Lodash clone made for Lighthouse Labs Web Developement program
A mini clone of the Lodash library.
BEWARE: This library was published for learning purposes. It is not intended for use in production-grade software.
This project was created and published by me as part of my learnings at Lighthouse Labs.
Install it:
npm install @gus.demoura/lotide
Require it:
const _ = require('@gus.demoura/lotide');
Call it:
const results = _.tail([1, 2, 3]) // => [2, 3]
The following functions are currently implemented:
assertEqual(actual, expected)
: assert if two primitive values are equalassertArraysEqual(arr1, arr2)
: assert if two arrays are equalassertObjectsEqual(actual, expected)
: assert if two objects are equalcountLetters(string)
: created an object that counts how many times each letter appears in giver stringcountOnly(allItems, itemsToCount)
: given an array, counts how many times itemsToCount appears in that arrayeqArrays(arr1, arr2)
: determine if two arrays are equaleqObjects(object1, object2)
: determine if two objects are equalfindKeys(object, callback)
: return first key whose value matches callback conditionfindKeysByValue(object, value)
: return key whose value matches value in the argument and undefined if not foundhead(array)
: return the first item of an arrayletterPositions(sentence)
: return an object with character as keys and values as all the position that given character occour in a sentencemap(array, callback)
: return new array where the condition callback is applied to all items of array of the argumentmiddle(array)
: return new array containing the middle item(s) of given array. If given array has odd number of items returns one middle element, if even return both middle elementstail(array)
: returns array with all the items after the first one of given arraytakeUntil(array, callback)
: returns new array with items in same order of given array up to the element that satisfies the condition of the callback argumentwithout(source, itemsToRemove)
: returns new array that does not contain items listed in itemsToRemove argument