One Direct Module
This library can be added in the bot project and can be used to send the analytics to the One Direct platform or send the analytics data to different applications (ex: Convomate).
- Send Analytics to the One Direct platform.
- Send Analytics Data to Applications such as Convomate,etc. using Queuing Mechanism.
npm install @gupshup-io/gupshup-onedirect
1. Send Analytics to One Direct Platform
In order to connect to OneDirect analytics we need following details -
- One Direct Brand Auth Token : Token is required to push the analytics
- One Direct Brand Mobile Number : The mobile number which the brand is associated with
- One Direct Brand Host Name : Host name of the brand which is registered in One Direct
- Bot Id : Unique Id for the bot through which the current message is sent
- Bot Name : Name of the corresponding bot.
- Channel Name : Channel through which message is being sent.
These above details need to passed in the constructor call shown as below:
const oneDirectSDK = require("@gupshup-io/gupshup-onedirect").oneDirectSDK;
const whatsAppChannel = new oneDirectSDK(
oneDirectBrandAuthToken: ``, # Unique API Key of the customer
oneDirectBrandAccountMobileNumber: ``, # Associated Mobile number
of the oneDirect Account
oneDirectBrandAccountHostName: `` # Host name of the customer
botName: ``, # Bot Name to be used for conversation
botId: ``, # Corresponding bot Id
channelName: `` # Channel through which message is being sent.
The library should be used in order to identify the flow of events by the user. From where the user started the journey and which route the user has taken, so its necessary to tag every Message/Node/State in the bot flow. And that tag should be passed as a parameter to the library. Also, we need to make sure that parent Message/Node/State is also known and passed to the library.
captureEvent : This method takes in the node details, message to be passed and channel id for both inbound and outbound requests and further executes the requests. The following are the parameters that need to be passed :
- incomingMsg (String) : Message received from the user
- outgoingMsg (String) : Message responded by the bot
- channelId (Number): Unique Id for the channel in which the current message is exchanged
- inboundNodeData (JSON Object) : Incoming Message JSON Object with nodeId, nodeName, parentId, flowName and flowId as keys.
inboundNodeData = { "nodeId": "", # Id for the node inside the flow which the message is generated by "nodeName": "", # Name of the corresponding node "parentId": "", # Id for the node after which the current Node is executed. "flowName": "", # Name of the flow to which the message is related to "flowId": "", # Id of the corresponding flow } Flow will be the higher level entity and node will be entity within flow For example - `Menu` will be flow (Higher level) and `display_menu` will be a node Similarly `view_products` will be flow and `display_toothpaste`, `display_toothbrush`, `display_item3` will all be nodes. NodeId if not present, can be used same as nodeName, similarly if flowId can be used as same as flowName Parent ID is basically from which node is reply coming from.
- outboundNodeData (JSON Object): Outgoing Message JSON Object with nodeId, nodeName, parentId, flowName and flowId as keys.
nodeinfo = { "nodeId": "", # Id for the node inside the flow which the message is generated by "nodeName": "", # Name of the corresponding node "parentId": "", # Id for the node after which the current Node is executed. "flowName": "", # Name of the flow to which the message is related to "flowId": "", # Id of the corresponding flow "sessionId": "", # Unique session Id in which the current message is sent(Required only when either Method type is outbound) }
- retryCount (Number): Maximum number of tries to send the request if it fails . Default value is 0.
- methodType (String): The type of request that should be called. Available methodTypes are : 1. inbound 2. outbound 3. exchange (Inbound followed by outbound). Default value is exchange.
#For Whatsapp channel
const oneDirectSDK = require("@gupshup-io/gupshup-onedirect").oneDirectSDK;
const whatsAppChannel = new oneDirectSDK({
oneDirectBrandAuthToken: `xxxxxxxxx`,
oneDirectBrandAccountMobileNumber: `+91xxxxxxx`,
oneDirectBrandAccountHostName: `xxxxx.xxxxxx.xxx`
}, {
botName: `One Direct Module Test Bot`,
botId: `678`,
channelName: "WHATSAPP"
