Script to move images in Notion to Cloudinary
Upload Notion Images to Cloudinary
Script to move images hosted in Notion to Cloudinary, using the Notion API and the Cloudinary API.
⭐️ Contributions are welcome. Read Contribute section below.
Why is this needed?
Because a site using Next.js leveraging Static Site Generation and Image Optimization with Notion as a CMS can't have the images hosted by Notion.
The Notion API returns temporary URLs for images hosted by Notion. The URLs will expire after one hour. This breaks Next.js Image Optimization for Static Site Generated pages because after its internal image cache expires, it can't refetch from the URLs Notion provided at build time.
A solution to apply image optimization is to host images in a separate service. However, manually doing it is a lot of effort.
By hooking up this script to the page revalidation and deployment of the application, content creators can add images to Notion pages without worrying about where they are hosted.
This technology has been used for my website, build with Next.js and Notion. https://github.com/guillermodlpa/site
Usage as a module
Simply import it and call the function passing a Notion database ID:
import uploadNotionImagesToCloudinary from 'upload-notion-images-to-cloudinary';
await uploadNotionImagesToCloudinary({
notionToken: process.env.NOTION_TOKEN,
notionDatabaseId: process.env.NOTION_BLOG_DATABASE_ID,
cloudinaryUrl: process.env.CLOUDINARY_URL,
cloudinaryUploadFolder: process.env.CLOUDINARY_UPLOAD_FOLDER,
logLevel: "debug",
Or pass a Notion page ID to only apply it to that page:
import uploadNotionImagesToCloudinary from 'upload-notion-images-to-cloudinary';
await uploadNotionImagesToCloudinary({
notionToken: process.env.NOTION_TOKEN,
notionPageId: id,
cloudinaryUrl: process.env.CLOUDINARY_URL,
cloudinaryUploadFolder: process.env.CLOUDINARY_UPLOAD_FOLDER,
logLevel: "debug",
CLI usage
Define the following environment variables in your project:
- NOTION_TOKEN is obtained at https://www.notion.so/my-integrations, creating an integration with "read content" access, "update content" access, and "no user information" capabilities.
- NOTION_DATABASE_ID is the ID of the Notion database that you want to go over. For that, open the database view on the browser, the URL is
https://www.notion.so/<database ID>?v=<view ID>
- CLOUDINARY_URL can be obtained in the Cludinary UI.
- CLOUDINARY_UPLOAD_FOLDER is optional, defines a path within your Cloudinary account to upload images to.
In Notion, enable the integration to manipulate the database, by clicking Share on its page and entering your integration name.
Install the package:
$ npm install upload-notion-images-to-cloudinary
Add it to the prebuild step in your repository or in the deployment platform of your choice.
// package.json { "scripts": { "postbuild": "upload-notion-images-to-cloudinary" }, }
Example output
[upload-notion-images-to-cloudinary][INFO] Fetching pages.... Found 1
[upload-notion-images-to-cloudinary][DEBUG] 61b7aeb3-ea97-4ec6-b8c1-a762e8f0b711: cover image not hosted in Notion
[upload-notion-images-to-cloudinary][INFO] 61b7aeb3-ea97-4ec6-b8c1-a762e8f0b711: fetching image blocks.... Found 2
[upload-notion-images-to-cloudinary][INFO] 61b7aeb3-ea97-4ec6-b8c1-a762e8f0b711: image hosted in Notion. Image downloaded. Uploaded to Cloudinary. Updated in Notion ✅
[upload-notion-images-to-cloudinary][DEBUG] 61b7aeb3-ea97-4ec6-b8c1-a762e8f0b711: db95193f-44a4-4a66-97b8-6d2850d499ab: not hosted in Notion
[upload-notion-images-to-cloudinary][DEBUG] 61b7aeb3-ea97-4ec6-b8c1-a762e8f0b711: 3f0104fb-e8aa-488f-a3b6-9ae8c2b7622b: not hosted in Notion
[upload-notion-images-to-cloudinary][INFO] End.
⭐️ Contributions are welcome. If this code can be useful to you, consider improving it and opening a pull request. There are things to be done, like:
- Handling errors more gracefully
- Supporting paginated results for large databases and pages
- Using the page title for the cover image filename
- Adding CI
- Writing tests