An easy way to create discord.js commands
How to install
npm i @gtramontin/discord-commands
How to use it
First Import Discord-Commands
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client();
const DiscordCommands = require('@gtramontin/discord-commands')
Instance the class
The first parameter is the prefix and the second is the instace of Discord.Client
const bot = new DiscordCommands.bot('!', client)
Create Your First Command
the first parameter is command name and the second is a callback function with message as parameter
bot.command('ping', async msg => {
await msg.channel.send('pong 🏓')
You Can Use Parameters
bot.command('say-my-name', async (msg, name, lastName) => {
await msg.channel.send(`Hello ${name} ${lastName}`)
Empty Commnad Will Be Executed On Each Message
This is an example of an capslock spam filter
bot.command('', async msg => {
const message = msg.content
const numberOfUppercases = message.split('').reduce((total, current) => {
if (current === current.toUpperCase()) {
return total + 1
return total
}, 0)
const maxPercentageOfUppercase = 0.8 // 80%
if (numberOfUppercases / message.length >= maxPercentageOfUppercase) {
await msg.delete({
timeout: 500
await msg.channel.send(`${msg.author.toString()} this is spam!`)
There Is Some Options
1. acceptBot
The bot will not ignore bot messages
const bot = new DiscordCommands.bot('!', client, {
acceptBot: true,
2. quotesAsOneArg: quotes(""), will be interpreted as one argument
const bot = new DiscordCommands.bot('!', client, {
quotesAsOneArg: true
In this example the bot show the first two parameters separated by ":"