on the page : https://socket.io/docs/v4/ and https://docs.nestjs.com/
- Swagger UI
- Typeorm
- Database sql ( mysql, postgresql )
install package :
npm i @haivinh/chat-messenger
import package :
import * as haivinh from '@haivinh/chat-messenger/dist';
In file "app.module.ts" import socket io to module :
- step import :
- AliasIdInJWTToken : alias id user in jwt token
- AliasIdUser : alias column id user
- EntityUser : entities user in project
- AliasNameUser: 'email';
AliasIdInJWTToken: 'id',
AliasIdUser: 'user_id',
EntityUser: User,
AliasNameUser: 'email';
In DataSourceOptions config ( data-source in project ):
- add entity Messenger and GropChat after path entiy
export const dataSource: DataSourceOptions = {
type: 'postgres',
host: process.env.TYPEORM_HOST || 'localhost',
port: +process.env.TYPEORM_PORT || 3306,
username: process.env.TYPEORM_USERNAME || 'root',
password: process.env.TYPEORM_PASSWORD || '123456',
database: process.env.TYPEORM_DATABASE || 'databasename',
entities: ['./**/*.entity.js', Messenger, GroupChat,SocketClient],
migrations: ['../../dist/database/migrations/*.{ts,js}'],
synchronize: process.env.TYPEORM_SYNCHRONIZE === 'true',
logging: process.env.TYPEORM_LOGGING === 'true',
migration:generate ( create new migration compatible table in project )
"typeorm-generate": "node --require ts-node/register ./node_modules/typeorm/cli.js -d ./typeorm-datasource.ts migration:generate src/database/migrations/newmigration",
run migration: migration:run example :
"typeorm-run": "node --require ts-node/register ./node_modules/typeorm/cli.js -d ./typeorm-datasource.ts migration:run",
Setup Front-end
REQUIRED socket io Front-End :
add to option socketio front-end
- transports : ['websocket'];
- URL : domain backend;
- auth : token user login
Eample :
const URL = "http://localhost:4000";
transports: ["websocket", "polling"],
transports: ["websocket"],
autoConnect: false,
auth: { token: `Bearer ${localStorage.getItem("token")}` }
in App.js you can connect socket io and listen event socket
- recMessage : user send messenger to room
- resultMessengerFailder : user send messenger falider
- #socket.id drag the user into a room
Example :
* TODO : innit Socket and listing Event socket io
* @param {*} setMessenger : func set Messenger
* @param {*} addMessenger : func Add Messenger
export const initSocket = async (setMessenger, addMessenger) => {
await socket.connect();
socket.on("recMessage", (messenger) => {
console.log("recMessage ==================>", messenger);
socket.on("connect", () => {
socket.on(socket.id, (idGroup) => {
console.log(`${socket.id}=====================>`, idGroup);
socket.emit("onConversationJoin", idGroup);
socket.on(`msg.leaveRoom-${socket.id}`, (idGroup) => {
socket.emit("onConversationLeave", idGroup);
socket.on("resultMessenger", (data) => {
if (!data.content) notification("fail to messenger");
Follow socket :
- Start call api listGroup
API : api/group-user?page=1&size=20 || Method : GET
- After getting the group id, we will pull the user into that grop using the client's socket.id
socket.on(socket.id, (idGroup) => {
console.log(`${socket.id}=====================>`, idGroup);
socket.emit("onConversationJoin", idGroup);
- After dragging the client into the room, the client will receive the messenger by event recMessage,you need to check condition in recMessenger messenger for best display
socket.on("recMessage", (messenger) => {
console.log("recMessage ==================>", messenger);
- Send a message to the group, you will call
note :
Since you will need upload management I won't interfere to best protect your privacy, I will just save urlMedia on messenger and not add anything else, retrieving sent media count is also based on go to urlMedia sent on message
API : api/messenger || Method : POST
var param = {"content": messenger, "group_id": idGroup};
if (replyTo != null) param['replyTo'] = replyTo;
if (urlMedia != null) param['urlMedia'] = urlMedia;
- Create and join group, you wil call
API : api/group-user || Method : POST
param = {"listIdUser": \[idUser\]}
- If you want to mute a group, you'll need to call. Since it only hides notifications, notification display will need to be set up in the frontend
API : api/group-user/$idGroup || Method : PUT
- If you want to delete all messages in the group, you will call. It will delete all old messages in the group for you
API : api/group-user/$idGroup || Method : DELETE
- If you want to revoke or delete user messages, please call. It will change the status of messenger ( 0 : active, 1 : unactive, 2: hide by user )
API : api/messenger/$idMessenger || Method : DELETE
- Get list media send to group ( option filter )
API : media-in-group/$idGroup || Method : GET
Set up Adapter and middleware
middleware socket io
create file authen-socket.ts in server
import {
} from '@nestjs/common';
import { IoAdapter } from '@nestjs/platform-socket.io';
import { Socket } from 'socket.io';
import { User } from 'src/database/entities/user.entity';
import { JwtService } from '@nestjs/jwt';
export interface AuthenticatedSocket extends Socket {
user?: User;
export class AuthAdapter extends IoAdapter {
createIOServer(port: number, options?: any): any {
const server = super.createIOServer(port, { ...options, cors: true });
// Adds the middleware function to the websocket server.
console.log('run to middleware ========================>');
server.use((socket: AuthenticatedSocket, next) => {
if (socket.handshake.auth && socket.handshake.auth.token) {
const jwtService: JwtService = new JwtService();
const jwt = socket.handshake.auth.token.replace('Bearer ', '');
var data = jwtService.decode(jwt, { json: true });
'run to check authenrication ======================>',
if (data) {
console.log('authenrication ======================>', data);
} else {
'failder authenrication ======================>',
new UnauthorizedException(
`Authentication error ${socket.handshake.auth.token}`,
} else {
new UnauthorizedException(
`Authentication error ${socket.handshake.auth.token}`,
return server;
add option in client
export const socket = io(BASEDOMAIN_SOCKETIO, {
transports: ["websocket", "polling"],
// upgrade:true,
withCredentials: true,
autoConnect: false,
auth: { token: `Bearer ${token}` }
create file redis-adapter-config.ts in server
import { IoAdapter } from '@nestjs/platform-socket.io';
import { ServerOptions } from 'socket.io';
import { createAdapter } from '@socket.io/redis-adapter';
import { createClient } from 'redis';
export class RedisIoAdapter extends IoAdapter {
private adapterConstructor: ReturnType<typeof createAdapter>;
async connectToRedis(): Promise<void> {
const pubClient = createClient({
url: `redis://${process.env.TYPEORM_REDIS_HOST}:${process.env.TYPEORM_REDIS_PORT}`,
password:process.env.TYPEORM_REDIS_PASSWORD.toString() || '123456'
const subClient = pubClient.duplicate();
await Promise.all([pubClient.connect(), subClient.connect()])
this.adapterConstructor = createAdapter(pubClient, subClient);
createIOServer(port: number, options?: ServerOptions): any {
const server = super.createIOServer(port, options);
console.log('server IO ===========================>',server);
return server;
main.ts server
add line to main.ts
app.useWebSocketAdapter(new AuthAdapter(app)); // middleware socket adapter
const redisIoAdapter = new RedisIoAdapter(app); // redis socket adapter
await redisIoAdapter.connectToRedis();
Change Log
See Changelog for more information.
I'm in the process of developing, looking forward to your support and contributions(https://github.com/Haivinh0704/chat-messenger-socketio/issues) Thank you
Licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.