## Note : In case of outbound request, the sessionId needs to be passed in outboundNodeData as shown in example.
## Inbound request
inboundMsgData = {incomingMsg: "Hi..!!",channelId: 29712813}
inboundNodeData =
nodeId: `inboundNode`,
nodeName: `inboundNode`,
parentId: null,
flowName: `testflowIn`,
flowId: `testflowIn`
var inboundResponse = whatsAppChannel.captureEvent(inboundMsgData,inboundNodeData,null,5,"inbound")
## Outbound Request
outboundMsgData = {outgoingMsg: "What would you like to buy.?"}
outboundNodeData =
nodeId: `outboundNode`,
nodeName: `outboundNode`,
parentId: `inboundNode`,
flowName: `testflowOut`,
flowId: `testflowOut`,
sessionId: 1234567 #Valid Session Id is required
var outboundResponse = whatsAppChannel.captureEvent(outboundMsgData,null,outboundNodeData,5,"outbound")
## Both Inbound and Outbound
msgData = {incomingMsg: "Hi..!!", outgoingMsg: "What would you like to buy.?", channelId: 29712813}
inboundNodeData =
nodeId: `inboundNode`,
nodeName: `inboundNode`,
parentId: null,
flowName: `testflowIn`,
flowId: `testflowIn`
outboundNodeData =
nodeId: `outboundNode`,
nodeName: `outboundNode`,
parentId: `inboundNode`,
flowName: `testflowIn`,
flowId: `testflowIn`,
2. Send Data to any other app using Queue
In order to send data to any other app using queue, we would need the following values-
- Bot Id : Unique Id for the bot through which the current message is sent
- Bot Name : Name of the corresponding bot.
- Channel Name : Channel through which message is being sent.
- RabbitMQ URL : Rabbit MQ Connection URL over which data is sent
- Exchange Name : Exchange name across which data is sent
- Routing Key : Routing Key acts as an address that exchange uses to decide where the data is sent
These above details need to passed in the constructor call shown as below:
const SendDataByQueue = require("@gupshup-io/gupshup-onedirect").sendDataByQueue;
const sendDataByQueue = new SendDataByQueue(
channelName: `` # Channel through which message is being sent.
rabbitmqURL : `` , # RabbitMQ Connection URL
exchange: ``, # Exchange Name
routingKey : ``, # Routing Key for the exchange
captureEvent : This method takes in the node details, message to be passed and channel id for both inbound and outbound requests and further executes the requests. The following are the parameters that need to be passed :
- incomingMsg (String) : Message received from the user
- outgoingMsg (String) : Message responded by the bot
- channelId (Number): Unique Id for the channel in which the current message is exchanged
- inboundNodeData (JSON Object) : Incoming Message JSON Object with nodeId, nodeName, parentId, flowName and flowId as keys.
inboundNodeData = { "nodeId": "", # Id for the node inside the flow which the message is generated by "nodeName": "", # Name of the corresponding node "parentId": "", # Id for the node after which the current Node is executed. "flowName": "", # Name of the flow to which the message is related to "flowId": "", # Id of the corresponding flow } Flow will be the higher level entity and node will be entity within flow For example - `Menu` will be flow (Higher level) and `display_menu` will be a node Similarly `view_products` will be flow and `display_toothpaste`, `display_toothbrush`, `display_item3` will all be nodes. NodeId if not present, can be used same as nodeName, similarly if flowId can be used as same as flowName Parent ID is basically from which node is reply coming from.
- outboundNodeData (JSON Object): Outgoing Message JSON Object with nodeId, nodeName, parentId, flowName and flowId as keys.
nodeinfo = { "nodeId": "", # Id for the node inside the flow which the message is generated by "nodeName": "", # Name of the corresponding node "parentId": "", # Id for the node after which the current Node is executed. "flowName": "", # Name of the flow to which the message is related to "flowId": "", # Id of the corresponding flow }
methodType (String): The type of request that should be called. Available methodTypes are :
1. inbound 2. outbound 3. exchange (Inbound followed by outbound). Default value is exchange.
captureEventV2 : This method is used for sending multiple outgoing messages from bot to user. The following are the parameters that need to be passed :
- inboundNodeData (JSON Object) : Incoming Message JSON Object with nodeId, nodeName, parentId, flowName and flowId as keys.
inboundNodeData = { "incomingMsg": "", # Message received from the user "channelId": "", # Unique Id for the channel in which the current message is exchanged "nodeInfo" : { "nodeId": "", # Id for the node inside the flow which the message is generated by "nodeName": "", # Name of the corresponding node "parentId": "", # Id for the node after which the current Node is executed. "flowName": "", # Name of the flow to which the message is related to "flowId": "", # Id of the corresponding flow } } Flow will be the higher level entity and node will be entity within flow For example - `Menu` will be flow (Higher level) and `display_menu` will be a node Similarly `view_products` will be flow and `display_toothpaste`, `display_toothbrush`, `display_item3` will all be nodes. NodeId if not present, can be used same as nodeName, similarly if flowId can be used as same as flowName Parent ID is basically from which node is reply coming from.
