Notification service for the Guardian's dev teams
Anghammarad Node Client
Anghammarad is a notification service for the Guardian's dev teams.
To use Anghammarad from your project, include its client library in your package.json.
yarn add @guardian/anghammarad
or npm install --save @guardian/anghammarad
The Anghammarad client contains a function that will send a notification.
import { Anghammarad } from '@guardian/anghammarad';
const client = new Anghammarad();
client.notify({ ...parameters });
For example
import { Anghammarad, RequestedChannel } from '@guardian/anghammarad';
const client = new Anghammarad();
subject: 'Hello',
message: "Hi there, something has happened which we'd like to tell you about",
actions: [{ url: 'https://example.com' }],
target: { Stack: 'my-stack', Stage: 'CODE', App: 'my-app' },
channel: RequestedChannel.Email,
sourceSystem: 'my-monitoring-tool',
topicArn: 'arn:aws:123',
Or providing the optional SNS client (more details)
import { Anghammarad, RequestedChannel } from '@guardian/anghammarad';
import { credentialsProvider, snsClient } from './aws';
const client = new Anghammarad();
subject: 'Hello',
message: "Hi there, something has happened which we'd like to tell you about",
actions: [{ url: 'https://example.com' }],
target: { Stack: 'my-stack', Stage: 'CODE', App: 'my-app' },
channel: RequestedChannel.Email,
sourceSystem: 'my-monitoring-tool',
topicArn: 'arn:aws:123',
client: snsClient(credentialsProvider()),
| key | description | required | example | | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | | subject | The subject line of the message | Y | "An example alert" | | message | The body of the message | Y | "This is an example alert. Please ignore" | | actions | An array of objects containing a cta and/or a url | Y | [{"url": "https://example.com}] | | target | A target object containing one or more of Stage, Stack, App and Account number | Y | {Stage: "CODE"} | | channel | One of the accepted channel types | Y | "prefer hangouts" | | sourceSystem | The name of the process sending the alert | Y | "my app" | | topicArn | The ARN of the topic to which the message should be send | Y | "arn:aws:..." | | client | An optional SNS client to send the message with. | N | https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/SNS.html |
Anghammarad can currently notify via either email or Google chat. The channel param can be used to pass the required notification channel. The prefix prefer
can be added to specify that where possible a particular channel should be used but if not, use another available channel. The RequestedChannel
enum is provided with a list of available values.
SNS Client
By default, an SNS client is created when you create an Anghammarad client. You can also optionally pass in your own SNS client either when creating the Anghammarad client or when sending a message, as shown in the examples below. You may want to do this if you need to provide any custom options to the SNS client either for all of the messages from you application or for specific messages.
// Custom client on notify
import {
} from "@guardian/anghammarad";
import { credentialsProvider, snsClient } from "./aws";
const client = new Anghammarad();
subject: "Hello",
message: "Hi there, something has happened which we'd like to tell you about",
actions: [{url: "https://example.com"}],
target: {Stack: "my-stack", Stage: "CODE", App: "my-app"},
channel: RequestedChannel.Email,
sourceSystem: "my-monitoring-tool",
topicArn: "arn:aws:123",
client: snsClient(credentialsProvider()
// Custom client for Anghammarad client
import { Anghammarad, RequestedChannel } from '@guardian/anghammarad';
import { credentialsProvider, snsClient } from './aws';
const client = new Anghammarad(snsClient(credentialsProvider()));
subject: 'Hello',
message: "Hi there, something has happened which we'd like to tell you about",
actions: [{ url: 'https://example.com' }],
target: { Stack: 'my-stack', Stage: 'CODE', App: 'my-app' },
channel: RequestedChannel.Email,
sourceSystem: 'my-monitoring-tool',
topicArn: 'arn:aws:123',
Releasing the client
The client is published to npm as @guardian/anghammarad
. You must have an npm
account with 2fa enabled and be part of the guardian
organisation. You can then run npm version <patch|minor|major>
followed by npm publish
to publish the library, enterring your OTP when prompted (issues have been encountered running yarn publish
in the past so npm is recommended).