ExtAngular for Ext JS v6.6.0
ExtAngular for Ext JS v6.6.0
- create a project with Angular Cli https://www.npmjs.com/package/@angular/cli
- cd to created project
- run: npm i --save @gusmano/ext
- in angular.json
"styles": [ "src/styles.css" ], "scripts": []
with this:
"styles": [ "src/styles.css", "src/ext/modern/theme-material/resources/theme-material-all.css" ], "scripts": [ "src/ext/ext-modern-all.js" ]
add this to app.module.ts:
import { ExtComponent } from '@gusmano/ext'
replace this in app.module.ts:
declarations: [ AppComponent ],
with this:
declarations: [ ExtComponent, AppComponent ],
replace app.component.ts with this:
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
@Component({ selector: 'app-root', template: `
<ext-component [xtype]="'panel'" [config]="panelConfig">
<ext-component [xtype]="'container'" [config]="containerConfig"></ext-component>
<div style="text-align:center">
Welcome to {{title}}!
<img width="300" src="">
`, styles: [] }) export class AppComponent { button: any grid: any
private onButtonReady(ext) { this.button = ext } private onGridReady(ext) { this.grid = ext } private onGridSelect(parms) { console.log(parms.grid) console.log(parms.selected[0].data) } private onButtonTap(parms) { this.grid.setTitle(Date.now()) } title = 'app'; buttonInConfig = { text: 'Click Me in', height: 40, width: 150 } panelConfig = { title: 'panel', layout: 'vbox', height: 400, width: '100%' } containerConfig = { html: 'hi', height: 20, width: 20 } gridConfig = { title: 'Personnel', height: 300, width: '100%', columns: [ {text: 'Name',dataIndex: 'name',width: 100}, {text: 'Email',dataIndex: 'email',flex: 1}, {text: 'Phone',dataIndex: 'phone',width: 150} ], data: [ { name: 'Jean Luc', email: '[email protected]', phone: '555-111-1111' }, { name: 'ModernWorf', email: '[email protected]', phone: '555-222-2222' }, { name: 'Deanna', email: '[email protected]', phone: '555-333-3333' }, { name: 'Data', email: '[email protected]', phone: '555-444-4444' } ], } }