- outboundNodeData (JSON Object): Array of Outgoing Message JSON Object with outgoingMsg, nodeId, nodeName, parentId, flowName and flowId as items in the JSON Object.
outboundNodeData = [{ "outgoingMsg": "" # Message responded by the bot "nodeInfo": { "nodeId": "", # Id for the node inside the flow which the message is generated by "nodeName": "", # Name of the corresponding node "parentId": "", # Id for the node after which the current Node is executed. "flowName": "", # Name of the flow to which the message is related to "flowId": "", # Id of the corresponding flow } }, ... ]
- methodType (String): The type of request that should be called. Available methodTypes are :
- inbound
- outbound
- exchange (Inbound followed by outbound). Default value is exchange.
## Inbound
inboundMsgData = {incomingMsg: "Hi..!!",channelId: 29712813}
inboundNodeData =
nodeId: `inboundNode`,
nodeName: `inboundNode`,
parentId: null,
flowName: `testflowIn`,
flowId: `testflowIn`
## Outbound
outboundMsgData = {outgoingMsg: "What would you like to buy.?"}
outboundNodeData =
nodeId: `outboundNode`,
nodeName: `outboundNode`,
parentId: `inboundNode`,
flowName: `testflowOut`,
flowId: `testflowOut`,
## Both Inbound and Outbound
msgData = {incomingMsg: "Hi..!!", outgoingMsg: "What would you like to buy.?", channelId: 29712813}
inboundNodeData =
nodeId: `inboundNode`,
nodeName: `inboundNode`,
parentId: null,
flowName: `testflowIn`,
flowId: `testflowIn`
outboundNodeData =
nodeId: `outboundNode`,
nodeName: `outboundNode`,
parentId: `inboundNode`,
flowName: `testflowIn`,
flowId: `testflowIn`,
## Multiple outgoing messages for both inbound and outbound ##
let inboundNodeData = {
incomingMsg: "test incoming",
channelId: "29712813"
nodeInfo : {
nodeId: `inboundNode`,
nodeName: `inboundNode`,
parentId: null,
flowName: `testflowIn`,
flowId: `testflowIn`
let outboundNodeData = [
outgoingMsg : "outgoing message 1"
nodeInfo : {
nodeId: `outboundNode1`,
nodeName: `outboundNode1`,
parentId: `inboundNode`,
flowName: `testflowIn`,
flowId: `testflowIn`,
outgoingMsg : "outgoing message 2"
nodeInfo : {
nodeId: `outboundNode2`,
nodeName: `outboundNode2`,
parentId: `outboundNode1`,
flowName: `testflowIn2`,
flowId: `testflowIn2`,
outbound messages will have their parent ID as their previous node
Data is sent in the form of an Object with keys inboundData and outboundData.
To listen to messages which are sent through rabbitmq, we would require an active consumer. Before publishing any messages, the consumer should be actively listening to incoming requests.
Note: 1. The sessionId and the one Direct Brand Account MobileNumber aren't present in the sent outbound and inbound data respectively. After consuming the data from the queue: * Add brand account to inbound Data * Add sessionId to outbound Data 2. The exchange across which data is shared should be durable
async function consumeMessage(consumer)
const connection = await amqp.connect(rabbitmqURL);
const channel = await connection.createChannel();
await channel.assertExchange(exchange,'direct',{
const q = await channel.assertQueue('',{
console.log("[x]Awaiting messages in Consumer");
var data = JSON.parse(msg.content)
// console.log(data["inboundData"]); Inbound Data
// console.log(data["outboundData"]); Outbound Data
// var inboundDataObj = JSON.parse(data["inboundData"]);
// inboundDataObj.brandAccount = oneDirectBrandAccountMobileNumber; Adding brand account to inbound data
// var outboundDataObj = JSON.parse(data["outboundData"]);
// outboundDataObj.sessionId = sessionId; Adding session Id to outbound data
},{ noAck : false });